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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    camping ideas

    Unless you want to freeze your tail off better stick to the low lands. Roosevelt Lake would get my vote. Roosevelt Lake is where I started taking my boys when they were little. Easter weekend. We woke up Sunday morning with water running under our sleeping bags. My 4 year olds bag was wet but he was still sleeping. That was the year it dropped like 20 inches of snow in Payson and that little kid got lost about 100 yards from home or something like that. We drove home in my beater truck all the way back to Flagstaff, no heater, my wife was not happy. Stay where it is warm this trip
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    You be the POLITICIAN

  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    picked up the trailcam

    What excatly do you think he'll score???
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    You be the POLITICIAN

    1: Serious measures to eliminate fraud by insurance companies and insured individuals. 2: Let the free market control pricing. 3: Preventive care instead of proactive 4: Lower and cap the amount of liability to the doctors under malpractice. 5: Instead of paying out the butt for malpractice you should lose your liscence. 6: Heath care that limits torts on medical malpractice 7: Let consumers buy across state lines (provides more compition) 8: Secure the border and provide services for citizens of the US. OK, now we are getting somewhere, let me know if there is something above that you really don't like and if we need to get rid of it.
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    You be the POLITICIAN

    Good point and I guess part of my solution then would be to secure the borders better and send people home who don't belong in this country or maybe better said, are here illegally. Then I don't have a problem helping take care of citizens of this country. I would beg to differ on the quality of care in a social setting. I mean, in theory I think it would be great to let everybody have everything. New car every ten years, house provided for everybody so nobody was on the streets. A plan where everybody had food. I just don't believe that is the answer but could be very wrong. Interesting post though, thanks......
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    My sons first coyote

    Another dog gone....nice job
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    picked up the trailcam

    Looks like the steer has your camera pegged. Welcome to the site have fun with the cam...
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Son

    Disclaimer in fine print on the back of all tickets, "Photos taken are the property of the Suns organization".....not a direct quote but something like that..........so no big bucks from that gig.
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Son

    Three years ago my son (willie) and his buddies went to a Suns game all painted up. Got their picture taken while there and it was spotted on several ESPN commercials. But look what showed up on a billboard in downtown Phoenix. Third from the left, that is my boy!!! Willie, I am so proud of you, you finally hit the bigh times
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    My Son

    There is a song out there we both really like and make fun of, "Who's that girl wearin nothing but a smile", we have just been busting up all day about how ironic it is we made fun of that song and now his mug is pasted on a billboard. Willie is basking in the light of fame, a bunch of redneck snowflake boys hitting the big time in the city, whooo hoooo..............
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Payson Wrestling

    Seems like there are alot of Paysonites on this site, just wanted to congratulate you guys. Spent the weekend over at Prescott watching the state wrestling tournament and your boys wrestled tough. You have a good, tough new coach and as a team they were runner up to the Champs from Safford..............course, those of you from Safford your boys are just a whole league above the rest of the teams, congrats to them to on a repeat again in a tough tough sport.........
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Payson Wrestling

    There are 14 classes. I sent my team to the Payson camp this last summer and they said it was brutal, so I will send them there again this summer, that is what they need. I told the Payson coach to hang in there, and his room would get full again. I mean we go head to head with them in the east region but if there program gets better so will mine. Safford on the other hand, man they are just flat out tough, I think they won 6 of the 14 championships and were so far ahead of the rest of us that the real battle was who was going to take runner up.
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Payson Wrestling

    3A Safford dominates the 3A and has for the last 6 maybe 8 years, but Payson has had a couple of rough years, got a new coach that is a great guy but tough in the room. Had only 9 kids on his roster this year but they still showed up for the show this weekend and did real well.
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Tea Party

    Listened to the "leader" of the tea party campaign or whatever you want to call it. He threw out alot of names of senators and reps who have led the Republican party down the wrong path, McCain one of the names thrown out. The big question here is do they force the Republicans to see what the tea party wants or does the tea party just cause another splinter to the already splintered Republican party? As far as I have been able to tell I think I like what the tea party is trying to promote, what do you think of that whole mess???
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Tribute to Dad

    Congrats TJ for having a great Dad. Working in the education field I get to see alot of kids come through my door who need a good Dad. Those of us who have had great Dads don't really know how truly blessed we have been. Nice post TJ......
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Shed Hunting Pack

    Sometimes I just amaze myself at how dumb I can be at just trying to post a simple picture.....didn't mean to put an end to this thread by posting a picture that didn't work..........
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Application Anxiety

    That is exactly what I am talking about.......but I wasn't smart enough to use the computer version you guys been talking about I appreciate the heads up on that I will have to try that approach for deer and see if it gives me any anxiety relief........ Hope you all messed up on your apps so I have half a chance of getting drawn......JK.....................
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Application Anxiety

    Anybody out there get application anxiety, you grab about 10 applications because you know you are going to screw up more than once. You get about half way through and make one little bitty mistake, decide to scribble it out and write the right number or letter next to it but then are affraid that the application will get rejected so you trash that one and start all over again???? Drives me crazy, sure wish we could figure out some way to get that online system set up again.......
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Dead Cow

    This is probably not a political thing but made me laugh anyway: Dead Cow First-year students at Texas A&M's Vet school were attending their first anatomy class, with a real dead cow. They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet. The professor started the class by telling them, "In Veterinary Medicine it is necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor: The first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving the animal body". For an example, the Professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the dead cow, withdrew it and stuck his finger in his mouth. "Go ahead and do the same thing," he told his students. The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead cow and sucking on it. When everyone finished, the Professor looked at them and said, "The second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle finger and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention. Life's tough, but it's even tougher if you're stupid.. deadcow.doc
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Party in the USA

    + 1 You can't forget Bananas at Large "Turdy Point Buck"!!!!
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Shed Hunting Pack

    This right here is the best pack I have found, expensive as heck but as jamaro said it is like practicing for the real hunting. Gummer and Annie both belong to my brother and he lets me borrow them on occasion, but these two have packed me out of some messes that were pretty unbelieveable. Best packs you could ever find. annie.ppt
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    The Warrior Song

    That is awesome, chilling, thanks for sharing, available on Itunes, gotta get it for the ipod........
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Coyote contest in N. AZ

    Not in the habit of quoting myself, but gotta give it one more bump. It is gonna be a wet muddy heck of a good time and it is still on. Thanks for your support in this.
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    earthquake in mass.

    What really gets my goat is the way Pelosi responds to everything......she looks like she is on some heavy medication..........uhhhhhhhhhh we will get this bill pushed through with or without the vote!!!! Congrats to Mass. for pulling the plug.............and thanks..........
  25. Non-Typical Solutions


    Lark, We did some jelly last year, if you are short would gladly ship a jar to you just give me your mailing address and no I am not an undercover IRS agent just a legit offer on some great PP jelly....