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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Aplications & the Economy

    Tatoo tatooed or just tatooed on the forehead??? You know heres your sign tatoo?? No tatoos on me. I used to use my tax return to put in for deer and elk when it was all together, but my return doesn't come soon enough with the early deadline....
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Press One For English

    This should go up for a grammy or global or emmy or whatever award it is.....
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Arrow tree

    SSShhhhhhhhhhhhh.........top secret hunting grounds.......delete the thread
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    This is insane...

    With lots of weight on "respectable judge"...........hope that is the case in this case......
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    911 Call

    http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...urgerking1.html This is pretty dang funny.......I saw the news clip, sounded like a foreigner.......dumb, dumb....
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    This is insane...

    Makes me sick to my stomach, I have an Uncle that works a ranch down there and they have had similar problems for years, he says Border Patrol passes by his house on a daily basis trying to keep up with the traffic through there. I was thinking the other day that because of the economic issues, little had been said about immigration issues and I had heard that traffic had slowed down because there is no work. We gotta keep tabs on the back door even though the front door is being attacked....
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Aplications & the Economy

    I have done similar tactics, stashing cash/coins here and there. Usually it isn't the tags that are so expensive, it is the gas and camping that I look at in our situation. Money is number one stress in my home and as much as I love hunting, home comes first. I look at it like I am taking a break this year. My youngest and I will still put in for deer..........and coyote..... Good luck to all out there, keep hanging on...
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    OPPOSE HR 45

    I didn't mean to imply that you all out there don't know where you are.......you know better than most of the folks out there.
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    OPPOSE HR 45

    coues7, Again, thanks, I have been slow on the bandwagon but have decided to start being a thorn in the side of my reps, I appreciate you taking the time to post the links it made me do a little more searching, here is a site for those who don't know where you are or who your rep is. http://www.azleg.gov/MemberRoster.asp
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    OPPOSE HR 45

    Thanks for the heads up on that and posting the sites you did, where did you locate those sites, that makes it easy to send a vote/note.
  11. Non-Typical Solutions


    Looks like it is time to go see if I can get stuck.........wait a minute I am stuck......at work
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    The "Spending Bill"

    http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ I've sent a few messges, chances are nobody will read them though. I heard about this website Gaines, glad you posted it....kind of scarey putting an address on there though......they gonna come hunt me down after the comments I made.....' That millions billions trillions thing is worth sending around to everybody you know, puts things in perspective and just how deep the hole is we are getting ready to dig.....one big deep hole.............specially since we are already in a hole to begin with....
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Letters To The Editor

    Thanks to the troops for taking care of us..........and condolences to the family of a fallen father, friend and battle partner......
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    The "Spending Bill"

    Isn't it basically that simple???? Honestly, isn't it????? If I want to get out of debt, I gotta quit spending money I don't have......
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    The "Spending Bill"

    As I have watched the news in the evenings, I have wondered how so many educated economist, politicians, leaders, gurus, what ever you want to call them....how can they not come to a decision? Why is it that they can't agree on what is right for this country. Why give more money to the money hole that got us here in the first place, we are told not to run up our credit cards, yet our country is flashing that credit card like there is no tomorrow. Stop spending money on the things that aren't essential, reel in the businesses that have gone overseas and put the American people back to work. And I am not talking about the American people who are here illegally.....
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Layoff's have begun!

    Here is a sign of the times for you....Lumber products out of Phoenix who I order lumber from for the school and when I do cabinets, had a sales rep stop by and give me a calendar, pencils and graph paper......first time ever that I have been doing business with them......he said they laid off 17 employees two months ago, thought they had their staff down to bare bones, then turned loose 10 more just this last monday. He said that none of the money that washington handed out made it to Arizona........ Gonna have to tighten up the belt and hunker down, it is gonna get rough....
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    no wonder jobs are so hard to come by...

