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Everything posted by trphyhntr

  1. do you guys that shoot weatherby know where to go for the best price on shells? i always just go to sportmans or bass pro, any place else to check?
  2. let me start by saying that i lurk on here quite a bit and have a lot of respect for you guys that go out and shoot these grey ghosts whether its a dink or a trophy because they are not easy. im fairly new to hunting coues and man are they some tricky animals. i have a question for you guys though, what do you think the buck to doe ratio is down there? in 4 days we never saw less than 25 deer a day and one day we saw 40. and im guessing we double counted some of them so maybe the invididual count is lower than that. but out of approximently 120 deer we saw 4 confirmed bucks. 2 spikes, one small 3x3 and about an 80 class 3x3. so my count is like 30 to 1? glassed up far more illegals than we did bucks. its an awesome place id love to go back, amazing what a little grass and water can do for a deer population.
  3. i would of said "hey bung hole. what the *&^%$%^ was that!?"
  4. trphyhntr

    just got back from 36b

    ya i looked for tracks, but they had probably already been trampled on by illegals. we called coyotes during the middle of the day, only called one. glassed up coati as well. might even go down to check the archery hunt. heard there is good mule deer in that unit as well, but we didnt see any.
  5. trphyhntr

    just got back from 36b

    wow, those are some bigguns. being that i only have 8 bonus points for the strip i'll probably be back next year to give it a try. beautiful country
  6. trphyhntr

    just got back from 36b

    There has been an average tag increase of general hunts in 36b of 6 - 13 % of the tags depending on the year in comparison to 2007 that consisted of 2 early and Dec hunts ( this year 2012 is about 6%) the average buck harvest has seen an increase of 16 - 31% ( all greater than the total tag increases) with 2009 and 2010 being the best years... yet the majority of hunts through the 3 hunt change remained around 20% meaning all hunts are producing bucks... Does it suck that there are a lot fewer Dec. tags ... I bet that would depend on if you are the guy holding the tag ... if there were still two early hunts with over 1k hunters each like 2007 or 200 Dec tags , those hunters,who are unsuccessful, would complain and still blame G&F ... It is true that in many units the pushing together of junior hunts, Whitetail, and general mule deer hunts creates a lot of pressure and it would be nice to see a bit fewer tags and some interval between hunts, but 36b is a big unit that I have scouted and hunted a good deal of over the last 6 years and during each hunt time and bucks and opportunities were available on all of them. So please share how G&F has limited opportunity in a unit that has seen significant % increases in harvest beyond the % increase of tags since 2007 If your seeing large herds of does down there you need to be looking at the surrounding ranges, the bigger drainages, and the litter thicker stuff and those bachelor herds are around( not right on top of but...) I have seen them in the early, mid and late Nov hunts... sometimes they get broken up for a spell but they seem to get back together Being born and raised in AZ I would love to have it how my grandfather and dad did when I was a kid, but blaming G&F for everything including lack of success is a fracking sell out and in my opinion becoming way to common and getting very old on this site. is the quality of deer that youve seen stayed the same or better now? im not blaming game and fish, ive never set foot in 36b in my life till sunday morning. however 2400 tags seems like a lot for one unit. another question for you since you sound knowledgeable on the subject, if there was 800 tags for the november 9 hunt, how come the tag i got is number 856?
  7. trphyhntr

    23 Mule deer hunts

    a few? thats insane. i saw the one over there on basszone. but more over 200? holy cow
  8. trphyhntr

    just got back from 36b

    tell me about it. thats what i kept telling my dad. its a dang shame, appears they use it as a cash cow. never have maintain anything it doesnt look like, didnt see one AZGFD truck down. i would think the genetics are going down hill, are they not? have you guys that hunt there often noticed a decline in quality?
  9. trphyhntr

    2x3 coues wounded on 39a

    that wasnt us, i talked to those dudes last night and they hadnt got one. we didnt get one, saw a ton of deer but only 1 decent buck that got up in front of me and ran off before i could shoot. we did see a small buck over there that could have been a 2x3 was hard to tell, but this one wasnt injured. watched a dude whack a spike right down there also on monday.
  10. trphyhntr

    2x3 coues wounded on 39a

    crew cab silverado, you probably saw it parked right before the turn around there on 39a. we were on the hill glassing
  11. trphyhntr

    2x3 coues wounded on 39a

    diesel right? were you out there yesterday afternoon right?
  12. trphyhntr

    You be the judge

    was down there this weekend as well. saw many illegals, didnt want to interupt my hunt to turn them in but i know those were liberal votes walking across. stumbled on an area right on the border that was so beat down with trails i coudnt believe it. we could hear them talking behind us and i swear i could hear what sounded like a transistor radio. BP told us that hunters reported a group that was being led by someone with an AK. what i find aboslutely amazing is the amount of money we spend to catch them out there in the desert but as soon as they get to the valley its like no one cares and they are legal all of a sudden? i work at a car dealership in mesa and see more illegals everyday than i did down there. but none of our customers come in with AK-47's either. edit: why is the last guy a badass?
  13. trphyhntr

    just got back from 36b

    was that in 36b as well? honestly my dad saw the 3 smaller bucks, i can only verify seing 1 buck in 4 days and well over 100 does. i was staring under every tree with th 15x's till i was crosseyed and tearin up from looking so hard. im sure i missed a lot because they are that sneaky but i cant think of anything else i could have done besides moving to a whole diferent area of course.
  14. trphyhntr

    just got back from 36b

    ya i wanted to see a train of them walking a trail like ive seen online but the most we saw were 3 at a time. funniest was when we glassed up one taking a shoot lol. that poor guy has to walk 10 days in the desert and cant even take a dump without someone spying on him. edit: i could not believe how worn down some of those trail were right along the border, you could have rode a mountain bike or a motorcycle down them no problem. makes for some easy walking when you get on those trails too
  15. trphyhntr

    2x3 coues wounded on 39a

    i hunted in there from monday to yesterday evening and didnt see it. what rig were you guys in?
  16. trphyhntr

    just got back from 36b

    ya ive heard you guys talk about the bachelor groups on the early hunts. ya, i wanted to move to a completely diferent area to try and change my luck just like your saying. but it was my first time down there and i was seeing more deer than ive seen hunting carp in the kaibab so it was a little hard for me to get away from the area i was in. helped capture a few of these guys. that was a first for me. i glassed up illegals everyday we were there.
  17. trphyhntr

    Coues in 36B

    look for me i'll be the guy with 2 huge bucks hanging in camp!....hopefully
  18. How many CW members do we have going on this hunt? I've never been down there before but Im sure it will be fun. Not Sure what rig we will be in, but it will be me and my dad with tags.
  19. trphyhntr

    36B Nov. 9th Roll Call..

    im fired up. cant wait to get down there. my neighbor hunted there the early hunt and didnt do well. saw lots of does i guess. it will be my first time hunting this area, excited to see some new country
  20. well the record high all time for the month of october in phoenix happened in 1980, and the record high for november was in 1914. global warming for ya
  21. trphyhntr

    sixteen days - self guided 13B

    yellowjacket pride! good luck bro, im jealous as can be
  22. trphyhntr

    Fly Fishing Silver Creek

    whoa! nice quality. i lived up that way for years and never fished that place.
  23. trphyhntr

    36B Nov. 9th Roll Call..

    hopefully we all have fun, get monster bucks and no problems.