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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. I saw that cat in the zoo a few years back....somebody turned him loose down south, and now look what is happening. Don't worry about the trash, it will just wash down the wash and won't harm a thing.....pretty upside down out there. I hope they didn't spend a whole lot of money figuring out that those cats are "communicating" with each other by pissing on their territory........
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZ Unit 24A

    Azonie, I can relate....I made the misfortune of transposing numbers on my application(possible old age), for my 5th choice, and ended up in 36B. We made one scouting trip, 6 hours one way, that is all we could fit into our schedule, we scouted for deer and campsites as well, which of course both were ellusive, as the opening morning came. If I knew a thing about 24A I would be happy to give you some help. All I have seen of 24A is the drive from Snowflake to Tucson......wicked thick and steeper than....well......perfect coues country from the view from the highway.
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    My arms are tingling!

    How about the runs....anybody else get the runs every time hunting season comes around??? Sorry......
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Shorty Bags a Buck...

    If it takes not entering the contest to get one of those......not a bad tactic.....Nice Buck.....
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bullet Question

    30-06 with a 125 grain bullet will kill those mulies all day long.........
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trashy Wash

    Right now during deer season would be a great time for the good reverend to come and visit.....call in assistance from a distance........I'm a little riled over the whole thing....stir the pot, get the ACLU down here, get'm all down here and let them spend the night camping on the side of a wash full of that mess.......course, in the long run it will boil down to us paying the price, not just in the clean-up, but some numbskull will come up with a law prohibiting US citizens from entering that area legally.
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    The 36B Experience

    Good to hear you guys located a buck, two years ago there was 6" of snow on the ground and gates had all been padlocked to the area we were going into. So we had to hike a mile and a half in the snow just to get to our glassing area. The heat is defintely a tough thing to battle. That area is exciting just because of the "possibility" of a huge buck, any place, any time. Here is the monster that we found Dang it, I'll get the photo up in a bit....@#%$##^&^ computers....
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    The 36B Experience

    OK, coueswhitetail.com and all readers, here are a few notes from our 36B experience: First, a great big thanks to firstcoueswas80 and out2hunt, they helped me out tremendously with pointers on the area, thanks to both of you for your help. Second, what a beautiful area you have to hunt and enjoy the great outdoors, the morning and evening hours were excellent, hot during the day, but what the heck. Third, where in the H3ll did you get those gigantic grasshoppers from, plus my wife had an 8" centipede just about crawl up her leg. I have a theory on that if nobody has a good answer for me. Fourth, we found deer with minimal preseason scouting, we could have done a much better job in this department but just to far away to be feasible. We had a blast chasing those critters around and we came up empty handed but it wasn't due to lack of effort. Fifth, I was very disappointed in the trash in the wash (Diablo Mt.), took over 200 pics during my mid-day activities and want to send them to every congress, representative, senator, govenor, Pres. of the US........my 10 year old who was hunting with us is very confused about what we saw down there. Left a pretty bitter taste in his mouth as well as mine. Thanks again for sharing your kneck of the woods with us. Jeff
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trashy Wash

    Dang it......
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    36a Whitetail

    With a crew like that how could you go wrong. Nice job, and it goes to show...sometimes you just can't account for the luck in a hunt......congrats.....
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    The 36B Experience

    Good luck down there Ultra, maybe it will cool off a little and increase your odds. I love getting out there so much just to be out there is a blessing. Making the kill is icing on the cake that didn't really need any icing to be good anyway. Another thing I forgot to mention..........when in the heck did we decide to start posting our d@mn freeways in kilometers.....??? More southern influence going on here than the trash in the wash!!!!
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Who doesn't wear camo when rifle hunting?

    I throw it on to feel like I am a real hunter, but have not really worried about it too much during rifle season. If I had more money, I would probably wear more camo.....
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    It's just about time!!

    Wash the windshield.....and the wifes too so she doesn't get bent out of shape.....yearly windshield washing..
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Pick up yo pants playa!

    I agree TATA......I teach at the Jr. High and if profiling were a legal thing, I could peg my troublemakers, first day of school. Some of you may thing that it isn't right to peg a kid because of what they wear, and it ain't saying that it is righ, but.......you get a kid walk through the door with their hair dyed all different colors.....trouble.....pants hanging around his knees....trouble......hat on sideways or basackwards.....trouble. I told my boys if they wanted to wear their pants down around their knees and their hat jacked up.....they could do that after they left the house.....18 years old..... I really am not in favor a laws telling a person what they can and can't wear.....but there is some behavior tied to what a person wears.....
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    It's just about time!!

