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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    New guy here!

    Welcome to the site and trust me when I say, the bloggers on this site will let you know when the "draw results" are in!!!
  2. Non-Typical Solutions


    OK, I won't stop laughin, promise..........
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    This is the way it use to be

    Snap..............go to time out immediately!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    How bout this?

    And then depression sets in heavy.......................
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    killed by a stinkin' "illegal" alien

    Basically we have become very complacient and SOFT.................. We save dogs at the humane shelter that should be put down. We eat meat, but don't want to hurt the cows. We feel sorry for the criminal stealing and killing people because his family is destitute south of the border and he is up here just trying to "improve" his situation. We worry that prisoners have all the rights that they need, double LL they are in prison. We give kids free lunch at school, plus free breakfast and wonder why mom and dad don't have anything to do with their education??? It really boils down to we have laws that we don't enforce and then try to make laws to fix the laws we don't already inforce cause we have become to politically correct and cuddley.......you know.....everybody deserves a participation ribbon.......... They talk about border......what border???
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    killed by a stinkin' "illegal" alien

    Gotta watch Paint your Wagon, he says it best....... They civilized the foothills And every weary put hills The mountains and valley below They come along and take 'em And civilize and make 'em A place where no civilized Person would go The first thing you know The first thing you know They civilize what's pretty By puttin' up a city Where nothin' that's Pretty can grow They muddy up the winter And civilize it, into a place Too uncivilized Even for snow They civilize left They civilize right Till nothing is left Till nothing is right They civilize freedom Till no one is free No one except By coincidence, me
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    A Wee Little Change in Our Country

    You guys mentioned Ann Kirkpatrick, I had three recorded voice messages from her office on my home message machine yesterday. They were telling me to be sure and call Ann and let her know just how much I appreciate her fighting for my rights as a citizen of AZ and bring me better health coverage than ever before................jeesssss
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Get out and see the SNOW

    Those of you who haven't had a chance to check out the snow we have recieved this year are missing out on a great opportunity to see what nature has blessed us with this year. Even though I will be unable to access one of my favorite FS roads for months now due to the build up of snow as seen in this pic with my son. This is about 4 miles south of Hannagan Meadow. This next one is right at Hannagan, I just had to take a pic of Daisy next to the wolf recovery sign that is just about covered
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Get out and see the SNOW

    Lark, Didn't try to get to Big Lake this year, figured it was a wash. We went in at Beaverhead Lodge and got all the way in to Rocky Flats, not quite to Buffalo Crossing, got real scary lookin and I didn't want to spend all day gettin unstuck. As you can tell.....I didn't get drawn so yeah, the turkey hunt just got alot more important.....
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    killed by a stinkin' "illegal" alien

    Growing up in Southern NM, my dad hired wetbacks to work on the pig farm. Good hard working people. Then, mid 80's started having trucks stolen off the farm and things missing. I suppose it was illegal then, but we felt it was OK cause they were honest workers getting honest pay. They would come and work for 3 months, go home for a month and then come back for 3. Dad even went through the process with a couple of them to get them here legal and citizenship and all so they could stay on this side of the line. I went to school with their kids, rode the same bus played on the same football team, basketball. Most of the honest working workers that we had working there didn't care much for the riff raff that started coming across in the 80's. Just a few years back, my dad went to check on one of his unoccupied rental houses down there. Found a wetback in there stealing fixtures, luckily nobody got hurt. I feel really bad for the Krentz family, it is tough enough to try and make a living and then to get little to no support from the boundaries that encompass this country is unacceptable. If you think this health care business didn't just invite a whole new wave, you are drinking muddy water..... God Bless the Krentz family
  11. Non-Typical Solutions


    Is that the pig hunt where you shoot the pigs following the corn tractor??? Amanda, this is the REAL RESULTS, not that other nonsense
  12. Non-Typical Solutions


    No tags here either tommy, what you wanna do??? Looks like another coyote season huh???
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    A Wee Little Change in Our Country

    Sorry, been up at Alpine trying to forget the whole thing. The one thing I paid attention to as Obama was talking, he kept saying Free!!! And I remembered one thing my daddy always told me......son there ain't no such thing as a FREE lunch..... Pay attention folks, my daddy was right..........................vote'em out in november and then again in three years and counting..............
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    First set of the season

