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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Elk Quiz

  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    You see this Colorado rep?

  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    GameStop Craziness!!

    It's OK if you don't get it stanley................we're getting used to it...........
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    GameStop Craziness!!

    He's questioning how this stays at campfire and other "non related" subjects get booted........come on Stanley that was a simple one that even 3TV would not get!!!! I'm just guessing
  5. Non-Typical Solutions


    Always interesting to read the comments........AZlance are these numbers accurate
  6. Non-Typical Solutions


    Gringorio @GregJoder · Jan 28 Replying to @azgfdTucson So happy the Biden Admin stopped the useless wall just as it was entering jaguar habitat. 4 7 RockyColo @RockyColo · Jan 28 Yes! 3 Mark @MarkfromArizona · Jan 28 Replying to @azgfdTucson Shhhhh GingerBug @GingerBug5 · Jan 28 Replying to @azgfdTucson Wow!! Great!! the truth is what is @mpinchera · Jan 28 Replying to @azgfdTucson and @hdfatty Can we get some friends in there for them? 6 Dr. E.B. Webster @Ella4the98th · Jan 28 Replying to @azgfdTucson and @am_anatiala Nice. But to have a population you need not-males. 1 1 Gringorio @GregJoder · Jan 29 Well, a wall would insure that no other animals came into the habitat. Feb 1
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    This day in history...

    Which allowed me to be a US citizen growing up in the bootheel of New Mexico!!!!
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Desert Bowhunting without the illegals

    Many of my friends who still live in the bootheel still deal with border crossings every day......
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Desert Bowhunting without the illegals

    This was part two of my hunting experience back in 2007
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Desert Bowhunting without the illegals

    I've had more sketch experiences in motels that I have had hunting southern units. Having said that, my error transposing numbers back in 2007 landed me with a 36B tag and my eyes were opened to the mess Illegals have caused in the hills out there! Even back then that year we had a chopper visit us on our glassing spot with a low fly by and a night visit down the wash we were camping above!
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    7mm mag reload questions

    Looking forward to what you work up.......it is time consuming but very gratifying to get the load your gun likes! Lets keep an eye out for more lost components
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Gotta love those seniors

    FYI oc·to·ge·nar·i·an /ˌäktəjəˈnerēən/ Learn to pronounce noun plural noun: octogenarians a person who is from 80 to 89 years old.
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    So tell us what happened.....

    Yeah....you don't want to wish elk on the windshield to anyone......it ain't pretty!!!
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Go buy some groceries and commodities

    Biggest conspiracy theory ........ cornbagger stole the trail cam!!!
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    HR 5717

    Anybody heard about this? Maybe I missed it somewhere?
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    caught stealing tree stand pics!

    Sorry lance appears that trouble maker is making the rounds!🙃
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    caught stealing tree stand pics!

  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    caught stealing tree stand pics!

  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fire restrictions

    We drove over middle mountain road in 27 a week ago, it looked like somebody had gone through with a horrible weed eater and munched off the branches of trees right next to the road.....10-12' up, I think they got a microburst wind storm of some sort through there with those branches so dry they just shred/snapped, I'll dig for a picture...........
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    ISO-.357 rifle

    Asking for my brother.......anybody sitting on one they are interested in getting rid of? Don't know the going rate and not sure exactly what he is willing to pay, just asking!
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    ISO-.357 rifle

    My brother said Winchester, Marlin.......wasn't really looking for one over the other as far as maker........said his wallet was probably the biggest factor
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    ISO-.357 rifle

    I'm not sure I would sell that to my own brother!!! Sweet looking rifle!
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fire restrictions

    Even with the lift on restrictions......it is really really dry out there...............
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Portal/bonus PTS. missing

    I got onto my account and I think everything is OK..........