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Everything posted by LK37

  1. Looking to sell these, would be good for a kid getting into hunting. Comes with the case, strap and cover flaps. I've only used them a handful of times and they have no blemishes. Looking to get $100. Definitely a budget set of binos but would be great for a beginner. I live in Phoenix so willing to meet and hand them off somewhere in the area.
  2. I applied for Unit 23 turkeys this fall, was wondering what kind of success anyone has had in years prior. What's hunting pressure like with so many tags given out? I've had success in the spring but this would be my first attempt at a fall bird. I'm going to try and target gobblers but would be just as happy taking a hen home. Id appreciate any feed back or knowledge anyone could provide. Thanks!
  3. I did my Hunters Ed in April as well and they just told us you wouldn’t be able to see the bonus point in your portal. Hopefully I’ll be able to see mine once draw results come out. Kinda sketchy just trusting them to give us the bonus point but I guess we will have to wait and see if they did.