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Everything posted by Packer

  1. Packer

    January shed hunting

    Nice group of antlers. Did you guys see many deer in that country when you were there?
  2. Packer

    Look what I got to hold tonight!!

    Congratulations on an awesome trophy. I thought my buck was a good one but that makes it look like mine may have still had milk on its lips. It definately takes more than age to acheive a rack like that so that can only mean there may be more of those there in the future. Hopefully he was able to spread his genes and I wonder what his dad looked like. Aaron
  3. Packer

    2010 Archery Buck

    Nice work! That is why it always pays to have every tag possible in your pocket. Aaron
  4. Packer

    150" WMAT Coues

    Congratulation on an awesome buck. I would love to hunt that place some day. Aaron
  5. Packer

    Exciting Javelina hunt

    Sounds like a great and exciting hunt. Congratulations. So did your buddies get their pigs as well? Aaron
  6. Packer

    Cody's 1st Coues

    Congratulations on the first bow kill. He is now one up one me and if I see one of that caliber it better be careful. Aaron
  7. Packer


    Congrats on the cats. One of these days I need to get one for myself. Aaron
  8. Packer

    Little brothers muley

    Congratulations on a great first buck. Heck is is bigger than anything I have ever killed. Aaron
  9. Packer

    Payne Brother's 09 Hunt

    Congratulations on a couple great bucks. Aaron
  10. Packer

    My first deer

    That is a great looking first buck. I am hoping to tag one myself this month. Aaron
  11. Packer

    My 2010 Archery Javelina

    Congrats on the pig and a great sounding hunt. Aaron
  12. Packer

    The 2009 100" post

    106 0/8 10/23/2009
  13. Congratulations on a couple great deer with your bow. After all that excitment it is going to be a long wait until 2011. I hope you have some other hunts planned to fill in the time. Aaron
  14. Packer

    Hunting 34A Alone...am I stupid???

    Sounds like you need to invest in a SPOT or other similar divice where you can send her an "I am OK" message on a regular basis. Then you will also have it if you really do get into a jam. But regardless you need to go. You might as well test the waters before you tie the knot to let her know hunting is a part of who you are. I know too many guys that got married and that was about it as far as hunting went. Aaron
  15. Packer

    Question on Bowhunting turkeys

    That is a great question that I unfortunately can't answer. I do have another question to add to it which is; where is the best place to aim to harvest a turkey with a bow? Aaron
  16. Packer

    2009 Update

    Congrats on a great looking deer, especially for a first. I am sure you will have many more memorable hunts in the future. Aaron
  17. Packer

    Feet only a mother could love"pigs"

    Wow, I have never seen anything like it, and like someone else said I didn't think we had that soft of soil anywhere. Aaron
  18. Packer

    Need some info Pinetop

    Most of the above advise is golden if we were in the fall. This time of year almost all of those roads are closed due to too much snow, with more on the way. If you want to find elk there will be some on the 45 road that goes from Pinetop to Vernon. East of there if you take the 117 in toward Hidden Meadow ranch you should be able to find some. If you are willing to drive a little further east you can see herds of several hundered in the Nutrioso valley, Sipe wildlife area, or Grasslands wildlife area. PM me if you need more areas to look or want more details. Aaron
  19. Packer

    My December Buck

    Congratulations on an awesome buck. Also what an experience, it is situations like that that make you appreciate the friends you have. Thanks for sharing the experience. aaron
  20. Packer

    roninflag's sheep pictures

    Congratulations on a great looking ram. Aaron
  21. Packer

    Big D's Buck

    Great buck, congratulations. Aaron
  22. Packer

    Courtney's story

    Congratulations on a great buck and an awesome hunt. I am looking forward to taking my girls out hunting once they are a little older and this story just motivates me to do it sooner than later. Thanks for the post! Aaron
  23. Packer

    Canyon Bucks

    Congratulations on two great looking bucks, taken in some great looking country. Aaron
  24. Packer

    Finally Shot a Big one!

    Congrats on a great looking buck. He will look great on the wall. Aaron
  25. Packer

    November 27th Coues

    Good looking buck, Congratulations. Aaron