    That is funny, I just had that discussion with my wife yesterday after getting into a fight over the phone with a computer tech. from the Phillipines, that I could not understand...............I was hot under the collar before it was all over...... The interesting thing about this whole deal is we won't allow sweat shops here in the USA because it is unhealthy, not right, labor laws, etc., but we don't mind buying tenny runners made over seas in sweat shops.....
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trapping and ethics

    Watch a coyote eat a fawn while it is half way out its mama and tell me that ain't just cruel and inhumane. Fact of life in the day of a coyote and a would be born antelope. Life in general has some pretty ugly twists, leghold traps can be managed as well as any other form of taking animals and is pretty educational for a youngster, teaches responsibility, beats the heck out of playing a d@mn video game........
  19. Non-Typical Solutions


    Bidwells......Al Davis all in the same boat....naw....Davis is the worst of the worst..........been a Raiders fan since Daryl Lamonica and Fred Belitnikof were in the lineup.......Steelers were always my number two team.......but I say go give'em double LL Cards.......
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trapping and ethics

    Yup, did lots of trapping as a kid in Southern New Mexico, go home after basketball practice in the dark with flashlight in hand and trail a drag left by a trap. Definitely a rush of sorts, lots of fun, plus releasing the neigbors beagle hound and having to go explain to them that I may have set traps a little too close to town, but it was in their best intrest as I was getting rid of the coyotes that were going to have their hound for supper if it kept running wild....... and yes you do need a license here in AZ, 50 bucks I think........
  21. Non-Typical Solutions


    Go Raiders
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Layoff's have begun!

    Makes my stomach sick....I have three boys going to college, working part time, trying to start families...what do you tell them, hang in there and when you are done with school there will be a job for you? We give them all the help we can to pay for tuition and stuff but they really have to bust tail to help us help them. We had a teachers meeting so they could tell us of our budget cuts at our school, I teach woodshop so I am sure the axe will fall across my neck soon enough as things spiral down. We have been blessed with the work we have and I definitely don't have any room to complain compared to others. This country was promised blessings if we would follow the main man upstairs and this country has gone off the deep end. Bless all of you out there trying to raise a family, or just make a living and God bless our country.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mother of all smuggler camps

    Hunted 36B two years ago and saw the light.......and it wasn't pretty, pretty darn ugly to be honest and disappointing. So I put together a little slide show of all the mess we saw, sent it to several gov. agencies and news channels. About six months later I got a post card from Napaletano's office telling me how much they appreciate my concern for our environment and they have people working on the problem.....uhhhhhhhhh the only people I have seen trying to take care of the problem is the volunteers picking up the trash.......which in my opinion is the secondary problem that is a result of the first problem........you know where I am headed with this one don't you.......
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Great Hunter Gone

    http://www.ktla.com/landing_topstories/?Helicopter-Blows-Over-in-Wind-Kills-Mech=1&blockID=164440&feedID=1198 Hope the link works, but long story short. This kid took me an old fart and helped me with Unit 10. I coached him in football and basketball and he coached me on Unit 10. He never quite let me into his "honey hole" which I respected, but he got me close. We were out spot lighting one night, we found a huge bull, we are both glassing he was using his binos and I was using my cheapos, so he let me borrow his. Next morning, we meet at the High School early morning to go on a basketball trip he comes up to me and says, "Hey Mort, are my binos in your truck?" I said, I didn't know and told him I would look when we got back from playing basketball. We never found the binos and I felt bad so I told Curtis I would buy him a new pair cause I was sure I must have left them on the top of the truck or something that night. He refused to let me buy new ones for him, he only told me that the binos brand name started with an "S". Well, at the time I was not educated in the world of optics, so I go to Flagstaff and buy a nice set of binos made by Simmons, take them to Curtis and offer them to him and he kind of laughs and will not accept my effort to make good on the lost pair of binos. Years later and a few optics lessons it finally occured to me that the "S" brand was of course Swarovski and Curtis knowing I was a poor school teacher could never afford really to replace them had always declined to let me replace his binos. Curtis, I hope the unit you are hunting now is everything you ever dreamed and lord knows the optics there have got to be awesome. And to mom and pop Cauthen, one heck of a kid you raised there. Adios my friend
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cats and Coues for the old man.

    Looks like good times, congrats