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Everything posted by azpackhorse

  1. azpackhorse

    Over Too Soon

    Congrats to your father! Spectacular photos and write up!!
  2. azpackhorse

    AzPackhorse B-Day!

    Thanks guys! Mike, Casey is just upset cuz I gotta stop and wait for him to catch up Best B-day present I got was my 7 year old Granddaughter was looking at my mounts and antlers last night and told me that she wanted to shoot a deer!! Nice!
  3. azpackhorse

    My '07 New Mexico Coues

    That is cool! Definately a successful hunt all the way around, congrats!
  4. azpackhorse


    What a great buck! Seems that you guys have found the 4 point honey hole!! Great job and a big congrats to your wife!
  5. azpackhorse

    My Nov. buck

    Well here he is, this is the buck I was gunn'n for since August. I have around 40 trail cam pics of this guy. I glassed him up about an hour into the hunt on the first day, I asked my son if he wanted to go and he said "nope, that's your buck" so off I went! He bedded up and it took me about 1 1/2 hours to locate him, I was going to wait him out but it was getting hot and I was getting impatient! I called Levi (my son) on the radio and told him I was going to try a head shot...........long pause, then he said "it's up to you boss" I ranged him at 232yds, all I could see was his head and a little of his neck just below his jaw. Not knowing how his body was positioned I flipped out the Harris bi-pod and got in the scope. I had to get in and out of the rifle about 3 times before I felt comfortable, this was going to be a one shot deal as I figured if I missed he would top over into the next canyon and be gone. I steadied my breathing and squeezed the trigger on the Ruger .300 winmag....boom! I hurried back into the scope only to see the buck's legs sticking straight up! I could hear Levi scream from over 1000yds away! I hit him just below the jaw on the right side. Thank you Levi for your help! It was a long, rough pack out whick took us 6 hours from the time I shot him until we reached the truck, I am so glad I have a young, strong son!! I haven't scored him yet as he is boiling in the pot right now but a rough estimate is around 107"
  6. This is my buddy's wife's November buck, I was fortunate enough to be with them and got to witness the whole thing happen! My buddy, his wife (the shooter) and their two kids went after this buck while I stayed up on the hill and kept an eye on him. Julie made an awesome shot around 175yds after closing the distance of around 800yds through some nasty,rough country. Congatulations Julie!!
  7. azpackhorse

    My Nov. buck

    Thought I would add a couple different angles of "Diablo" his G2's are 9" long! Thanks for all of the kind response, I was truly blessed with an awesome Coues this year!
  8. azpackhorse

    My 2007 AZ Coues Hunt

    WOW! what an awesome adventure and buck! congatulations Amanda!
  9. azpackhorse

    My first Deer ever.

    What a great buck and good for you for stick'n with it!! Congrats!
  10. azpackhorse

    Monster MOMS!!!!

    Now that is way cool!! Nice job Mom!! Awesome buck wow!
  11. If you will be hunting off of Sasabe Rd. then exiting Avra Valley road then taking Sandario Rd. to Ajo Rd. is your best option. Mid day should not be as bad as 8am on I-10...........unless there is an accident then you're screwed. The distance and time is about the same going down Sandario Rd. Good luck on the hunt!
  12. azpackhorse

    Absolute Giant!!

    I heard it was from the deer herd on 3 mile island
  13. azpackhorse

    Son's 1st Coues

    Nice! Congrats to your son and great job of passing it on Dad!!
  14. azpackhorse

    My Nov. buck

    "There's nothing better than naming your buck before season and then bringing him home. Sooo, what's his name? " Thanks for the congrats guys, I had named him "Diablo" because a couple of friends I work with had said that they have tried to kill this buck buck their bullets couldn't kill him, they called him the "Diablo buck"...............................my bullet worked just fine
  15. azpackhorse

    november 36b success!!!

    Very nice!! Congrats! I drove past your camp a couple of times. Did not know it was a fellow CWT member or I would've stopped by!!
  16. azpackhorse

    My Nov. buck

    Here is one of the cam pics from this buck
  17. azpackhorse

    Nov hunt Hat Trick!!!

    Very nice Jake! Big congrats to PJ and the boys!!
  18. azpackhorse


    I have this one set aside for you Tommy
  19. azpackhorse


    I am!! This has been a very long 4 day week!! Good luck to all that have November tags, be safe and shoot straight!
  20. azpackhorse

    Spring Results Are Up!!!

    No turkey this year but we got 36a,b,c archery Javelina and a unit 31 spring bear tag
  21. azpackhorse

    34A scouting trip

    That is some great country Doug, the fourth photo is pretty darn close to where I found that dead bear this spring. Those are the Amado Hills in the background I beleive.
  22. azpackhorse

    Very last day buck

    What an awesome buck Rich!! Congrats!!
  23. azpackhorse

    Bighorn sheep

    it's the real deal
  24. azpackhorse

    Bighorn sheep

    I'll give you $20 and a Farrah Faucet poster for him
  25. azpackhorse

    23 here I come

    good luck fatfoot, I'm outa here for unit 16 in like 15 hours