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About AZ7maghunter

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  1. I bought this off here some time ago with the hopes of trying my hand at painting a firearm. There was some surface rust that I polished off with 0000 steel wool. See pics. I was told that it had been rarely fired. It was very dirty. I stripped it down and cleaned it, thoroughly. I took it quail hunting and it has been it the safe since. It has, at times, not wanted to fire if the shooter applies too much back pressure on the pump. I did some online surfing and it seems that some Mavericks had this issue. There are some simple proposed fixes online. I am not a gunsmith. I did NOtHING to it. So I’m selling it priced accordingly and cheaper than what I bought it for. $100. Meet at Sportsman’s warehouse in north Phoenix.
  2. AZ7maghunter

    BNIB Vortex Razor HD 10x42

    Christmas Bump
  3. AZ7maghunter

    FS Sav/Stevens 10 .223

    Any idea of the twist rate?
  4. AZ7maghunter

    .300 WM ammo for sale

    Will trade for 6.5 CM ammo; Hornady Precision Hunter or Barnes TTSX or LRX, or 12 gauge 3in steel shot
  5. AZ7maghunter


    You and @RubberDuckie need to have a custom rifle 6.5 x284 shoot off.
  6. AZ7maghunter

    .300 WM ammo for sale

    Late rifle bull bump
  7. AZ7maghunter


    With a 1-6x scope and a suppressor I can’t imagine a more fun javelina gun!
  8. AZ7maghunter

    BNIB Vortex Razor HD 10x42

    BNIB Vortex Razor HD 10x42 binoculars. Excellent glass in a very lightweight setup. They have never been taken out of the box. Comes with chest harness. Will meet in North Phoenix at Sportsman’s warehouse. $800
  9. AZ7maghunter

    Found one! Ruger American or Tikka T3X in .308

    I found one! Thank you guys for all the responses. I have both rifles and have had Bergaras. I like them all!
  10. AZ7maghunter

    ISO Full Size Doe Decoy

    I’m sure any ole doe decoy will work. Looking for a buck with the same attitude as GreatWhiteBuffalo.
  11. AZ7maghunter

    ISO Full Size Doe Decoy

    Let me know if you have one. I live in the north west valley.
  12. AZ7maghunter


    Like new Sig M400 AR-Pistol. 10.5 in barrel. .223/5.56 spoken for almost immediately.
  13. AZ7maghunter

    American Eagle gun safe

    What part of town are you in?
  14. AZ7maghunter


    I’ll take it if it all falls through. I was just shopping for one! I live in north Phoenix.
  15. AZ7maghunter


    North Phoenix. A little west of sportsman’s warehouse.