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Everything posted by HBU

  1. HBU


  2. HBU


    $900 rifle only OBO. Scope can sell separately or with a package.
  3. HBU


    Location is south Scottsdale
  4. HBU


    Can also add a couple full boxes of 143 ELDX.
  5. HBU


    Comes with 28 rds of Winchester ammo plus another 1/2 box or so the next time I go to my trailer. Also a very nice saddle scabbard.
  6. HBU


    PM for pricing
  7. HBU


    Pm me for details. Also posting a 30-30.
  8. HBU

    Zamberlan boots-SOLD

    Interested, will send pm
  9. HBU

    WTB 204 Ruger rifle

    PM sent
  10. HBU

    WTB Toy Hauler

    I know a guy selling one. You can give him a call. His name is Chance 602-290-5600
  11. HBU

    Found both. Thanks

    Looking for a 25 auto and a 32 auto. All models considered. Please let me know if you are selling either.
  12. HBU


    I'll go 3rd on the 21. I am in the valley.
  13. HBU


    PM sent
  14. HBU

    Kolpin Boot bracket for polaris

    TTT with lower price. $40.00??
  15. Kolpin gun boot bracket for Polaris lock and ride. Asking $50.00
  16. HBU

    Sig P226 Mags

    2 new in box Sig P226 15 round magazines. $35.00 each.
  17. HBU

    Sig P226 Mags

    Sorry, I guess I should have said that they are 9mm.
  18. HBU

    Vortex Ranger 1000

    Sold, please delete
  19. HBU

    Saiga .223 $225 OBO

    PM sent
  20. HBU

    Ruger .22 Hornet magazines

    I will take them.
  21. HBU

    Custom Glock

    Not much of a Glock guy but this weapon is absolutely bad butt. I will give you an offer. PM sent.
  22. HBU

    Custom Glock

    Not much of a Glock guy but this weapon is absolutely bad butt. I will give you an offer. PM sent.
  23. HBU

    Custom Glock

    That thing is as sweet as a glock can get. Some people might have interest here.
  24. We are a commercial service and maintenance company looking for a couple additional technicians. We complete any and all kinds of repairs. We perform light electrical and plumbing as well. Please PM me if interested.