    Gold bond powder........... My dang kid won wrestleoffs yesterday, so I am stuck here until late Thursday.....so I guess that gives me a couple of extra hours to forget what was supposed to pack........good luck out there and be safe.
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    It's just about time!!

    I shot my 250 for years hunting mule deer in New Mexico and Unit 27 here in AZ, but was kind of skittish about it up in unit 10. That particular season that I messed up with my .270 I did kill a 30" mulie with my 250. I think one of the reasons I had success with it was I thought I could hit anything with it, where I wanted to......It has worked for me and I am letting my 10 year old use it for our coues hunt this weekend.
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    It's just about time!!

    Pack, nothing like hunting with your kids is there. They have a way of never letting you forget the sermons......good story....my boy who was going to gunsmithing school at the time had just blued my.270 for me. Months later as I packed to go to Unit 10 deer hunting, I threw in my .270 and my 22-250 for backup. I had always preached to my boys about pre-season shooting to make sure your gun in good to go, but I was coaching and hadn't taken the time. Opening morning, I pull out the trusty old .270 and realized that my scope had never been completely remounted and sighted in after the blue job......so I shoved it back into it's case and brought out the trusty 22-250. But my boy has never let me forget about "preseason" routine.
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    It's just about time!!

    I've been packing for two weeks and I ain't even packing in.....I have to go over it a hundred times in my head or I forget the important things....like my gun.........When I was first married, getting ready to go hunting I made a mistake. My wife asked me if I had everything I needed and I turned to her and said, all I need is my gun.....that didn't set right with her......and she reminds me every year when I start packing......two days and counting........
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Pick your Candidate

    Hunter-Thompson-Romney..........funny thing is....who the heck is Ron Paul.....signs popped up all over rural AZ..and I didn't even know who he was or what the heck he was running for.....my bad
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Anyone need some Help

    I'm gonna need all kinds of help..... First....my sister in law has a tag, my 22 year old has a tag, (not worried about him) and my wife signed her tag over to my 10 year old.......so yeah, I could use some help........my sister-in-law is afraid of getting robbed, so somebody is going to have to hold her hand the whole time.....I am going to be pulling in about 2am Thursday night, probably sleep in the car or start hiking to my morning glassing spot...............what else could I ask for.....I am stoked to get to go out and help my family try and find the ghost deer......36B here we come.....
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    3 TV

    That is funny....my son had been down in the valley for about a week....first time living in the big city.....he called me up and told me him and his buddy were going to go down to one of the urban lakes and do some duck hunting with a golf club.....I told him that would be an unacceptablething to do even though it sounds like lots of fun. When I was a kid growing up in souther New Mexico, it was not that unusual to pack my 22-250 under the seat of the car on the way to school just in case a coyote ran across the road. Farmers and Ranchers didn't mind as long as you weren't shooting their critters or tanks and stuff like that. Today it is not even a question, it is still just as rural, but times have changed.......I would get thrown in jail for packing a gun to school, piss off the neighbors for killing the coyote that just ate their pet poodle and make the rancher mad for shooting the protected blacktailed prariedog that dug the hole that just broke his prize horses leg.
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    3 TV

    Lark......man there are some nice bulls that come down into that Alpine meadow. My dad has a place on the edge of the meadow, south of Judds lake. We go there on the weekend during the rut and listen to them bugle. It is alot of fun and I have often dreamed of the day I could position myself up in the middle of that big ridge to the south...we call it TV mountain, don't really know the name, but some where I could nail one of those buggers. But...every time I have gotten drawn for 27.....I go elsewhere, it is not worth the hassle of fighting that battle. Don't get me wrong, if I catch him up on that ridge and I have a tag, I'm going after him. I would rather fight that battle eslewhere, education of youngsters and keeping the hunting dream alive. The damage control on two latest elk fiascos will take it's toll on hunting. There is alot, and I mean you wouldn't believe how much building is going on in the Pinetop/Show Low area.....right in the middle of prime game habitat......we can either kick against the pricks(literally) or educate and set a standard.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    3 TV

    I guess that is what I was trying to say, you just did a better job of it Lark.....
  24. Non-Typical Solutions


    Haven't looked at a map for years of that area but........used to be lots of deer hangin out by the fields right on the NM state line across from the Cotton City/Animas area......haven't tried to access it or hunt it for years....used to be a dang good place to hunt coyotes........maybe there isn't even any farming going on down there anymore.....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    3 TV

    I watched the 3TV clip.....and have a couple of observations. One, as hunters we gotta be smarter, can't keep giving the opposition fire power against us by pulling stunts like that, it is a no win situatio for us who love hunting to shoot somebodys pet.... Two....I am pretty sure in the clip, it showed the elk eating from a pile of alfalfa hay???? What is up with that????