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Everything posted by azpackhorse

  1. azpackhorse

    Short and Sweet

    That's how you get-r-done! Great looking buck, congrats!
  2. azpackhorse

    Elk tomorrow

    at work also good luck!
  3. azpackhorse


    Nicely done and great write up! congrats!
  4. azpackhorse

    Spring Draw Results

    must be loading results cuz they changed the recording....................
  5. azpackhorse

    Strange request and a long shot.

    BTW Happy Birthday!
  6. azpackhorse

    Strange request and a long shot.

    can't help you out...........but that was well written.
  7. azpackhorse

    Veterans Day

    Thank you to all of this Great Nations Veterans, you embody the spirit that this Nation was founded on. Lest we not forget.
  8. azpackhorse

    Waiting on a 4x4

    Is Doug and Rica still out there?
  9. azpackhorse

    Gabes 09 Buck

    Nice job Gabe! Isn't it nice when they get big and strong enough to not only carry thier deer out but yours too!
  10. azpackhorse

    Spring Draw Results

  11. azpackhorse

    I need some fancy wood

    Ryan, send coueskrazy a PM (Jeff) he's the one who made the knife, he should be able to send you in the right direction. He does some awesome work, he's gonna make me a knife.......................someday Just kidding buddy!
  12. azpackhorse

    Help choose next G&F Commissioner

    I wanted to be there, I got a last minute opening to have minor surgery done on my foot so I took it, even the wife was gonna tag along! I would've much rather been at the meeting........believe me.
  13. azpackhorse

    Help choose next G&F Commissioner

    sounds about right
  14. azpackhorse

    Help choose next G&F Commissioner

    How did it go guys? I really wanted to be there but ended up having last minute surgery on my foot. Who impressed you the most?
  15. azpackhorse

    A great Sunday Strole

    Nice big ol' Rocky Mountain Muley! Very nice, congrats!
  16. azpackhorse

    09 Maldonado Camp

    Sounds like a great time Tommy, congrats on the bucks guys. Not too often you get one with the G1,2,and 3 all about the same length! Killer buck man!
  17. azpackhorse

    Help choose next G&F Commissioner

    Hope to see some of you at this tonight
  18. azpackhorse

    Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09

    121 5/8 my original guess is taken
  19. azpackhorse

    Montana Whitetail

    Nice buck! mmmmmmmm venison sausage!
  20. azpackhorse

    Hunting with an AR

    you are incorrect, you are allowed to hunt with a 5 round magazine. I would absolutely hunt with it if I were you. Good luck!
  21. azpackhorse

    motel help

    Probably the closest, cheapest motel would be in Nogales,Az. If he wants to fork out some $ then check Rio Rico resort or Tubac. They could get a decent motel in Green Valley, which is not too bad of a drive. If I were going to stay in a motel and hunt 36b I would stay in Green Valley.
  22. azpackhorse


    If you happen to be up high, then glass low. If you happen to be down low, then glass up high. Works for me every time, no guff.
  23. azpackhorse

    down south buck

    congrats again on a great buck Brian, glad I could help. Doug, he is a little weak on his right G3 but it's there. He'd been a 100"er if the right matched the left.
  24. azpackhorse

    Huge Buck

    now that is funny! you came to the right place to find out about him amigo!
  25. azpackhorse

    New fire in 36C

    Northwest Tucson is inudated with smoke from this fire, it must be really out of hand.