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Everything posted by Calamado_Guey

  1. Calamado_Guey

    Celebration of Life Service

    Old school hero credentials right there Bud. Sorry for your loss.
  2. Calamado_Guey

    17B & 19B

    2 great options here
  3. Calamado_Guey

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    After drawing 4 out of the last 5 years, looks like I’ll be joining others this year and not hunting myself. No complaints from me tho…. It’s been a fun ride. Looking forward to the fall for quail, bear and squirrel camps with our crew. Congrats to all that were successful this morning. Waiting patiently for the deer regs now 😂.
  4. Calamado_Guey

    The other draw (The Grand)

    Never heard of it, but sounds like an incredible adventure. Congrats on the draw. Be cool to read the story when you get back.
  5. Calamado_Guey

    hunting/camping solo

    For 25 years I archery hunted alone mostly. I hunted birds with friends usually and always joined the rifle tag camps that buddies went on. More often now with my son in law and a coupe of his friends that have taken an interest, I look forward to having them in my camps. Now days most of my solo trips are just scouting and/or camping. I really enjoy being on my own still. Probably always will.
  6. Calamado_Guey

    Counting down the days!

    Really cool video and that’s a great bull. Thanks for sharing. Don’t even need the tag for that to be a great experience.
  7. Calamado_Guey

    Desert toad shed!

    Dayyyummm!! Nice find.
  8. Calamado_Guey

    To Soon?

    I remember that storm. If it’s the same one, I got out of Show Low that afternoon from working and it took me like 4 Hours to get to Globe. My SIL sent pics of snow higher than the hood of her car.
  9. Calamado_Guey

    To Soon?

    What’s the O/U on how many people just checked their email? 😂
  10. Calamado_Guey

    Bull up close

    Great video and cool to see.
  11. Calamado_Guey

    Swing and a miss!!

    That’s crazy luck for him that you happened to be there. Cool story.
  12. Calamado_Guey

    Light vehicle MSHA requirements

    Ask your site contact in the office to put you in touch with their safety dept before you drive down. They will have all the accurate info you need to be on site. Get them to email you something if possible that you can reference. All mine sites have local policies and protocols in addition to any MSHA requirements. Also,Not many properties are Keen on first time visitors driving around different areas with out some type of escort. Hope this helps.
  13. Calamado_Guey

    2021 Rut....

    Very slow 2 days down here by the border
  14. Calamado_Guey

    How big

  15. Calamado_Guey

    Marlin model 60

    If this falls through for any reason, I would be glad to pick it up for my grandsons. TY
  16. Calamado_Guey


    Just curious, what’s a Kuiu solid?
  17. Calamado_Guey

    Towing Question for Toyota Tacoma owner

    My 2021 Taco (automatic) pulls a 4 seater sxs and my bed loaded (not a lot of gear) just fine. Just have to understand that you’ll pull Rye Hill At 50 mph instead of 75-85 like my old mega cab Cummins. The bigger difference for me going to the Tacoma was the ergonomics of the cab. Leg room and driving posture is definitely different. I’ve had it for 7 months and I’m not looking back. Great around the city and really stout off road.
  18. Calamado_Guey


    Never seen anything like that, but I’ve watched them go at it and it’s brutal.
  19. Calamado_Guey

    3B Late Muzzy bull elk

    Harder to find a pile of rocks to glass from than it is finding elk... 😂. Lack of vantage points really had me missing desert whitetail hunts this year. Any glassing waypoints would be a solid spot, Im sure. @LKiny—— I was up there 20 days scouting and hunting the muzzleloader deer season. Also have the December muzzleloader cow tag in a few weeks. The thinning they’ve done in the pines has really helped the south end of the unit. Unless you’re hunting from the road of course. There will be plenty of elk in and out of the pines, pending any drastic weather changes, which doesn’t seem likely. Usually hunting from sun up to sundown produces good results. Good luck on your hunt.