    Sorry for lack of details, been up at Alpine all week being really lazy. My wife just about collected the antlers on that bull, she came really close to hitting him that night. AZantlerhead......you gotta know where that big boy is bedding down every night.........
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    First set of the season

    Found my first matching set of the season.....................still on the bull standing in the middle of the road last night driving through Nutrioso.................aggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Tax Season

    So, I do my taxes on turbo tax every year. We got our W-2 forms and shipped everything off e-file. Got a small return. Now two weeks later I get a K-1 Form 1041 because of inheritance money recieved after my folks passed away. Not a bunch but enough for uncle Sam to throw up a red flag. So, after waiting for 30 minutes on the IRS phone I got transfered to another line and waited another 15 minutes. At this point they told me how to amend my taxes, what forms I needed and that the deadline was still April 15. I have three years to submit my amend if I am getting money back, but I will be penalized if my amend is late after April 15 of this year. If I do get money back, which I won't, it could be 14-16 weeks before I would expect a refund. Wish my folks were back and they would have spent their money on themselves...........frustrated
  17. Non-Typical Solutions


    I have observed enough ADHD to know that is clearly a case right there!!!!!!
  18. Non-Typical Solutions


    Gamehauler, got to reading the fine print.......man that is just poetry???? "Politicians are like diapers. They need to be changed often,and for the same reason." Mark Twain Hey you goof offs.....the dang draw aint til next week, quit causing this same ADHD behavior......................
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    2010 Census

    This is a good one off that site you posted Tam...... By Teddy Roosevelt There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all… The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic… There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    2010 Census

    I felt the same way as I read through the document, looked like alot of snoopin around going on. I was upset when my wife who is so efficient had already filled it out and shipped it off cause I wanted to read a little more of the fine print and see what I "legally" had to fill out. Well, they know all about me and my family oh, wait, I pay taxes, work and am a legal citizen, they already have all that information because that is on my tax form. The only people they don't already know about is the people who are here illegally and aren't going to fill out the form in the first place. I did look it up in the dictionary and it reads, "the act of counting the people and evaluating their property for taxation" again, all of that information is on my tax forms, they know I need a babysitter, they know I spend $500.00 a year for educational purposes which by the way is a joke as well, wish I only spent $500.00 a year on educational purposes.........oh boy I could go on and on about this one....................like my insurance company wants to know how many wrecks I have been in......dang they know exactly what my record is.........ahhhhhggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Tax Season

    Dad thought he had things pretty lined out and he did bless his heart. Didn't owe a dime on anything. What we are getting dinged for is money market accounts that he had active. Dinged is being kind. So it isn't like I am having to pull money out of my pocket to cover it, just using up all his money to pay for his money. What I mostly displeased with is the IRS service. They want my money now, but they can take their sweet time getting money back to me!!! Wetmule is correct as I have learned alot in the past few months with the passing of my folks. There is no incentive left to saving money for yourself or your posterity, it is going to Uncle Obama.
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Youth Turkey Tags

    Apr 16 - May 20, 2010 (1) 1, 3C, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B (except Camp Navajo), 7, 8, 10, 12A, 23, and 27 Bearded turkey
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Youth Turkey Tags

    Just wondering if they are running the spring turkey OTC tags again this year??
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Youth Turkey Tags

    I found it sorry........April 16-May 20 We had a great time last year.....thanks guys
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Lookin for horns

    It goes like this: If you are on one ridge, the antlers are on the other ridge If there is a cedar tree to either side of you, the antlers are on the other side If you hunted this same spot last year, you found several chalkies that a blind person could have found If your legs are tired and your back is hurtin, you still have two more ridges to cross to get to antlers If you are finding antlers at the bottom of the drainage, your truck is probably parked at the top If you are hunting with your wife, she found the antler you just walked past If you are hunting with your kid, he is claiming half of your zone If you are hunting with your neighbor, it ain't a secret honey hole no more If you are glassing antlers, they are a minimum of a mile away If you are looking for antlers while driving over the rim to Payson, might get lucky, but then again you might end up in the bar ditch. If you spend your time behind some stupid computer, somebody else is out ther finding the dang antlers Nice lookin batch of horns.