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Everything posted by Buckhunter

  1. Buckhunter

    WHAT THE H???

    should've taken pictures and called Game and Fish they would have come and wrote tickets to the first person who sat the stand. I actually know a hunter who does the same thing on archery elk hunts. Just curious, was it a barricade style sign?
  2. Buckhunter

    Increasing my range...

    One thing you do have right is not shooting out of your comfort zone. Thats what I tell people all the time. You can't just buy a set up like Best of the west and shoot at animals way beyond your range. Keep practicing and look into a turret from Kenton Industries IF you want to go farther. There are other ways to go but that gun can kill 800 yards.
  3. I shot this boar on Friday about 645 am. one shot pretty far out dropped him 15 seconds later herd the death bawl echo across the canyon. Bushwacked my way to him about hour later. 300 RSAUM 150gr Nosler Accubond, Nice heavy bear no rub marks on him. 2nd Bear for me. Going to make a nice mount. Zeiss 4.5-14-44 Kenton Ind Turret. Remington model TT 300RSAUM. 720 yards. One shot.
  4. Buckhunter

    Boar shot on Friday

    Well I spotted this bear pretty early, just saw his shoulders and head under a pine tree with manzanita all around him. We played cat and mouse for about 10-15 mins, he kept standing up against the tree scratching bark off. He would drop below the brush and finally stood broadside clear of the brush. I laid down on the ground with my rifle over a my glassing chair and took quite a few long deep breaths to steady my heart rate. I could feel it in my through I was a little excited. With a spotter I pulled the trigger and lost him in the recoil. I could hear the bullet hit him with a thud. I jumped up to see if I could located him in my 15's as I looked we both hear the death bawl and knew right away we had a dead bear. Now for the fun part. It took me over an hour of bushwacking manzanita and scrub oak shoulder high to get to his location. After getting to where he was standing at the time of the shot. I started looking for blood. After 10 mins of looking I found 2 drops and followed the splash pattern and determined which way he went I. found him about 30 yards down the draw in a scrub Oak. Wow, was the first thing I said to myself when I grabbed the back leg and pulled him out. He had no ground shrinkage. I have to thank a few people that lent me a hand getting him caped in time to salvage the meat. Josh, Chino, Gabe, Niki, and Randy aslo for helping me navigate a trail back to the road. Thanks.
  5. Buckhunter

    Just Got This Coues Back

    So whats the problem? It looks better than the other 2 mounts. Color is going to be different. Thats an outstanding buck and mount.
  6. Buckhunter

    Antelope shoulder mount

    Now thats alot better mount!!! great job
  7. Buckhunter

    Sick Coues Doe

    Shes not sick shes stoned, she got into a pot farm around their!
  8. Im looking to get a new bow, I currently have an 06 Hoyt Vipertech. I have shot the Mathews z7 Hoyt Maxxis. I have seen some reviews on the New Bowtech Destroyer anyone on the site shoot a Destroyer? If so what do you think? Thanks for your input. Looking for a bow in the 31-33" axle length.
  9. Buckhunter

    I Got Robbed!!

    Well I went to check two cameras that I put out last week, Both being the most exspensive ones I own. They were both gone. The most disrepectful part of it was the second camera was 12 ft in a tree with no branches. So who ever stole it found it and had to come back to get something to reach it with. Secondly, they poured a bag of water softner salt over the top of my brown salt. Wow what loser. Im going back in there and posting a sign in the middle of the salt "I will see YOU Opening day A#$#^%$^&" . Hunters get so jelous that someone else found a potentially good spot and can't leave shoot alone. So I say thanks to all the Jerkoff Want to be Hunters who can't find a spot for themselves. It was in unit 23 south of young.
  10. Buckhunter

    I Got Robbed!!

    Just for the record I don't bait everwhere I have a cam. Some places I have cams I don't even hunt. Not because of pressure or the animals I got on the cams were not big enough, I just like getting photos of various animals. Im my original post I assumed it was another hunter who either thought they were being pressured out or in fear that I had found something potentaily productive in wi;dlife and they wanted to take it away in hope that I would not come back. And as for Str8tshot I would guess your one of those guys that sit on the computer on this site and probly others and write comments just to see your words in print like some others on this who comment on every topic on here. I wasn't looking for sympathy or your opinion on the way you hunt. I could care less what you think and the way you think is moral or right by your regards. Fact is most people don't know any others on this site but a small group of people. Thanks for all the comments.
  11. Buckhunter

    I Got Robbed!!

    Im not to butt hurt about it now I know it was a risk. The first cam I had taken had a security code. I even wrote it on the outside of the casing. 'Has a security code will not work" and its reg to me. I guess that pissed me off the most along with dumping other salt on top of mine. I will not be pushed away from their. I will be hunting their come archery season. Good luck to all who have cams out. Total count now is 3 stolen cams.
  12. Buckhunter

    I Got Robbed!!

    All the locks and cables and bear boxes just keep the honest people from stealing them. And as far as boot tracks and tires treads, what am I going to do ask them, " hey did you steal my trail cams?" Theres no recourse for this. Just wish I could see Karma in action.
  13. Buckhunter

    African Hunting

    I asume the hunter paid the tag fee for the elephant he didn't kill, Thats a big money gamble when you hunt dangerous game. Jim Shokey had the same thing happen to him.
  14. I might be going to Pa possibly in the rut. Good Luck.
  15. Buckhunter


    sent you a PM
  16. Buckhunter

    Monster Muley 250" Video

    The bigger buck is for sale for over $200,000 dollars. Thats a great deal for a 5 min killing. Time it takes to get out of the truck turn on the video cam, rack a round in the chamber and say, "action!" and BOOOOM. "What a hunt!, Where down here in Old Mexico on another great Desert Mule Deer hunt. Well be right back, and now a word from our sponsor.
  17. Buckhunter

    San Carlos tags

    Good luck in D-West. The lions have desimated the deer population in there. I missed a lion twice there on first day. 2 years ago. Dusted out the wash in 3 places where the roads cross and came back the next morning and there was lion tracks in every wash.
  18. Buckhunter

    Opening Day Bird

    Hopfully that Benelli will give me some luck! Nice Bird Bro.
  19. Buckhunter

    Luepold 6.5x20x40 vxIII

    SOLD!!!!!!!!! thanks
  20. Buckhunter

    Luepold 6.5x20x40 vxIII

    I got a Luepold VXIII 6.5x20x40 gloss finish scope for sale. No marks on it very clean. Just don't have a big rifle to put it on. Sitting in the safe for a year. $400 chris 480-223-3179
  21. Buckhunter

    Mathews Mustang Bow

    bow is 1 year old. sring is good.
  22. Buckhunter

    Mathews Mustang Bow

    Her is a Mathews Mustang bow Comes with aeverything except a release. Cavalier TM hunter rest, Copper John sights, quiver, and 12 Vapor arrows, 24"draw, 50-60lbs. $375. obo. 480-639-8488 josh
  23. Buckhunter

    Parker Bow

    Parker Challanger (draw length 24", draw weight 50-60lbs) bare bow I want to try and get $150. 480-639-8488 josh
  24. Buckhunter

    Mulitple topics in one...(7 pics )

    no big bulls in Green Valley huh.
  25. Buckhunter

    Brave Lion! A little too tame maybe?

    I was told they were from Casper, wy