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Everything posted by azpackhorse

  1. azpackhorse

    Almost time to hit the hills!!!!

    I have the 36b October hunt also. Good luck to all you early hunters!
  2. azpackhorse

    courtney's first deer

    First off congrats to your daughter! I don't use the attachment feature too often on the site but you click the "browse" button, select the file you want, then click "upload", when you want to place it in your post you click the dropdown above the browse & upload buttons that says "manage current attachments" and click on your attachment and it should place it in your post. Looking forward to seeing your daughters buck!
  3. azpackhorse

    Noon Siesta or

    I usually get a nap in during the day while hunting but I don't go back to camp to do it, especially when it's hot (like it's gonna be next week ) I just tuck up under a bush or tree and rest the ol eyeballs a little. Last year I woke up from a little nap and had Mearns quail all around me making that little chirping noise they make, took me a while to figure out what the heck it was.
  4. azpackhorse

    gett'n there

    That's a bummer for sure, I live quite a ways from there but have friends that live over in that area. You can send the photo to brian@abrams.com and I will post it up for you. I am heading to South Dakota to hunt pheasants on the 30th of this month.
  5. azpackhorse

    ahhh steaks

    Is WGP...wild game processors?? Yes
  6. azpackhorse

    ahhh steaks

    Yea I've been going to Wilcox.... I've been using WGP for several years, I think that's who Casey uses as well. Jonathan does and exceptional job. His number is 520-292-2262, cell# 520-349-9635. He is off of Ruthrauff Rd. not too far from I-10
  7. azpackhorse

    gett'n there

    Casey, Levi and I saw him last year with his buddy, a nice 3x3, but I have not seen him this year other than the cam pics.
  8. I have a buck on camera that shed his velvet in one days time. Look at the dates on the photos, thought it was very interesting. I have a couple of photos that show a little peice of velvet hanging and the antlers are red.
  9. azpackhorse

    Happy birthday Amanda !

    Happy birthday young lady, hope you have a great one!
  10. azpackhorse

    Glassing Strategies

    "if you are using high power binocs (15X or greater) DO NOT forget to look in close. your field of view is limited but if you are being quiet, there might be a buck within a couple hundred yards that you are not seeing because you are glassing at 400+ yards out. " This is probably one of the worst habits I have, I automatically start looking far away with the big glass. I am retraining myself to also look close with the 15's. All very good advice.
  11. I was driving home Friday and came up behund a dark green Super Duty with a headache rack and on the tailgate was a CouesWhitetail.Com sticker. This was on Avra Valley Rd. and the truck turned South on Anway Rd. I was the guy in the Jeep Wrangler tailgating you
  12. azpackhorse

    Scouting Unit 36B 10/11/08

    In this photo the far ridge there is a small bunch of Mesquite trees, last year we glassed a very nice buck from that point. He was laying right where I took this photo from, the hillside was very open and he all but disappeared on it. God I love that country,
  13. azpackhorse

    2008 Archery Elk.

    Very nice write up Phil, big congrats to Jim! Those are some amazing photos for sure.
  14. azpackhorse

    Trail Cam

    NRS, yep that's what they were. gamehauler, those guys hunting squirrels? Is there anything else open? Nice buck!
  15. azpackhorse

    Scouting Unit 36B 10/11/08

    I like the rough nasty country, if someone else is in there hunting I don't mind sharing with them cuz I know they busted their butts just as much as I did. That is some great country WinMag, the hill in your 3rd photo almost always has deer on it. Good luck on your hunt. Here is a photo of some of the type of country I really enjoy glassing.
  16. azpackhorse

    shedding velvet

    I'll put a couple more photos up that I thought were cool. Breakfast time check out the ticks on this doe
  17. azpackhorse

    Trail Cam

    I got these guys this weekend on my cam. They have the right idea, it's 5 1/2 - 6 miles round trip from the nearest road and there aint a flat piece of ground between them!
  18. azpackhorse

    Another successful junior hunter....

    I will guess 106 Great job guys!
  19. azpackhorse

    Trail Cam

    That's funny stuff right there! This is actually my buddy, it was the first time he had been to my cam and I did not tell him where it was, he just happened upon the salt pile
  20. azpackhorse

    Junior hunt success!!!

    Nice! These young'ns are whack'n some great bucks! Congrats young man, very well done!
  21. azpackhorse

    Youth Deer hunt

    Congratulations to the young man (you too dad) Very nice Muley!
  22. azpackhorse


    I'll be down in the 36's like usual for the archery hunt
  23. azpackhorse

    Trail Cam

    I've only had one person on my cams, if you see him wandering around the hills please help him back onto the short bus.
  24. azpackhorse


    That is just too cool! Nice animal, congrats!
  25. azpackhorse

    "Check It Out"

    I sent an email as well