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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    This is what happens when you don't have an opening morning archery elk tag........superbowl predictions!!! How about those Raiders.....1-0 they have a winning record!!!!
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mercer Cage Traps and everything else you need to start trapping

    Store it til the young ones get old enough.....you'll kick yourself in the seat of the pants for getting rid of it all!!! Bump!!!
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Last minute advice...

    Did anybody mention Gold Bond???
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Loren McReynolds Goes Down

    Or we could call in Nature Girl and her ex???
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Walking Beef

    I'm surprised that story hasn't gotten more traction from the animal lovers..........I mean they could have at least tried here kitty kitty right??
  6. Non-Typical Solutions


    There was a comment made on another thread about educating elk to certain calls and it got me to thinking about all of this scouting that goes on! I remember back when I lived in Ash Fork right there in unit 10, about a month before deer season it was pretty common to see "spot lighters" out working the hills looking for deer and I always thought it gave the deer the "alarm" for deer season and they all went and hid! Now that archery elk season is about to kick off, what do people do regarding scouting? If my elk hunt isn't until late November does that mean it is taboo for me to be out scouting? I mean, I understand the whole thing about screwing up somebodies hunt and all and I know I would be frustrated to get my hunt busted up by someone out there fiddling around during my hunt but......what do I do between now and my late November hunt? Any common sense rule of thumb? I remember one deer hunt up in unit 10......middle of the day, hotter than heck......we are out in the middle of the flats shooting prairie dogs and a local guy cornered me that evening and wanted to know what the heal I was doing shooting prairie dogs in the middle of a deer hunt? I just laughed and said it was prairie dog season too!!! Hind site I probably shouldn't have been prairie dog hunting right in the middle of a hunt but on the other hand, I had just as much right to be out there shooting prairie dogs as anybody else had to be out there hunting!!!!!
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    SUN Devils Toast.!

    And then there is the Cardinals!!!
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    What an amazing experience!!!

    Great buck love the hat!!! Come on Flatlander!!!
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    9/11 Never Forgotten

    Unless they decide to tear it down some day because it hurt somebodies feelings......never forget and may the memorial stand as a remembrance of those who were killed and those who sacrificed trying to help others!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Don Williams RIP

    I don't believe in superstars organic food and foreign cars!!!!! Great music for sure!!!!
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    BAD cam setup

    I decided to try a video setting at a spot where I already had a still cam set up! I set up a second cam obviously not really thinking this through! 🙃 Messed up most of my night pictures 😬
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    BAD cam setup

    That is funny there!!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Pops 1st Elk and Archery kill

    AGH......where is my archery elk tag??? Awesome job!!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    Raiders until they move then I'm done.......
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Scouting 3a3c

    Hey I was babysitting baby bird so my old man could actually put a stalk on something instead of listening to every branch on the ground snap. Truer words were never spoken....does he come on here anymore since he found a girlfriend???
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Getting Distracted by Elk

    It works like this....during deer season, elk are every where......during elk season deer are everywhere.....when I am antler hunting rattle snakes are everywhere and that causes me to be so severely distracted that I walk past all kinds of antlers I am sure of it!! Ever watch Old Yeller.......he lets a squirrel distract him!!! It is easy to ADHD when you are out in the forest......focus grasshopper, focus!!! Good luck out there and be safe!!! And guess what is all over my trail cam picture now that turkey season is long gone....yep...turkey!!!
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Boys of Fall

    Yep it is and man, can't wait to go find a bull for RagHorn to whack!!!
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Remember This?

    I have the first amazing "how did you come up with this" for the new school year! The competency assignment instructs the student: Using a square, draw a 1 1/2" X 1 1/2" square on your 2" X 4"! Using a wood chisel and a mallet, chisel out the square to 1/8" depth! Of course all competencies are demonstrated by the instructor prior to the student having to perform the competency! The block on the left is a sample that was performed by one of my students! It is as close to perfect as you can get from a 7th/8th grade student and it is well done! The block on the right is one of my students as well that obviously is confused as to what 1 1/2" X 1 1/2 inch is as well as 1/8th of an inch! The middle square that is obviously not the correct measurement was the students first attempt and the other two, second and third attempt! Moments like this always makes me feel like I must really suck as an instructor!!!!
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Remember This?

    My prayer every day and honestly what matters the most!!!
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Speaking of Wolves

    Is this guy recovering game or do they get to four wheel wherever they want?
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Buck of a lifetime!!

    Pretty sure my arrow would have flown right over his back!!!!! Congrats on a jaw dropper!!!
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Speaking of Wolves

    That pretty much sums it up for me as well........
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    What to do after snake bite?

    We get in a pretty heated discussion about this every time we are miles from anywhere hiking........good topic and good info! One thing that for all outdoor ventures is always let somebody know where you are headed.....just in case!!!!
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Travel Route -- Peoria to Eager

    Or leave at 10:00 pm..........
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Travel Route -- Peoria to Eager

    Gotta weigh the odds...is it easier for you to get to the BeeLine HWY or trek on the 202 over to the 60??? My wife hates Salt River Canyon, my son who lives in Gilbert prefers to go through the Salt River Canyon......Payson route always gets the vote in our family!!!(wife)