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Everything posted by jamaro

  1. jamaro

    a little R&R trip

    cool.. sounds like a fun trip
  2. jamaro

    Do we have any Head Bangers??

    That is awesome... thanks for posting
  3. jamaro

    hassled by border patrol

    That sucks.... Did he ever ask if you about your citizenship? Seems like that would be what he should have been doing... Once that is determine the line of questioning needs to stop unless they have suspicion that you are hiding something...
  4. jamaro

    Unit 27 in NM

    I wish I had more info to give you because I would be interested in a swap... BUT make sure you know your access points because those landowners down there DON"T mess around... Jason
  5. jamaro

    Looking For Antelope Hunt

  6. jamaro

    Found a big WT skull and metate!

  7. jamaro

    Looking For Antelope Hunt

    I think Wade Billings might have one..
  8. Hey Everybody I just did a search on the website and I think I am going crazy because I thought someone did a comparison between the two binoculars... When the Leicas on 15 how do they compare??? I sure would like to get away from carrying to pairs of glass.... Any help would be great.... Jason
  9. jamaro

    how do they look?!

    If the first deer THEY found were Coues Deer we might have a deal... jason :blink:
  10. jamaro

    how do they look?!

    NICE... i am going to order mine next week.. jason
  11. Dude.. those are great... jason
  12. jamaro

    Do we have any Head Bangers??

    Tommy???? DON"T MAKE ME CALL YOU OUT.... GIVE IT UP.....
  13. nice.... do you have any idea of the age of that buck? jason
  14. jamaro

    Swar 15x vs. Leica 10x-15x Duo

    thanks guys.... I am going to try to make it to sportsman warehouse in Las Cruces to see if I have any "fit" issues... they I am going to order from Doug.... Jason
  15. jamaro

    Swar 15x vs. Leica 10x-15x Duo

    yeah I think that is it... Casey.... Any news on the binos???? jason
  16. jamaro

    Weekend pics

    wow.. that is alot of elk.. j
  17. jamaro

    Desert Carp

    Nice.... Do you think you can get a treestand in that saguaro? jason
  18. those are great... jason
  19. jamaro

    Oh ya, its a biggin!!!

    Nice... j
  20. Did you guys see this??? This lady needs to just do her job and not get too attached... http://www.scdailypress.com/index.php?pSet...rt&index=01 J-
  21. jamaro

    1st deer

    Awesome... great job.. jason
  22. jamaro

    coues horn and elk set

    Great Job.... jason
  23. Hey everybody Just a reminder... Sat at 5:30 is the Gila Gobblers Banquet at the Santa Clara armory... It is a really cool event and it is kid friendly... They still have tickets left.... We will be there.... Jason
  24. jamaro

    Rage 2 Blade broadhead

    this head has created ALOT of buzzzzz.... you might want to do a search over on archerytalk.... alot of people have had great success with the heads... jason