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About Bigchillin

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  1. Bigchillin

    retical identification

    I bought a used ST-10 and I'm trying to identify the retical that's in it. It looks very similar to the RDP but without the hash mark above the cross hairs and there are no numbers representing hash mark values. Thanks in advance
  2. Bigchillin


    Pm incoming
  3. Please I need the two large diameters of a Uzi trunion, the main body and the front of the trunion were it butts up against the front of the receiver. Help will be appreciated!! Thanks.
  4. Bigchillin

    Swarovski BTF

    Can you hunt with Swarovski BTF (Ballistic Turret Flex) turret on? Or is it too risky to get whacked by a branch ? Any real life experiences? Thanks
  5. Bigchillin

    FS HK P30 V3

    I’m looking to part with my HK P30 V3 as I recently purchased a p30L. Original box, back straps/side swells and HK paddle holster. Very good ergonomics. Extremely accurate and reliable pistol. Asking $600.00