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Everything posted by Packer

  1. Packer

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    That is a great looking buck, I too would be curious to know what that thing scores. Aaron
  2. Packer

    Got my bighorn!!!

    That is an awesome looking ram. I agree with another post that it almost looks like a Rocky, especially with that thick neck. Way to hang in there after all that time not seeing sheep and bring home a true trophy of a lifetime. Whenever you decide to post the story and more pics I will be waiting to see them. Congratulations, Aaron
  3. Packer

    Triple success

    That is awesome. They will be hard pressed to replicate that feat in their lifetimes. Congratulations to all involved. Aaron
  4. Packer

    My 13 yr. old Son's First Coues Buck

    Congratulations to your son on an awesome looking buck. Aaron
  5. Packer


    Those are some awesome deer, thanks for posting. Aaron
  6. Packer

    Elk Rut in CO

    Great video, thanks for posting Aaron
  7. Packer

    awesome weekend

    Congrats on a great hunt. That is as good as it gets. Aaron
  8. Congratulations on some good looking bulls. Sounds like you had some work to pack out three bulls. aaron
  9. Packer

    Sneaky kitty!

    Cool pic thanks for posting. I know of several others that have gotten pics of cats in that area. Aaron
  10. Packer

    New Pictures

    That's a good looking buck, thanks for posting. Now I just need to find one of those for myself. Aaron
  11. Packer

    Driving at Prime Time

    I can definately appreciate your frustration. However, in that unit since the fire most of the roads are "technically" closed. Sure there are still alot of legal roads to drive on but unless it is signed with a white arrow the quads should not be on them. This is about the only area in the white mountains that does not allow cross country travel and where you can only be on roads that are signed open. Regardless of this fact though I know people will still drive there if it is physically possible so the statement you made is true other than the fact that it is not legal where they drive most of the time. Aaron
  12. Packer

    Co high country archery Muley

    Congratulations on an awesome looking buck taken in some awesome country. Aaron
  13. Packer

    Alaska Deer August 2009

    Sounds like a great hunt. One of those that will more than likely remain in my dreams and not become a reality. Thanks for posting the pics. Aaron
  14. Packer

    2009 unit 1 archery elk

    Awesome bull, congratulations.
  15. Packer

    Kids Dove Hunt!

    Looks like a successful hunt. I am glad to hear you were invited because that third picture looks like you are well within a 1/4 mile from the building and shooting straight at it. I hope it was safer than it appears. Aaron
  16. Packer

    Bears and birds!

    Those are some great pics, thanks for posting. Aaron
  17. Packer

    Some horns

    Nice, and it looks like some decent bucks at that.
  18. Packer

    Blackberry at 550 yards

    Great pictures. Now we need to have a contest to see who can get the best picture with their cell phone I guess. Aaron
  19. Packer

    my first bull

    Congrats on the bull. It is aways better to take the sure shot than risk the one you are not sure of. Way to play it smart and get it done. Aaron
  20. Packer

    Bobby's 1st Archery AZ Bull 340"

    Good looking bull, congratulation to the hunter.
  21. It is not in law but a law enforcement directive that allows people to carry handguns, so you won't find it in ARS. People are correct in that if it is under a 6 inch barrel and open sites they can carry. Another thing to remember is that the gun is for self defence and is not to be used to take a critter if you are out archery hunting. Anyway, I hope that helps and if I am wrong someone can correct me. Aaron
  22. Packer

    Another member with a first Bull

    Congratulations on a great bull. With it being a first big game animal it is even that much better. Aaron
  23. Charlie, Congratulations on a great looking goat. Aaron
  24. Packer

    Unit 10 archery bull

    Congrats on a good looking bull. Aaron