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Everything posted by HUazNT

  1. This is a good deal. If these were the 8x42’s I would have been all over them. If anyone’s in the market for 12’s this is the set to get. Just for reference, the 8’s I just picked up were $3582 after tax.
  2. I’m interested. Where are you located?
  3. HUazNT


    That’s a little far for me. Thanks GLWS
  4. HUazNT


    Where are you located?
  5. HUazNT


    I love my Pinter. What size is this?
  6. HUazNT

    .410 wanted

    I have a Mossberg 505 .410 pump in excellent condition that I would let go for $350. Located in San Manuel
  7. HUazNT

    Found Berger 300WM factory ammo

    I was under the impression that both of those have been discontinued. I’ve had good luck with Federal Premium GOLD MEDAL BERGER HYBRID .300 Winchester Magnum 215 Grain Berger Hybrid.
  8. 2017 Harley Street Glide stock parts. stock exhaust stock handlebars stock seat All free, you must pick it up. located in San Manuel az
  9. HUazNT

    SOLD Guns for sale SOLD

    Sold Kimber Desert Warrior 1911 $1000 Sold ————————————————— Smith & Wesson M&P Pro Series .40 with night sight and Milt Sparks VM2 holster $500 —————————————————— Smith & Wesson M&P Compact .40 with night sight and Milt Sparks VM2 holster $450 —————————————————— Glock 23 gen 3 with trijicon night sights $500 —————————————————— Glock 22 gen 3 with factory night sights and Milt Sparks VM2 holster $475 ——————————————————- Sold Winchester Model 70 Super Grade .270 with Leupold VX3 3.5-10x50 Duplex reticle $1000 Sold ——————————————————- Sold Winchester Model 70 Alaskan .300 Win Mag $850 Sold —————————————————— Sold Winchester Model 70 Featherweight .257 Robert’s $700 Sold —————————————————— Sold Kimber Hunter Silhouette 22lr $550 Sold
  10. HUazNT

    SOLD Guns for sale SOLD

    All model 70’s sold
  11. HUazNT

    SOLD Guns for sale SOLD

    I would consider trades on remaining handguns. I’d be interested in glock 19’s or 17’s. a long shot here, but would also trade for Mathews v3x 33
  12. HUazNT

    SOLD Guns for sale SOLD

    Model 70’s SPF (all three)
  13. HUazNT

    SOLD Guns for sale SOLD

    Model 70’s SPF (all three)
  14. HUazNT

    SOLD Guns for sale SOLD

    Kimber Desert Warrior spf Kimber 22lr spf
  15. HUazNT

    Want to trade binos for Bolt gun

    Any interest in a push feed Winchester model 70 featherweight in .257 Robert’s? It’s completely stock, not threaded for a brake. It’s in really good shape. It’s a shooter, (1/2 moa.) I have dies, and load data. I’m planning on listing it for sale on here along with some other guns I plan on getting rid of, to fund a custom rifle. But I’ve been thinking about getting a set of 10’s for my archery set up. Just throwing it out there.
  16. HUazNT

    WTB - Youth Guns

    I have a mossberg 505 pump action .410 I might let go
  17. HUazNT


  18. HUazNT


    Just upgraded my Primary and my backup bow, so these two are for sale. 1st bow Great condition Mathew’s Triax 70lb. Ridge Reaper Forest camo Mathews QAD Ultra Rest Spot Hogg Hunter 7 pin sight BStinger Microhex stabilizer Mathew’s Arrow Web Quiver Piranha Strings excellent condition Located in San Manuel AZ $700 OBO with accessories $550 bare —————————————————— 2nd bow Great condition Mathew’s Triax 70lb Ridge Reaper Forest camo Mathews QAD Ultra Rest Spot Hogg Hoggfather 2 pin sight Mathews 2 piece arrow web quiver 60x strings great condition Arrows not included $700 OBO with accessories,$550 bare I have draw mods for 28,28.5,and 29”. Draw length is just a mod swap. If I don’t have the length you need any archery shop can get it.
  19. HUazNT

    Wife needs a new bow

    Jazz, Mathews bows tend to run about a half inch long in draw length. It will probably draw at 25.5 inches with the 25inch mods installed. But to answer your question, draw lengths can be changed with a simple module swap
  20. HUazNT


    Both bows sold pending funds
  21. HUazNT


  22. HUazNT


    First bow in the listing with the 7 pin sight is sold pending funds. The second bow with the 2 pin is still available