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About Tucsontony

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  1. Tucsontony

    Need Help.. Missed biggest deer of my life

    Shows ya what I know about these new fangled technology things. 🤪. I googled that BR2 after seeing your post. As much as that thing cost no wonder I never new anything about it. I’m old school, site my 7mm right on at 200 and get closer if it’s over 300 away. Have never pulled the trigger on anything farther than 250 yet and never plan to.
  2. Tucsontony

    Need Help.. Missed biggest deer of my life

    Did you have more than 25/30 degree up hill or down hill angle when you shot high ? Sighting in on a flat range and than shooting at angle up or down doesn’t let gravity work on the projectile as long and makes each shoot higher than expected.
  3. Tucsontony

    RV's in the cold

    If things like that keep you awake, you aren’t drinking enough beer after a long days hunt. 😛
  4. Split the difference go with a 7mm rem mag