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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Great Hunter Gone

    Yep, the Hilltop gas station, I finally got my picture in there with my "average" buck in the big buck contest one year, they gave a Ruger Semi-auto rifle for that year. Could always count on a good story or two in there as well. Funeral services are Tues. 11:00am at the Ash Fork High school.........
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Great Hunter Gone

    One year, I was going to get ahead of the game and go out and set up camp. I took my two youngest boys with me, one was four and the other two. We were out about 20 miles north of Ash Fork, dirt road. Got camp all set up and ready to head back to town and the old 79 Ford wouldn't turn over. With the sun going down, I started hiking down the road, I knew the Sevens Ranch was about 5 miles away and didn't know what else to do. I was packing my two year old and my four year old was walking beside me in the dark with the blinking tennis shoes. He swore it was the only thing that kept a mountain lion from attacking us. We made it in to the sevens ranch and the rancher willingly hauled us into town. It is about 9:30 at night and I go get the Cauthens to come and help me out. John T and Curtis hop in to the truck with me and we head back out 20 miles of dirt road again, they help me get my truck running and followed me back into town. Dang good people,
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    American Mustang Debate

    I've seen success stories and horror stories, my father in law does alot of horse trading and decided to give the wild horses a try, did real well with the first one he got and then could not get the next one he got to do a thing. My guess is it might be the luck of the draw and how much you are willing to put in to one of the critters, cause that is what they are, wild.......
  4. Non-Typical Solutions


    Tony, this ain't snapshot, but good to see your name on the board again, don't know why you been gone but have missed your info. Jeff
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    How will it change?

    Hind sight 20/20, the weather changed where I bedded down and the fog drastically reduced my glassing
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    A true old school coues hunter

    I think that is an early model shooting bench there behind papa, just kidding, great pictures..................
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Huntin' For "Sticks"!

    Fun write up on the hunt and there is nothing like a first fire being dry having to chamber in a live one, congratulations on the hunt........ Jeff
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Thanksgiving Hunt

    Good luck out there and whack a big one.......
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Missing 4 Year Old

    Not a fun thing there, Tim and Dianne are both good people lets help beat the bush for them. Jeff
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Do you feel safe

    I;ll put money on Amnesty.....it is a coming, that will give the economy a jump start won't it???? Makes me want to puke all over again..........the AZ liberals are not happy that Napster will leave the controls in the hands of Rep. Brewer until 2010..........I say vote Joe for Gov.......
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    My wife got a good one..

    Raise the Bar??? Double LL.........that bar just went over my reach.....nice buck.....
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    JUNIOR 12A-W FUN, even if it's mulies

    That is gitn'r done, nice job......lots of good huntin memories
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    A good ending.

    That will come back for you some day ten fold. That is a deed well done, true sportsman...........I hate having rig problems on the hunting trips, wait all year to get to go hunting and then have something like that practically ruin it all.......good job....
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    access to santa teresa mountains

    What does the rez say about hauling game back across once you have killed?
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Who's the oldest hunter you know?

    Desertdog, where is your dad from in NM???
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    wisconsin whitey

    One of my all time favorites........did you see da turdy pointer......did you see da turdy pointer...........der he was.......gone..........
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Up hill shot aim low?

    Now that is my kind of math...not always the most successful, but definitely something I understand.
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Shed hunting dogs

    Willie and I tried to train a blut tick hound to find sheds. Spent alot of time out in the field training. My brother trains search and rescue dogs so we used some of his techniques. It is true that getting your scent to not be a factor is the greatest challenge. We used gloves, we left them out in the field for days hoping that our scent would evaporate or something. That was seven or eight years ago and to this day, in a controlled environment she will hound them out every time, but you get her out there in the wide open spaces and she just goes bananas over everything else out there. We had tons of fun messing with trying to train her..................good luck.
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    31 - stumped

    I agree with DB on this, it was very hard to focus on the hunt knowing dang good and well I really couldn't afford to be out. We used some of our savings to go on this last deer hunt and that is usually taboo using it for stuff like that....... Get yourself charged back up and get out there and thump a biggun....
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Rosemont Mine

    Maybe we should start using copper bullets????? Just kidding guys................
  21. Non-Typical Solutions


    That one is for the books...good job....
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    First Coues Whitetail - Thanks for the help

    Nothing like thumping a spike.....head shot to boot......it is kind of gratifying to be able to throw one of those little guys on your back and pack'em out....nice job... Jeff
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    coues for brothers

    Congrats to the brother combo....it was fun bumping in to you guys out there on the super highway, nice job on the hunt......don't forget to holler at me when it is coyote huntin time and you don't have anybody to watch your backside I'll be in the middle of wrestling season but I am sure I can find time for a yote...
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Short trip to unit 27

    Good luck Snap.....let me know what the elk look like over there, we are headed that way for the late hunt. Snap brings up an interesting point that just about sunk my ship this year. We been checking southern units for the last couple of years but the price of living and paying for gas....we almost didn't go. Buying the tags is one thing, paying for the trip is getting pretty dang expensive. Gonna have to start hunting closer to home.......
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Range Grass

    Speaking of mearns....I am pretty sure that is what scare the crap out of me on top of the ridge I was on Saturday....had some chicks and a couple of adults fly out from under me......fun to see. 20-30 years, guess that is a drought huh??? Fun to see the grass but man makes it tough to see those jack rabbit size coues....