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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    coyotes by flag

    Not really interested in getting into the ethics of it all...but I skin and sell the pelts. I honestly don't kill enough to make a dent in the pack, but I do like teaching my kids about the uses and purposes of taking game other than the sheer joy of killing. I have a buddy here that if I don't have the time or want too....I can drop the dog off and he will skin it and sell the pelt....
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Foxpro on the way

    Let us know how it goes, sounds like a good start to me......Vegas dogs beware.....
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    coyotes by flag

    Nice job on the dogs.....makes me want to walk off the job right now and go start whacking coyotes....
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Predator Hunting Videos???

    I bought the Truth II, Randy Anderson with my christmas gift certificate from Cabelas......and I agree with Casey, good footage and all, but not AZ........it is good to see his technique though, I am definitely going to have to bone up on some new varmint technique, I am way out of touch....
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bonus points question

    Somebody correct me if I am wrong.......if I have 10 bonus points and put in with my son who has 1 bonus point.....G&F averages that out to somewhere around 4 or 5 for the draw. Is that correct or am I full of some bad info???
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Best electronic caller???

    I put the ElCheapo together myself....haven't field tested it yet but looking forward to a windless morning to give it a try....that could be a while with the weather the way it is......should work though....
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    New Mexico Welfare Reform

    One more reason to quit my job, pack my bags and head to remote New Mexico, the land of enchantment........I was raised there, always wanted a good reason to go back there........looks like a good enough reason to me.....
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Power of Positive thinking...

    I am starting the therapy program today.....................
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bonus points question

    Lark.....sorry to hear of the drought...that has to be depressing. I have to admit we have been lucky in our family. Over the last 20 years with me and two of my boys putting in we have drawn a total of 5 bull tags.......one archery and 4 late bull rifle. That seems meager at best, but not in comparison to your numbers. I start out fresh this year with one bonus point.........
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bonus points question

    You don't gain anything and you don't lose anything......right boys????? According to what I understand about it.....
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bonus points question

    That is exactly what my boy decided.......he has been waiting 8 years to draw an elk tag and he is not going to let little brother tag along on his application. Little brother drew elk tag last year so I don't feel bad for him......he can pay his dues along with the rest of us.....
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Short Action Rem. 700

    Trying to locate a Rem. 700 short action to use to build a gun. Thanks, Jeff
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bonus points question

    Tony, don't take it too hard....trying to keep up with G&F is like trying to keep up with the IRS.....both of which fail to follow the simple KISS rule...........thanks.....
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bonus points question

    Thanks guys....that is what I thought but was letting myself get confused on the issue,.......
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Arch Javelina 9 tags!!!

    Never enough pics......nice job on the pig hunt...or should I say the hunt........good job of getting the kids going on a great sport and family affair......
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Unit 10 Muley

    Sorry, I hadn't seen the other post about the AZ Roadkill...my bad......same kitty though.....
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Unit 10 Muley

    lion.bmp Oh,yeah, there he is..........this monster has been eating them.......got this from a friend.....what a cat......
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Sir Edmund

    When I am talking to my Jr. High students about motivation and desire, Sir Edmund is the name I use. Course the kids don't know who the heck he is most of the time, but truly a great accomplishment on his part, among other things.
  19. Non-Typical Solutions


    That is exactly what I told him, poor bull was probably suffering from lead poisoning....yuk...that doesn't sound good, might scare some vultures off......
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Big shed

    Mouth watering to say the least....makes me want to get off my ars and go find the other side....nice job.
  21. Non-Typical Solutions


    I was showing off your bull pics to my 10 year old....he wants to know how you got that bull to sit up so nicely for the picture. He said, "Dad, did he push that bull up all by himself".......I said, "Uhhh, I don't think so but we can ask"......kids.... beautiful looking beast by the way.....
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Arizona Lead Ammunition!

    And judging by what went on next door....it is going to get deeper than any of us want....... How highs the water Momma....10 feet high and rising.... How highs the water Papa.....10 feet high and rising...
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Political E-scouting

    I have heard some say that we shouldn't come on here and do any E-scouting....but I was wondering if anybody out there has any strong input or info on who seems to be the best candidate in regards to guns, hunting, and that type of stuff. And another question.....does the immigration issue and gun control go hand in hand. For example, if a candidate is a pro legal immigration candidate and wants to enforce immigration laws, do they also seem to be a supporter of gun rights? Sure seems tough to find a package deal on a candidate, gain something in one area and lose something in the other.
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Political E-scouting

    Nice Farve analogy, I like that. As stated in the first post, very hard to find any of them that really jump out and grab me. I heard a report this morning that the Democrats in Michigan are jumping on the Huckabee band wagon........hoping that he wins there because they feel he is the most beatable Republican. I don't like the system, they should hold all the primaries on the same day, state wide without any TV coverage of polls or any of that crap. Course that kind of sounds like a Hitler tactic I guess, I just get sick of the media having control over what we hear on the boob tube. Same with the final election. And plus....we are paying matching funds tax dollars for every one of these candidates who are running for president????
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    .17 Remington

    OK, so here is the story.....a while back I told my boy I wanted him to make me a .17 Remington, always something I had wanted and he told me I was wasting my time....and advised me to get a .204. I already have a 22-250, but decided he was right....so the last I knew...I was getting a .204, maybe for Christmas....but to my surprise...he had built me the .17 Remington. Took the action from a .243 Mohawk and put a 20" barrell on it, nice and compact, easy to handle, quick, light, and man we smoked this poor dog, bowled him over. The hollow point factory load completly disentigrated in the poor guy, tore him up. One small entry hole...no exit...dog down......looking forward to putting some rounds through my new toy.