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Everything posted by azpackhorse

  1. azpackhorse

    Game Processor near Tucson

    I've used WGP for the last few years and he does a good job. He is located off of Ruthroff Rd. not too far from I-10 phone # is 520-292-2262
  2. Dude, with double droppers the buck would've gotten the first round from me!!
  3. azpackhorse

    Howdy Boys!!!

    Man what country!! Looks cold though! Best wishes to you and your family Scotty, hope you enjoy your new home.
  4. azpackhorse

    Hunt cancelled-bummer.

    I'm with Jim, go even if it's a half day! It's gorgeous down there right now, the weather should be around 75 deg. How far of a drive is it for you? 36b................. 36b................ 36b................. and last but not least.........36b...... you wanna go yet? I got more
  5. azpackhorse

    Jim White Tri pod head

    I would like to hear from those of you who own a Jim White tripod head. Do you like it,is it all it's cracked up to be? Is it worth the $ ? Any faults? You can Pm me or post here if it's good I am considering buying one, just hard to justify the $ (ya Casey, I know I'm a tight-wad) Thanks,
  6. azpackhorse

    October Get Together in 36's

    Good response
  7. azpackhorse

    October Get Together in 36's

    I will try and be there, not sure where I will be. Casey, your rifle does shoot very good.................................so what's your excuse??? Ever hear of "liver eating Johnson"
  8. azpackhorse

    Long Range Animal Recovery

    And someone to yell "low and right" "high and left"
  9. azpackhorse

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Happy birthday young lady!! Have a great day
  10. azpackhorse

    36B HAM Javelina

    Nice Christian!! Congrats! I was down there yesterday looking for deer and found a big herd of Javvies............and 4 mojados wanting a ride You've really been racking them up this year, keep it up bro!
  11. azpackhorse

    Saturday AM scouting

    That spot looks real familiar
  12. It's a blast! Have fun. I went last year and it was awesome! (South Dakota) Can't go this year due to conflicts in my schedule. Here is one days limit, 8 guys, 3 birds/each
  13. azpackhorse

    Long Range Animal Recovery

    I usually take a little time and pick reference points to use as guides and take my time getting to the spot the animal was downed at but last year I had about 10 minutes of light left on the last day, luckily I had a buddy with me. When we made our way across the canyon to retreive my buck I lost track of the point of impact, with some persuasion I talked my buddy into returning to where I had shot from and he guided me to the downed buck. I was standing 40 yards from it and could not see it due to the tall grass, from the other side of the canyon he stood out like a sore thumb. Marking the place where you shoot from is a real good idea.
  14. azpackhorse

    Back from Montana

    Nice Antelope! congrats!!
  15. azpackhorse

    Time for my elk hunt

    Good luck and enjoy your hunt!!
  16. azpackhorse

    Whats the Weirdest?

    BEAT lol!! ya it really POUNDED the competition!!!! I think I would have thrown rocks or something
  17. azpackhorse

    I found Brians "secret" buck!

    Phil, He's a regular, well he was until the cattle came in and destroyed my little honey-hole. I have around 60 photos of him from the last 4 weeks, I pulled my cam last weekend. ps, they really liked the recipe!!
  18. azpackhorse

    Whats the Weirdest?

    A few years a go I watched a doe Coues and a Javelina that were buddies, the doe would walk up the trail and turn and look at the Javelina and wait for it to catch up to her. One of the coolest things I've seen was about 20 years ago, I watched a badger tree a rattlesnake. The snake was buzz'n like crazy up in a small mesquite tree and the badger was circling it trying to get it down. Eventually the badger seen me and waddled off. Last year we watched a Coues doe run off a large Bobcat, she had a fawn with her..........my buddy missed the Bobcat. I was quail hunting several years ago and got into a covey, I dropped one out in an open area and turned to shoot at more that had busted out to my side when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, it was a Horned Owl that had seen my quail flopping on the ground and decided to swoop down and snatch it up. When the Owl landed to grab the quail he looked straight at me as if to say "thanks".
  19. azpackhorse

    New Mexico Junior Elk Success

    Congrats!! very nice bull!!
  20. azpackhorse

    I found Brians "secret" buck!

    since you like to shoot forkies I found this one for you
  21. azpackhorse

    I found Brians "secret" buck!

    oh.................can't hear quite as good as I used to......especially when punk kids are yapp'n you mean these?????????
  22. azpackhorse

    Brunton 15x51

    sold pending funds!
  23. azpackhorse

    Brunton 15x51

    I have a pair of Brunton 15 x 51 Eterna binoculars for sale, used one season in perfect shape. includes original box, tripod adapter. Great glass for the $, small compact and lightweight. $400 obo. trade for sumtin????? gracias,
  24. azpackhorse

    I found Brians "secret" buck!

    you wanted a big buck?................................I thought you said butt
  25. azpackhorse

    Second Archery Bull

    cute bull congrats to the hunter!