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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nelson Reservoir

    Were you there for the downpour???
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Resources for wolf debates

    In a magazine booklet i picked up @G$F it states that the wolf never existed in the current relocation area but roamed further south down in what is now Mexico! So technically according to their own information it is not a reintroduction but an introduction!
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Primos Cam in 23N

    I have wondered often about points you bring up and I agree 100% with you. There was a time living out in the middle of nowhere New Mexico that I thought I knew how to "hunt'! Buy an over the counter tag when deer season rolled around and go to the hills where we "knew" there had to be deer! Try to walk around really calm and quiet with the hopes of jumping up a buck and having the opportunity for a clear shot. But if we didn't get a shot my brother was just over the next ridge and maybe if we were lucky that buck might go over there! No optics! No 4 wheeler.....ok sometimes a mule...... No trail cam..... And low and behold who had ever heard of pre-season scouting??? Pre season scouting was asking the rancher for permission to hunt on his spread and how did the deer population look!!! After moving from the middle of nowhere and realizing that "hunting" was way more than what I had ever imagined I realized that I really wasn't much of a hunter after all compared to what the rest of the hunting community was doing! I was just walking around in the hills with a gun, tag and a prayer that I just might be lucky enough to find a buck and get at least one good shot! I remember when graduating from open sights to a gun that actually had a scope on it was pretty steep upgrade for my neck of the woods and it was not allowed to make that graduation step until it was proven I could accurately shoot open sights!!! Lots of things changed and like couesmagnet said.....trail cams for me have influenced where I have hunted but I have never personally benefited from what was on my camera and what I wrapped my tag around! I enjoy trail cams because everybody in my family can enjoy, nobody needs a tag and my wife is all in venturing out with me which is a bonus!!!
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Memorial Day

    No words can describe the appreciation I have for those who have served and currently serve on behalf of the freedoms I enjoy! My family is blessed and we are so thankful for those willing to defend our country! Thank you very much!!!! Be safe out there everybody!!!
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Striper fishing

    Thanks for posting that link........
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hand made knifes 440 steel blank blades

    Hand crafted......well worth the money......already knifed up here at my place but appreciate somebody's talent and bump it to the top!
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Garmin College Fishing Team Contends for Championship

    Am I too old to apply for next year???? Sounds like lots of hard work and fun......
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Primos Cam in 23N

    I have three different sites with cameras on them right now and can't wait to go check the pictures out.......and I don't have a tag for anything, just enjoy getting out in the woods and seeing what I can't see when I ain't there......soon as Friday afternoon shift is over I am outta here to check cameras!!
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZ Game and Fish's Fish Stocking Schedule Questions

    Raghorn.......the reason you are struggling with the fishing report is you are up waaaaayyyy too early in the morning!!! Quit worrying about when they stock the fish, get your favorite jitterbug lure out and take those kids fishin!!! I will let you know how the fishing is at Nelson after this weekend.......probably won't be any parking spots but we will give it a try!!!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Antelope? Pronghorn?

    I gotta admit I know very little about the Pronghorn Antelope but sitting in church Sunday keeping my grandson quiet we were perusing a book titled Arizona Wildlife and we came across this.... I guess I have never heard them referred to specifically as "pronghorn".....without the term "antelope" included??? Just curious if one is more correct that the other or if they belong together both terms or are they interchangeable???
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Pacific Coast Highway

    Have always wanted to check out the Pacific Coast Highway and seriously considering dragging the little camp trailer and checking it out this summer. I have never ventured into the camp trailer find a spot to park program and wondering if anyone has recommendations regarding that particular trip......maybe start at Ventura and end at Crecent City??? Is that too much, doable......Crazy yes but still want to try!!!
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Happy Birthday Coach!!!

    Hope you had a great day, looking forward to your hunting, fishing and trapping stories for another year!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Pacific Coast Highway

    That is great news.....I didn't want to take a trip to Californicated anyway...thanks for the heads up.....
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mannchester, UK

    This is kinda what I was thinking of.....
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Black River

    Took a trip into Black River, second time for me but a different spot! I was amazed at how much water was running. Last time (maybe 15 years ago?) further up river there were just small pools, could walk across without having to wade. Two completely different experiences but both memorable as being just great tranquility and absolute fun! I can't remember the time of year last time but I am curious is it at a normal level right? Normal of course being relevant to time of year and all the other factors, but in general is it normal? Love fishing with this gal!!! Little cat that couldn't resist a night crawler!!! Also a question for those who frequent the area.....why don't people fish the White River?
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Black River

    We got there around 1:00 in the afternoon, it was more of a go check the place out and bring our fishing poles adventure. Most of the people we bumped into were using night crawlers. My wife caught a few on a little chartreuse shad. The real reason I caught a cat was because I was helping my wife get a mess fixed on her pole so I threw a worm out there and let it sit while we were working on her pole. We fished until it was too dark to see. Very relaxing afternoon not too concerned about catching or not catching. I was surprised at how many people were there but we never felt crowded! We were at Tick Flats I believe but not 100% sure about that.....according to my map reading skills that is where we were!
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    goin' vegan

    Mother moon.....gotta love it!!!!
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bulls and more Bulls

    Had this camera out for two weeks, set it up on a major trail and was just curios to see what kind of critters were using the trail which was always full of elk and deer sign. 1247 pictures the first night we put the camera up, then a couple of deer pictures the next day, but then three consecutive nights with no day pictures in between! Question is, why no day pictures, I always have day pictures of shadows moving and branches blowing or something but nothing at all during the day? Filled up the 2GB card in 7 days, bulls galore, of course repeat visitors but still lots of fun to see and dang.....I missed a week of growth!!!
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Who owns this Hand...

    T- Bag
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    How do I "Pattern" Elk

    Raghorn......remember those bulls we had patterned north of the highway up until opening morning!!! :D
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Show low one night trailer parking spot

    You are welcome to land it at my shop but I am in Snowflake!!! Water, power.......quiet!
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    How do I "Pattern" Elk

    I am curious about the "resident" herds? Not in 3C but over at Alpine watching how those elk come and go! Having hunted early archery and late rifle! I was off in some of the steepest roughest country unit 27 has to offer not seeing one bull while my family sat by a warm fire at the cabin watching bulls in the meadow 😳 I am not very experienced in bull behavior but IMO the "resident" bulls won't go too far! Now that Rez line in 3c ain't that far and for sure some rough country and dang that fence line anyway!!!!
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Pacific Coast Highway

    Thanks Ben......that doesn't sound fun.....course I fully expect "clogged" going California.......
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bulls and more Bulls

    ET....phone home!!!!
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Know When to say when

    Sounds like lots of fun!!!