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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Expert Wrenchers

    Anybody have knowledge as to what this wrench is used for? Dug it out of Grandpas tool box!
  2. Non-Typical Solutions


  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Dad come down here for the winter .........,

    ....its nice and warm and we live in a safe part of town 😬
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nothing is Sacred anymore

    http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/12/20/ho-ho-what-mainstream-media-heralds-book-depicting-santa-claus-as-gay-black-man.html Ho! Ho! What?!? Mainstream media heralds book depicting Santa Claus as a gay black man Mrs. Claus is now a mister in a new gay-themed Christmas storybook for children that has CNN and the rest of the Mainstream Media all aflutter. “Santa’s Husband” tells the story of a black Kris Kringle and his white husband living in holy matrimony at the North Pole. Click here for a free subscription to Todd’s newsletter: a must-read for Conservatives! I don’t mean to curdle your egg nog, but the storybook was written for children as young as four-years-old. Yes, good readers. Now you can tuck in your preschoolers on Christmas Eve and regale them with tales of Frosty and the Sugar Plum Fairy and a jolly old gay elf who slides down chimneys and stuffs holiday stockings. “As this charming book reminds us, Santa Claus can come in all shapes and colors and sizes – just like the children and families he visits all over the world each Christmas Eve,” read a description of the book on Amazon.com. Author Daniel Kibblesmith, a writer for “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert”, told CNN he was inspired to write the book to “by the annual tradition we have in this country of pretending that there’s a giant war on Christmas, and that traditional Christmas is under attack.” Mr. Kibblesmith also took exception with the generally-held belief that Santa Claus is a white guy. “We were reading all of the news about Mall of America hiring a black Santa Claus last year and me and my now wife made a joke on Twitter that if we ever had a child they would only know about black Santa Claus and if they saw a white Santa Claus at the mall we would just explain ‘Well, that’s his husband,'” he told CNN. Mr. Kibblesmith’s politically-correct version of Santa Claus is all the rage among Mainstream Media types – pretty much the same crowd that celebrates depictions of Jesus as a gay man. The book is “as true and humble a Christmas tale as any Santa enthusiast could want,” declared Chicago Tribune writer Rex Huppke. “And that is the beauty of this holiday tale,” he wrote. “The fact that Santa Claus is black and gay has little bearing on the story. What it’s really about is accepting that every family sees Christmas in a different way.” Esquire.com heralded the book as “war on Christmas trolling at its finest.” “The all-ages book about a black, gay Santa takes on the Yuletide zealots with a warm smile,” one headline screamed. “In a lot of ways, it was just a reaction to people who wanted to police Christmas and keep it all to themselves, without acknowledging the reality of how diverse the country is, and how diverse our traditions have become—not just with people from different religions, but just with pop culture becoming one of the driving forces behind it,” Mr. Kibblesmith told Esquire. Mr. Kibblesmith does not offer any advice for parents on how to address questions that might arise from curious youngsters. Like, for example, why does Mrs. Claus have a beard? Well, I suppose it could’ve been worse. Santa could’ve been married to a gender fluid, androgynous elf or a non-binary reindeer with a red nose. Lord have mercy on us!!!
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nothing is Sacred anymore

    It is always such a fine line between protecting them too much or letting the rope out all the way!!! Good advice there and Merry Christmas to all the CWT family out there!!!!
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nothing is Sacred anymore

    That only happens if it is going the other direction........
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    The cream is slowly rising...

    Actually might have to tune in to the game on the 30th!!!
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    The cream is slowly rising...

    Don't forget "Nature Girl".....gotta remember that name for the furture NFL........
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Great grandparents hunting photos

    Always fun to find things out about the old timers, really cool pictures. It always seems like those black and white pictures just make it look so dang tough.....which it was!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Where to fish for the new year?

    This little guy is killing me with urban pond fishing.......can't beat that with a stick!!! Hopefully Owen will take me to his secret hole pre first of the year!!!
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    34A Snow/Rain??? Tag-filled!!!

    Is it just me or is that little guy small for his big antlers??? Small buck syndrom I guess!!! Awesome to connect on a ghost buck, congrats to the hunter!!!
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mexican wolves chasing huge elk herd

    Wolves don't hunt in packs and they don't kill elk and deer, they balance out the ecosystem and bring the nostalgic western back to its original state Cool video!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Sheep Hunt

    See, I told you it was gonna be a good story....way to get the job done despite all the traffic and distractions! Great looking ram, sounds like a fun tag to get in your pocket!!! Congratulations!!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Heber back yard buck

    Trashy sucker.....nice looking buck!!!
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Show Low area shed buyer in trouble

    Said shed guy previously under investigation told me once that I should not be hunting for antlers in his antler area........so while I never passed him and he never passed me.....I was told to stay out of his area!!!
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    How is this a thing?

    I kinda want a badge though, that is somewhat enticing.........
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    How is this a thing?

    I saw a crooked horn spike and a busted off fork. I'm only trying to get about $3.50pm sent Wait......my pm was before yours........wonder how many people are going to show up?
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    3 generations hunt

    Ya what's not in that picture is several other piles and scratch marks in the same spot . Pretty sure this cat is sticking around this area somewhat. Just because I didn't want to shoot him doesn't mean "someone " isn't up there now with dogs. Haha Man I would love just once to have a lion in my crosshairs like that......congrats to your old man and congrats to you for getting both your dad and your son out there for some hunting memories!!!
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    3 generations hunt

    Packer....awesome story and nothing better than hunting with people that you love!!! Looks like good shot placement on a lion quartering towards you if you pull the trigger! I am curios for my own identification purposes........lion turd???? Did you watch him drop it?? My initial ID on that pile would have been wolf, but we all know that the wolves haven't made it to 6B and I was always under the impression that Kitty's coverer their pile??? You always put together one heck of a camp meal!!!
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    How is this a thing?

    And we were worried about somebody letting us know that unit 6A was open this December
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    How is this a thing?

    All you gotta do is look at that back pack with the rack sticking up in the air and know that this person has never packed anything with antlers out of the woods........
  22. Non-Typical Solutions


    23 is open too.......................uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh here we go again...........nuke the thread!!!
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Desert Sheep Scouting

    Lol. almost done. Had it all done but was waaay too long Sometimes it just takes that long to tell a good story......
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Show Low area shed buyer in trouble

    Cept the 30K it cost him to defend against charges.......yep, nothing....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Show Low area shed buyer in trouble

    Closed case, accused bore the burden of lawyers etc with no charges being upheld by investigation.......through the grape vine.....