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Everything posted by elecshoc

  1. elecshoc

    Newbie Success!!!! (Pic Heavy)

    Good job!!!! Great hunt
  2. elecshoc

    "Honey do" list

    Best you keep her from watching the movie Gone Girl. I'm sure more than a few ladies got some ideas from that movie....
  3. elecshoc

    STOLEN Polaris

    Please explain "if it ain't white, it ain't right" I dont get it? It was just to point out how the previous post about taking back the rez land took the whole conversation from a boundary/jurisdiction issue to a race issue real quick. Well heck the poster may not have even been white but the post is indicative of a highly charged ethnocentric belief that has overcome this board it seems almost overnight. I do remember the time when comments like that would have been played off as a off color joke or someone just playing around when posting such comments. Now though more than ever it's starting to sound more like more and more posters are taking these post as something more than that. Is this something we as this community of people posting on this forum really believe in? Now a days it's really getting harder and harder to tell.
  4. elecshoc

    STOLEN Polaris

    I guess if it ain't white, it ain't right with anything around here these days.
  5. elecshoc

    Stolen F250

    That's nuts....
  6. elecshoc


    I've stepped on one and walked up on several others. Luckily for me the one I stepped on just wanted out from under my boot more that striking me. That was a hectic several minutes there but it's never kept me from going out to hunt. I just stay aware and go about my business. I'm not one to kill them either, I just figure if I get bit I'm the one that invaded their space in the first place. Just another thing that can take me out while out n about in the world.
  7. That actually sounds excessive, 7 day work week. As a salaried employee I do understand that there is a certain amount "ot" that I will give to the company, but to effectively extend my hours by 50% with no compensation is something I would seriously take a look into with regards to my personal well being. There are other ways to get compensated by the company other than cash, they may be willing to give her time off without her having to pay it out of her own personal time off hours? See if the she and the company can work something out in regards to compensation, if she's willing to put in the time and effort then hopefully management will be able to help her out. If not then there's something seriously wrong with the expectations of the company.
  8. elecshoc

    Auto Electrical Wiring Help

    How did it go, did you get it wired up?
  9. elecshoc

    Shameless Outfitter

    Jordan reportedly gave all the $$ he won in the settlement to charity.
  10. elecshoc

    Hatch green chili cheeseburgers

    Will growing them in az work? I thought a big part of the taste came from the soil in the valley there in hatch?
  11. elecshoc


    I've only seen one rodeo cancelled in my life. That was because for some reason or another there was a huge hole in the middle of the arena that the ground crews where filling in with sand. After inspecting the ground almost all of the cowboys and contractors got together and decide that we didn't want to chance riding the stock through such uneven ground. That was in 1992 or 93, other than that lighting will delay the show for a bit and that's about it. Good luck out there
  12. elecshoc

    Amandas dog Julie

    Sorry about your loss.
  13. elecshoc

    Baltimore Rioters

    No white folks just riot after important stuff like basketball games and the NHL finals....
  14. elecshoc

    Can you fight a prior conviction?

    I believe you could take it up with the commission. See if you can get on the agenda and plead you case with what you have. Other than that I'm not sure if there's any other recourse outside of there.
  15. elecshoc

    Tom Brady no show!

    Naw I probably would've gone. Especially if it was my first ring. Now for Brady on the other had was is that like 4 times now. I'm sure he's done with that part of it now.
  16. elecshoc

    15 Buffalo shot and killed in NY

    Crazy, once they were out they were never gonna get them rounded back up. Too bad sounds like the "hunters" were in over their heads too.
  17. elecshoc

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Oh nice advanced.... Not bad for being here since 2007
  18. elecshoc

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Im not sure what category I'm in?
  19. elecshoc

    G AND F new webpage

    Looks like they changed it to accommodate touchscreens. Nice large buttons with the navigation being a lot easier
  20. elecshoc

    The newest member of Coueswhitetail.

  21. elecshoc

    shoulder dislocation

    Sorry to hear Coach, good luck with the surgery and healing .
  22. elecshoc


    Yep did paper as well. Still waiting around here.
  23. elecshoc

    Follow up or Not?

    Take it if it's there.
  24. elecshoc

    Did that get deleted?

    I have a feeling I missed something here....