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About Bowman1964

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  1. Bowman1964

    Corner Crossing

    True & Agree IA Born. Just “hoping” that the 9th Circuit will follow suit. Of course, it’s the 9th Circuit, so one never knows! 😂
  2. Bowman1964

    Corner Crossing

    Thank you for posting this! This decision sets a fantastic precedent for all of us that hunt in the west! bill
  3. Bowman1964

    My first coues sheds

    Cool matching set Steve! Keep checking back in the area you found them!
  4. Bowman1964

    Stone Glacier, Sitka, ASAT Camo

    JIVega, After further consideration, I will pass on the jacket. My apologies for wasting your time. Thank you, Bill
  5. Washington? I would have almost bet that the new world record would’ve come from right here. Dude is a bonafide bow hunter, that’s for sure. Article is posted on outdoor life website. Best, bill
  6. Bowman1964

    Stone Glacier, Sitka, ASAT Camo

    Sir, I will take the Stone Glacier Grumman at a price of 200.00 if you are willing to part with at that price. I will also pay shipping of course. Bill Hooper 520) two 66 13 one two
  7. Bowman1964

    27 late rifle for disabled youth.

    Awesome beyond words! Thank you for sharing and thank you to the folks that helped. Well done young man!
  8. Bowman1964

    Last day buck

    Thanks all. And thanks Eddie for correcting the photo! Kev, yes on Huachuca. Just retired (for the second time), so should have more time to hunt and fish if the grandkids will let me. 😀
  9. Bowman1964

    Last day buck

    Came to water at 12:40 pm on the last day on the Fort. First Coues with a bow. 😀
  10. Bowman1964

    FS Outdoorsmans Palisade 90 Pack $200.00- Sold

    Sir, I’ll take it. I am down in SE AZ. Would you consider shipping if I pay cost? Text me please and we can work the details. Five two zero 266-13onetwo Thank you, Bill Hooper
  11. I see you now. Glad you got a quick response. dad
  12. Bowman1964

    Banded Taxidermy NE Mesa

    Welcome! Great Javelina!
  13. Bowman1964


    How much you asking in cash Tyler? Bill
  14. Bowman1964

    FS: Badlands Monster Fanny Pack

    Ruppart-I will take it Sir! Coming up that way on Saturday morning. Text me at the number below and we can work link up details. Thank you, Bill Hooper 520-266-1312
  15. Bowman1964

    FS: Badlands Monster Fanny Pack

    Lowered the price to what? I’ll be up there next weekend and need a light waist pack for the grandson Bill