I missed this by a few days, as usual. I don’t use social media outside of Instagram and I use that rarely, so I’m normally behind the info power curve. That’s a me problem I know 😅.
I’ve visited the SV range once. I didn’t enjoy the experience. My impression was that it’s run like a military range, and that drains the joy out of it for me. The facilities look great, the targets and distances are excellent and the structural set up is modern…but it felt like I was stepping back in time 20 years in respect to the vibe of the place. I know I only visited once, but that one time made such a strong impression on me that I haven’t been compelled to return.
Now that Ive aired criticisms, I’m not opposed to volunteering to help with any daily operations or even do range maintenance during off times. I just don’t know how to go about doing that. I don’t know many folks in the community. I moved here under a year ago and was surprised by the absence of thriving 2G, 3G community, youth marksmanship clubs or a 22lr competition every other month in my new hometown.