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Everything posted by trphyhntr

  1. trphyhntr

    Which .243?

    i shot those 55gr ballistic tips and they blew the coyote up worse than a 100gr accubond
  2. holy cow, what a couple of toads
  3. trphyhntr

    Which .243?

    remington 700, 3x9
  4. like deer in my headlights too?
  5. my dad grew up in south dakota and he only shoots birds out of the air(way better shot than me), i grew up in AZ and i'll shoot gambels off the ground.
  6. trphyhntr

    Unit 21 Whitetail.

    thats big ol deer grizzly adams. congrats
  7. trphyhntr

    36B tag filled

    nice deer
  8. im kind of surprised it took you this long to draw. have you been putting in for early bull rifle? since i got drawn this year youre kind of scaring me lol Pretty much have put in for early firearm hunts. Just building points until I could pick the year to draw. My last tag was in Unit 9 around 2000 or 2001. It was a drought year and was uber tough, one bull in bow range. just keep putting in for early rifle bull.
  9. im kind of surprised it took you this long to draw. have you been putting in for early bull rifle? since i got drawn this year youre kind of scaring me lol
  10. i like your first 2 choices
  11. trphyhntr

    Another great Coues hunt!

    that sounds like fun.
  12. oh man that sounds awesome. big bucks too
  13. trphyhntr

    Best Arrows?

    gold tip xt hunters
  14. i was thinking the same thing. but i do remember one time i walked away from my glassing spot without my rifle, realized i left about 3 miles down the road. did the same thing with a pair of swarovskis too
  15. trphyhntr


    im tripping out, i swear this was already brought up a couple years ago and didnt someone have pics? maybe im totally off
  16. trphyhntr

    San Carlos Unit B.....MONSTER!!!!!

    looks kind of like a mule deer in the face
  17. trphyhntr

    Fall Color Trip to New Hampshire and Maine

    how much are lobsters up there?
  18. trphyhntr

    rifles and calibers...

    Couldn't agree with you more! I personally have not shot a coues at more than 30 yards haha My rifle is a 30-06 and while its not a old fashion round I wouldn't trade my trusty 06 for anything. How in the world did you arrive at the conclusion that 30-06 SPRG is NOT an old fashioned round??? haha well I guess I meant it is not as old fashion as others. I know it been around for a while a while... yes. i think 30-06 is older than everything mentioned. .444 marlin, 7mm, .300win, .460 wby, .270
  19. trphyhntr

    Chances of getting drawn?

    strong username to post content
  20. trphyhntr

    Help with score

  21. trphyhntr

    12A East. diy !!!UPDATE!!!!

    you get 3G coverage up there?
  22. trphyhntr

    hitting cards

    24b archery pig is all i put in for i think