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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions


    I pronounce it oak a tee o but I’m from New Mexico
  2. Non-Typical Solutions


    I have wanted to build using some ocotillo and today walked past a fence built out of it! Absolutely loved it and now more than ever want to use it in a project I am working on! I am curious about the permit fees guess I will have to go talk to someone at a main office!!!
  3. Non-Typical Solutions


    Dang, I asked didn't I??? Thanks for the link, now to go and get my degree in plantology so I can figure what the key word for ocitillo is!!!! Thanks.....
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Sanctuary City

    As a kid I spent days upon days hunting dove on my dads pig farm with my BB gun! There was no safe place for any feathered friend as I felt it was my duty to rid the pig farm of all grain thieving creatures! As I saw the hundreds of dove scattered in this safe haven it made me long for the days long gone packing my B.B. gun! Tough to see them in the picture but they are there!
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    How bout them Devils!

    What runningbird said is exactly what the announcers were saying!!!! Try explaining the logic to the teams above them on the chart!!!
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    How bout them Devils!

    Finally got to watch a game was kinda worried I was jinxing the cats! Announce make it sound like ASU still might have a hope! That would be fun! As impressive as the stars were Cartwright is what basketball is for me! A little guy pulling down rebounds and playing 4 years for the Cats!
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Interesting BAN!!!

    https://www.toddstarnes.com/faith/condo-bans-senior-citizens-bible-study-christian-music/ Condo Bans Senior Citizen’s Bible Study, Christian Music
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    College Basketball in Arizona: Reality over Rhetoric

    What was the T for??? Wish I could be watching live!!!
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    College Basketball in Arizona: Reality over Rhetoric

    Not watching but got another close one at half.....two point game......looks like Colorado came to play!!!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Results up!

    They try to make it sound so nice!!! DARN IT!!! Draw AppsDarn it! Looks like you didn't get drawn for the 2018 Mid-Winter season. It happens to us all. Better luck with the next Big Game Draw opportunity! View all apps
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    How bout them Devils!

  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Interesting BAN!!!

    No kids at home but I also have banned radio and the current version of what "country" music has become so I guess I am hypocritical about banning things!!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trips to the Valley

    I always am amazed at the sheltered bubble I live in up here in Snowflake!!! I decided to share a couple of my interesting encounters from this past weekend!!! This one caught my attention......Traffic Calming???? Is this the PC highway dept. version of saying "Slow Down"? Cracked me up!!! I was going to block out the license plate but it kinda defeats the message!!! I think I got themessage though!!!! The battle out there is real, I always get educated every trip we make!!!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    College Basketball in Arizona: Reality over Rhetoric

    I've just been keeping track of scores....what happened???
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    College Basketball in Arizona: Reality over Rhetoric

    Which is too bad too....they had a great season and start.....but gotta finish games!!!! And seasons.....
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    College Basketball in Arizona: Reality over Rhetoric

    Looks like a tight game with the BUFFs......
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Late Archery Bull... Whose been successful?

    Yes I could pointguard, but since I had a tag last year there really isnt any reason to. I could be your long lost son.....and you could sign it over if you really don't want to hunt that late archery hunt!!! Best of luck to you on that hunt!!!
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Events with vendors in Payson

    I think they have a t e s t i c l e ....... Festival too!!!
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Taxes and Trump

    I feel for young adult kids.......insurance, house payment or rent, healthcare trying to start a family, things we have all had to face but it seems so much more "taxing" than it was for me, I always had a good steady job plus an extra job for play money!!! I am right on the cutting edge of being retired or staying with work to cover health insurance! I officially retired 2 years ago but then hired back and I swear the taxes just kept flying out of my pocket.........really upset me but making that kind of a move did put more money in my pocket but also threw us into a different tax bracket, plus all the kids out of the house........ Bottom line......live within your budget......you don't spend more than you make........which our country will never accomplish as long as we give money to countries, support illegals and sanctuary mentality! I really hope Trump can keep up pushing these approaches and he doesn't give up under the pressure.................
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Rim Lakes

    That deep snow has to be kind of a stretch right??? Maybe muddy.....maybe......but deep snow......we haven't had deep snow!!!
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Taxes and Trump

    Crumbs don't add up to millionaires but to hard working people who actually work and provide services they were hired to do, crumbs do add up!!!......Not that Pelosi is worried about crumbs............
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trips to the Valley

    First time ever in that neighborhood, had a little league game there.......I thought I was lost.....and all th sudden boom....there was the school right in the middle of all those houses. Looks like a nice facility but man.....if you want a front row seat at the little league game you better have your combat boots on.........survival of the fastest!!! Lots of fun watching the grandkids get involved with sports. We got two soccer games, one flag football game and one little league game all in one day......great trip!!! Fortunately for me I allowed myself to just follow the tracks straight through the Calming area....but I seriously thought I was supposed to get like shoulder rubs or something going through there!!!
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Taxes and Trump

    I am getting $17.87 more a paycheck....twice a month which is more than my district gave me in a raise.....so I ain't complaining!!!!
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Heck Yea 2018 *New Huntress Update*

    Sounds like you have the most important tag of all....congratulations on the August tag!!!
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trips to the Valley

    Oh I don't mind......whatever people want to eat is their business.......just made me realize that there is lots going on out there as I put bacon on the grill!!!