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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bill oh Bill

    How can a man that stood in front of the American public and made a circus out of our court system and monica lewinski expect me to believe anything he has to say?????? Get him off the stand and out of the public eye, he is a disgrace to the American dream....
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bill oh Bill

    I just got to wondering.....does Bill get any kind of a stipend for getting up and speaking at such an event....and if so, I also wonder if Obama had to break his hefty bank account to get him up there........I would rot in double LL before I had Bill Clinton get up and speak on my behalf.........
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    roys first shed

    That is a worthwhile goal.....and nice shed no matter if it is your first or 50th......
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    How many houses do you have

    Alls I'm saying is that is one H3ll of a big IF for most of us to go plop down 1.3 mil on a house much less an investment. Yeah, all the power to them if they have the money, just don't get up in front of me and tell me you know how it feels to try and make ends meet...........I'll wallow in my own self pity all by my lonesome thank you....
  5. Just curious how many houses you guys out there have......any of you have 8 or 9 houses sitting around the country. NO WONDER politicians are so out of touch with mainstream america...........and I don't really have one house, the d@mn bank has it.........
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    How many houses do you have

    Oneshot that is funny......how about Obamas house he bought for a sale price at 1.3million, marked down 300,000 from the 1.6million asking price and then bought 1/6th of a parcel from the druglord for another cool 300,000 so he could have a yard for the kids to play in..........both presidential candidates are definitely out of touch with my real world scenario
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    what are the odds of this?

    I'll throw my vote in with silent but deadly......
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    what are the odds of this?

    Hey Mike...just curious where that lands us in the human race with sextuplets(sp)?
  9. Non-Typical Solutions


    Thanks Ben, I like the idea of using epoxy for my project, but needed some way to keep the leather in a sharp curve.......duh, got the old rubber bands out and lapped my piece and it worked like a charm, thanks for the info. How are things down in Animas? I am headed down there this weekend to measure up for a kitchen for one of my old school buddies. Are the prickly pear ripe yet? Thinking about picking some while we are down in that area. Thanks again for the reply
  10. Non-Typical Solutions


    I am in the process of building a bench for working on my guns, cleaning etc., does anybody have any experience attaching leather to wood. Adhesives, glue, epoxy?.....somthing that can maintain a curve without putting brads or nails......maybe contact cement??? thanks
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Predator Hunting Contest

    Tommy, Remind me when that rolls around and I will see if it conflicts with wrestling....Cole and I will enter...... Jeff
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    no wonder

    Send them a bill for the fuel cost of driving those checks somewhere to get them cashed.....can't wait to see the look on the cashier when you go to cash those babys...
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    87 4Runner Trail Truck/Rock Crawler

    That is a nice hunting rig...wish I had 8K my wife didn't know I had........good luck on getten'er sold...
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    What's Your Projectile Launcher?

    Mike, nice display of weapons...........
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    What's Your Projectile Launcher?

    Just the basic M77 Ruger .270 factory job with custom load on the 130 gr. hornady.....34B....we are gonna take at least one buck out of there this fall.....3 tags, two youth hunters.........and myself.....looking forward to the hunt......
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    How many houses do you have

    Your post makes me laugh Bill, thanks........and yes you are correct on your assumption......
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fishing Survey

    Not sure if you all got the fishing survey....I thought it was my refund check...but instead a fishing survey.....read through it and not really sure about the issues. Anybody got any feelings about this one......
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    How many houses do you have

    That is funny, never been lucky enough to be in that position owning my own house free and clear, but I can imagine that would be the case and a good point well taken...... I got a card from Wells Fargo the other day saying they were going to WAIVER my $75.00 fee for my credit line that my house mortgage is in. I went in to find out why they would charge me for an account they were already getting my left leg for........I was informed that because my loan was for more than $200000.00 they had waived that fee.....if my balance ever drops below $20000.00 then they will charge me $75.00 a year. Which reminds me of my credit card company calling to offer for a small fee to protect my personal identity.....double LL, that is there job and why I pay 18% intrest for my card......now they want to charge me extra for that.....bull hockey....
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Aww, ain't that special?

    I saw it on another post....fits this one too......Classic Merle....."are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for heck!"
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Precautions in southern units

    BP in NOgales 520-377-6201, Tucson 529-514-4660
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Predator Hunting Contest

    $15.00 per person, if have a two man team, $30.00, a 3 man team $45.00......last week of december. It will get ugly if money is involved as far as payoff......the one over at Seligman had to bring in a method of checking to see if the body of the carcass had been frozen.......lots of weird stuff......KISS....keep it simple if you want it to be just for fun......
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    .17 Remington loads

    Got my dies, brass and some lead, waiting for a couple of special order parts for my auto primer, but was wondering if anybody had any loads they would like to share. I know every gun is different, but still kind of nice to hear what has worked for others.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    .17 Remington loads

    Man what a world of knowledge you guys are.........I guess I'll put 35 grains of H4895 in there and see what happens
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Dead deer?

    Knock the first one down and then worry about about the second one.........can't really say, never been lucky enough to have to worry about that. I would suspect that the noise and commotion would probably be more detremental than the smell of the gut pile, but really have nothing to base that opinion on....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Teachers with Guns

    Heard about this on the news this morning, sounds pretty interesting....what do you think? HOUSTON (Reuters) - A Texas school district will let teachers bring guns to class this fall, the district's superintendent said on Friday, in what experts said appeared to be a first in the United States. The board of the small rural Harrold Independent School District unanimously approved the plan and parents have not objected, said the district's superintendent, David Thweatt. School experts backed Thweatt's claim that Harrold, a system of about 110 students 150 miles northwest of Fort Worth, may be the first to let teachers bring guns to the classroom. Thweatt said it is a matter of safety. "We have a lock-down situation, we have cameras, but the question we had to answer is, 'What if somebody gets in? What are we going to do?" he said. "It's just common sense." Teachers who wish to bring guns will have to be certified to carry a concealed handgun in Texas and get crisis training and permission from school officials, he said. Recent school shootings in the United States have prompted some calls for school officials to allow students and teachers to carry legally concealed weapons into classrooms. The U.S. Congress once barred guns at schools nationwide, but the U.S. Supreme Court struck the law down, although state and local communities could adopt their own laws. Texas bars guns at schools without the school's permission. (Reporting by Jim Forsyth in San Antonio; writing by Bruce Nichols in Houston, editing by Vicki Allen)