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Everything posted by jamaro

  1. jamaro

    bow draw question

    It MIGHT impact the way you are holding the bow.... Maybe you are able to have been form????
  2. jamaro

    NM Set

    Great Job... BUT most importantly.. Thanks for taking Kristen.. j
  3. jamaro

    new non-resident laws

    You are correct.. AZ doesn't .. AND most Resident Hunters HATE those Outfitter Subsidies.. I have been against them since day one... We just want what you have.. Let's all play by the same rules... J-
  4. jamaro

    new non-resident laws

    You need to have a signed contract before you put in and you can no longer use a outfitter number and go unguided... PS - ALL we want is the same rules that AZ has.. J-
  5. jamaro

    Happy Birthday Treestandman!

    Miss you brother... J
  6. jamaro

    WTB Badlands Backpack

    I have a brand new never used 4500 if you are still interested.. Let me know
  7. jamaro

    What weight arrow/broad head for elk?

    Easton FMJ 400 - ALL DAY... Silver Flame Broadheads 100gr - Best head out there
  8. It looks like we are getting one step closer in helping manage the deer population in Silver City… I have posted the proposal before but if you want to see it again follow this LINK. Also one of the cool things that might be happening is,if you hunt in CERTAIN UNITS during the archery seasons and you are not successful you will be able to turn those bucks tags into doe tags IF you hunt in a certain area. —- Town of Silver City Council Meeting, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Hwy 180 E. On the agenda: Deer management for the Silver City area by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish; http://thenewmexicosportsman.com/?p=975 Jason
  9. jamaro

    My 2012 Archery Javelina... Vid

    It was in NM... thanks guys.. it was a great way to end a great season... Jason
  10. jamaro

    My 2012 Archery Javelina... Vid

    My Vid... Sorry no Kill Shot but I am doing this SOLO...
  11. jamaro

    Headed to NM

    That is a drag.. I have never put in for those suckers.. maybe this year
  12. jamaro

    My 2012 Archery Javelina... Vid

    They dig for tubers and munch on prickly pears when they can find them... J
  13. jamaro

    Desert Sheep Skull for sale...

    The last one that sold in 2005 sold for... PS... Can i get a loan??? $31,000.00 it might have been because of the high rollers going at it but that was the amount...
  14. jamaro

    My 2012 Archery Javelina...

    Hey Guys.. I shot this little lady yesterday... I have some video but I will share that later.. Take Care
  15. jamaro

    My 2012 Archery Javelina...

    Thank you everybody..
  16. jamaro

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    Dude...Sometimes you need to keep your mouth shut! i don't know if anyone has said this to you but you get really annoying sometimes! Mark +1 Mark have no doubt.. People have said it... J
  17. Jay... I am getting ready enter my info for the Elk and Antelope Draw... I am a bowhunter NR... What units do you suggest that I put in for? Jason
  18. I got an extra guide vest in XL for Christmas... $115 shipped... New PS... Is Casey wants the vest it is $165 he still owes me $50 Jason
  19. OK Guys... I need some input... I and NMWF want to do some sort of PSA talking about Land Usage Maps, particularly on GPS's. Basically what we are finding is that some NOT all LO are trying to bluff totally legal hunters off of public land... It happened to a board member this weekend... What we need to do is "arm" ourselves with knowledge. We need a way of pushing back on these LO that are making ideal threats of trespassing.. We also need to make sure that we are not trespassing and doing the right thing... These LO have learned that if they sound convincing enough many sportsman will back down because they are not 100% that they are on public land.. If effect many checkerboard parts of the state don't get hunted because people are just too afraid to risk it...SOOO my questions is 1) How do you determine Land Usage? 2) Do you have any things we should include on the PSA? 3) Anything else??? Once again thank you Jason www.The New Mexico Sportsman.com
  20. jamaro

    Tag donation?

    In theory yes... but it takes the commission to decide on it soooo... probably not... Jason
  21. jamaro

    Weiers memo

    This will be interesting because it could mean alot of money for groups like ADA..
  22. Thanks Brian... I guess I am NO STAN POTTS... Jason BTW I don't ever want to say Coues Deer hunters are better than other hunters but I think we often measure success differently than other hunters... There have been times I have prayed like heck just to see a DOE...
  23. Trot... I think the Sacs have some MONSTER Mulies... Do you hunt Coues Deer or Mulies in the Sacs? J