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Everything posted by Newbie2012

  1. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Wow. Video of that would be incredible to see!
  2. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Been snowing all day here in Flagstaff. Started last night and hasn’t let up. Wet, heavy snow! Or as they say heart attack snow! Things are starting to get Western south of the Rim with the rivers and streams. Stay safe down there!
  3. Newbie2012

    Draw still pending

    This is going to be my new license plate.
  4. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Raining like crazy here in Flagstaff. Bye bye snowpack! Rivers will be running hard.
  5. Newbie2012

    Sick to my stomach!!!!!

    For retail cards like Chilis, Target, Kohls....etc
  6. Newbie2012

    E tag are up

    No. When you go into the app to “tag” your animal, you’ll get a unique validation code. You then write that on a piece of tape, flagging or whatever and attached that to the animal. No need to have cell service, the app will still issue a validation code.
  7. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Upper Lake Mary this morning. Will definitely fill and spill into Lower Lake Mary. Mormon Mt holding a boat load of runoff.
  8. Newbie2012

    Apply as Resident with NR License?

    That’s an interesting situation you’re in. Looks like the deer draw deadline will be 6/13. Worst case scenario you wait until the last day(13th) to purchase your residence license and then apply for the draw. Let us know what they say.
  9. Newbie2012

    Sick to my stomach!!!!!

    Nope. Visa/MC prepaid cards.
  10. Newbie2012

    Sick to my stomach!!!!!

    There's also fraud with pre-paid cards. Nothing is fraud-proof. Scammer goes to Fry's and removes the card from the packaging and swaps it with a card he purchased and cloned. You activate and add funds to the "new" card, he proceeds to use the money via the cloned card. Scammer skims the magnetic strip on the card and puts it back in package. You then activate and add funds on that card. Scammer has the info and your money.
  11. Newbie2012

    Card Hits!

    Lmao. I can’t even get hit in this strange second batch!
  12. Newbie2012

    Card Hits!

    I prefer the old Arizona. 7 points would have given me an archery tag. 7 million people here sucks for tags.
  13. Newbie2012

    Card Hits!

    yup, me too. F this BS! Another tagless Fall!
  14. Newbie2012


  15. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    North Rim is impressive. Imagine having the first Spring bison hunt. No way they’ll have that road cleared in time.
  16. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    I read somewhere, but can’t find it. Anyways, it said they finally approved a new reservoir and the storage capacity is massive. The greenies really mess things up by stalling and filing lawsuits to prevent water storage projects to move forward. More than enough precipitation falls in California. If they had the storage, they’d never run out of water and wouldn’t need their allocation from the Colorado River. Glad Arizona’s early leaders had the foresight to build the dams they did. The Colorado River compact certainly helps, but no way Phoenix would be what it is today without the SRP lakes.
  17. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Yeah, winds were no joke! I was sleeping with one eye open last night! Neighbors have 2 huge poplar trees that scare the crap out of me when the winds blow. They have a direct line to my bedroom. I guess I wouldn’t feel anything and it would be quick! haha
  18. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Snow, snow and more snow here in Flag. With the high winds, been white out conditions all day. Calling for another 20” plus by the time Sunday ends. Absolutely incredible winter so far! Elk tag anyone? 😎
  19. Newbie2012

    Ex NFL Player Takes an Archery Mt Lion.

    Yeah, I’m far from an expert. Hated school. And definitely could care less on grammar. Haha. However, misplaced modifiers in a sentence are pretty obvious and should have been caught by the editor. Leaving out “with a bow an arrow” would have been better. Just add the weapon choice in the story.
  20. Newbie2012

    Ex NFL Player Takes an Archery Mt Lion.

    That's a terribly written opening sentence. The way it's written makes it appear that the lion was actually terrorizing the town with a bow and arrow! lol
  21. Newbie2012

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    I’m running out a room to pile up all the snow. And another storm coming Thursday/Friday!
  22. Newbie2012

    Are this year's elk and deer hunt dates going to conflict now?

    Yes. That's what I meant. The dates are set already based on the week of the year. If the hunt lands on the OP's elk hunt, he's outta luck.
  23. Newbie2012

    Are this year's elk and deer hunt dates going to conflict now?

    Those dates are set.
  24. Newbie2012

    If you were looking for a 300" bull...

    With the early archery dates, gonna be a lot of guys holding points jumping in. Can’t decide my strategy yet.
  25. Newbie2012

    Azgfd fall regs

    Yup. The table can be found in this link. https://azgfd-portal-wordpress-pantheon.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/archive/AZ-Hunt-Guidelines-for-Fall-2023-through-Spring-2028-Seasons.pdf