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Everything posted by azpackhorse

  1. azpackhorse

    Unit 1 spring turkey

    I shot this bird off of the 117 road and the beard was around 9" (didn't measure it)
  2. azpackhorse

    My brothers turkey!

    Congrats, nice turkey!
  3. azpackhorse

    My Spring Hunting Season

    Nice! you were hunting in 3B wernt you? where was the Javelina from? Congrats,
  4. azpackhorse

    Turkey Hunting

    Nice birds! I will be in unit 1 next weekend.
  5. azpackhorse

    Awesome Lion Pic's

    Nice photos! I really need to do a lion hunt one of these days, what awesome creatures!
  6. azpackhorse

    another cat hunter down

    Read the story in a book called Borderland Jaguars, lots of good history in there. Got a couple great stories told by Dale Lee also. I got a friend that is in the book, he killed a Jaguar when he was a teenager down by Nogales.............it tried to eat him.
  7. azpackhorse

    another cat hunter down

    I recently read a story about Sewell Goodwin and Ted Ferguson tracking and killing a Jaguar on the La Cie'nega ranch in 1961. They tracked the cat into the Total Wreck Mine and then went in after it with a flashlight and a 30-30. It took them a few shots but they ended up killing it. Definately one of the Southwest legends has passed, they just don't make them like that anymore.
  8. azpackhorse

    Unit 1,2b,2c Bull Elk

    I have a buddy here at work that drew the same tag.
  9. azpackhorse

    Dinosaur Tracks?

    The dirt wouldn't even have to be that soft Desertbull I've been told that there are some up on Atascosa that are thought to be Sabre Tooth tracks but have never seen them.
  10. azpackhorse

    spring bear

    Figured it wernt a sow with a nogg'n that big. Know the number for harvest info, been call'n it. I found a "hot spot" with lots of sign, gonna trade my .300 win mag for my 30-30 today cuz it's really thick with lots of green grass in there (great spot for bowhunting Dave). I did find a bear but he'd been dead for a few months, I will get the pics off my camera and try to post them. That is a good look'n bear, good job.
  11. azpackhorse

    spring bear

    Makes sense now, our company is one of the major sponsors. Tell me that bear aint a sow from 34a
  12. azpackhorse

    spring bear

    cmc, been rack'n my brain try'n to figure out where I recognize you from, do you work the RMEF banquets?
  13. azpackhorse

    spring bear

    Nice look'n bear! congrats!
  14. azpackhorse


    Big fat ZERO for me, oh well, I got all of my spring choices so gonna head out and see if I can find a big ol bear. Anyone not draw a tag that thought they did cuz of CC hits? Best of luck to all of the lucky hunters that drew tags!
  15. azpackhorse

    Feral Hogs in Az!?

    If someone wants to know where I've seen feral hogs PM me and I'll tell ya, it's the same area that bobbyo was in. They are fun to hunt and I don't mind sharing "secret spots' lol!
  16. azpackhorse

    Feral Hogs in Az!?

    A few years back there were quite a few of them around Red Rock, I tried to archery hunt them but could never get a shot. We seen one big black one that would go 400lbs or more. Some jackass leveled all of the habitat they were living in next to the Santa Cruz river and I haven't seen them in a while. I know of a couple of guys that shot hogs out there.
  17. azpackhorse

    Bears in 33

    I would start on top by the fire station, I have a bear hunt that starts Friday in 34a. There are bear signs off the road up there so I can only assume there are bears
  18. azpackhorse

    Pre 64 Winchester Featherweight 270

    what condition would you say it's in? I know you said very nice but as far as gun values there are poor, fair, good, very good, and excellent. Is it safe to assume very good?
  19. azpackhorse

    C/W member says his card got hit

    I really hope that those of you who think you have drawn tags really did but...............maybe it's just me but....................it seems like an awful lot of people have been charged for elk AND antelope tags............ever stop to think about what the odds are for that happening? Not that it can't but it just seems like there are way too many REALLY successful applicants. Like I said, I really hope that you guys and ladies did draw your tags but I aint count'n on nutt'n til I see the word DRAWN next to my hunt choices! Best of luck to everyone!!
  20. azpackhorse


    Nice!! Hunting for Lions behind dogs is definately on my "to do" list. Good job guys! Kinda looks like an area I hunt a little east of San Manuel. I was in Sportsmans Wharehouse yesterday and didn't see that photo hang'n up there yet.
  21. azpackhorse

    Update from Wyoming

    Very nice home! I built a doghouse for my dogs but I spend quite a bit of time in it..............................
  22. azpackhorse

    C/W member says his card got hit

    You never know..................................
  23. azpackhorse

    C/W member says his card got hit

    I applied on-line with a CC but have decided to not call my CC company and just wait it out, I can use a lesson in patience. Casey, you know that AZGF personnel frequent this and other popular hunting sites right? I personally think that AZGF has done a great job so far with this draw
  24. azpackhorse

    Draw results are getting closer.

    Just wait until you have kids, house payment, and all the other luxuries of adulthood.
  25. azpackhorse

    Draw results are getting closer.

    Kinda crazy how we get so anxious to get bad news