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About HBU

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/30/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Scottsdale

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  1. HBU

    WTB swarovski 8x30 CL.

    Saw these. Looking for the 8s. Thanks
  2. Please let me know if you have a pair that you might want to let go of.
  3. HBU

    WTB 20g Auto

    Looking to possibly purchase a newer 20 gauge auto. Something decent but not super spendy. Let me know if you might be selling something that fits the bill.
  4. HBU

    WTB 20g Auto

    Looking to possibly purchase a newer 20 gauge auto. Something decent but not super spendy. Let me know if you might be selling something that fits the bill.
  5. HBU

    WTB 3 wheeler

    Anyone have any old three wheeler they might be interested in selling or possibly trading?
  6. HBU

    Need a good boot repair recomendation.

    Dave Page the cobbler.
  7. HBU

    Free Custom Spotter Case

    Pm sent.
  8. New/Unused condition. $75.00
  9. HBU

    BTX forehead rest

    Forehead rest for BTX. $30
  10. HBU


  11. Friday bump with lower pricing.
  12. HBU


    Weekend bump
  13. HBU


    Weekend bump