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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    April Shed Hunt

    And I forgot, now stay outa my spot!
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    April Shed Hunt

    AZ, you are so calm, how do you do it??? Very nice presentation of your finds congrats on a great trip. Definitely a bonus with the bear....
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Whats the problem??????

    Something I think is funny is how Obama says there isn't time right now to take care of it because there are other issues more important........lets face it he don't want to tackle it cause it is going to cost him something when he decides to let them come and go as they please with some sort of amnesty thing.......cost him his job. Snap, it is hard to not start ranting and raving, I was looking at this section(political) and noticed that my soapbox is just getting bigger and bigger every day. Take for example pop singer from columbia shakira or some sort of name....she wants us to let the dream of immigration to continue by not supporting this bill.........what about the dream of being an American, where is that headed.....getting trampled on just south of us here, where is Bob Krentz's dream???? Hot hot......back of my red neck is burning.......
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    WOW gonna have to call that gal second top of the list there.....I went to school with her..... Lots of angles to the debate.....Texas is now on the band wagon, they want to pass a similar law... A Republican Texas lawmaker plans to introduce a tough immigration measure similar to the new law in Arizona, a move state Democrats say would be a mistake. Rep. Debbie Riddle of Tomball said she will push for the law in the January legislative session, according to Wednesday's editions of the San Antonio Express-News and Houston Chronicle. "The first priority for any elected official is to make sure that the safety and security of Texans is well-established," said Riddle, who introduced a similar measure in 2009 that didn't get out of committee. "If our federal government did their job, then Arizona wouldn't have to take this action, and neither would Texas." The Arizona law would require local and state law enforcement to question people about their immigration status -- and make it a crime for immigrants to lack registration documents. This Riddle gal on the news this morning said if she gets pulled over she has to show ID what is the big problem with that......then she went on to say, if it means packing a green card to document legality then do it and make sure you wear clean underwear in case you get in a wreck
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Tell us about your favorite movies

    Jeremiah Johnson Paint your Wagon Hang'em High Rooster Cogburn John Wayne and the Cowboys Lonesome Dove Fire in the Sky JK
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    5th Graders on a Field Trip

    I knew I shoulda taken my camera yesterday. My wife invited me to ditch school with her 5th grade class as she does every year. Game and Fish has a program where they help teachers with field trips trying to get the kids interested in wildlife and in this case fishing. So my wife every year sets up with the local G&F to go to one of the local fishin holes with her class. Three years ago we froze our tails off at Silver Creek Hatchery, snow, rain and wind. Last year we went to a like up in Pinetop, caught a few fish and had a good time. They talk to kids about what kind of fish are where, what baits can be used and they give them a little demo on how to use a Zebco rigged pole. They provide poles, hooks, bait everything they need for the event. Yesterday we went to Silver Creek Hatchery again and man, they put on a show for those kids. Dumped a bunch of 6, 7, 8 inch trout into Silver Creek and then turned them loose with worms, salmon eggs and powerbait. We couldn't keep the fish off fast enough to keep those kids happy. 26 kids fishing, total after one hour of fishing 184 fish catch and release as best you can on trout caught on a worm A great day for the kids, they got a tour of the hatchery, got some fishin in. One of the things mentioned by the G&F guy was that they didn't have nearly as many schools taking advantage of their program this year. I am guessing budget cuts in schools are the problem. My wife gets her PTO to pay for the bus trip and G&F picks up the tab for fishing supplies. Great opportunity to show kids about fishing and our great outdoors opportunities. Ask you kids school teachers about it and get them signed up. Thanks again to Game and Fish.
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Here is one way to get rid of Nobama.

    But we would have to figure out how to get him pulled over so we could ask for documentation of citizenship
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Sign of the times

    Now that is quality.....thanks
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bird Nests

    Can't remember if I have posted this before, but here it is again I bought a bird feeder. I hung It on my back porch and filled It with seed. What a beauty of A bird feeder it was, as I filled itlovingly with seed. Within a Week we had hundreds of birds Taking advantage of the Continuous flow of free and Easily accessible food. But then the birds started Building nests in the boards Of the patio, above the table, And next to the barbecue. Then came the poop. It was Everywhere: on the patio tile, The chairs, the table .. Everywhere! Then some of the birds Turned mean. They would Dive bomb me and try to Peck me even though I had Fed them out of my own Pocket. And others birds were Boisterous and loud. They Sat on the feeder and Squawked and screamed at All hours of the day and night And demanded that I fill it When it got low on food. After a while, I couldn't even Sit on my own back porch Anymore. So I took down the Bird feeder and in three days The birds were gone. I cleaned Up their mess and took down The many nests they had built All over the patio. Soon, the back yard was like It used to be .... Quiet, serene.... And no one demanding their Rights to a free meal. Now let's see. Our government gives out Free food, subsidized housing, Free medical care and free Education, and allows anyone Born here to be an automatic Citizen. Then the illegal's came by the Tens of thousands. Suddenly Our taxes went up to pay for Free services; small apartments Are housing 5 families; you Have to wait 6 hours to be seen By an emergency room doctor; Your child's second grade class is Behind other schools because Over half the class doesn't speak English. Corn Flakes now come in a Bilingual box; I have to 'press one ' to hear my bank Talk to me in English, and People waving flags other Than 'Old Glory' are Squawking and screaming In the streets, demanding More rights and free liberties. Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government To take down the bird feeder. If you agree, pass it on; if not, Just continue cleaning up the poop
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got my Boat

    My 12 year old spark plug boy really wants to give the oars a whack, I told him any time he wanted get after it. Can't wait for that to happen.
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got my Boat

    Got a really nice used 14' aluminum boat, has a Honda 15hp gas motor and a trolling motor. Question is do I have to take the 15hp motor off the boat to fish the mountain lakes or can I get away with not having any gas onboard and the motor tilted up??
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    Two statements taken out of your post that dont really make sence when looked at together. How can they be busting their butts here and paying for food back home while making revenue for the state? They dont pay taxes, right? No state income there. If they dont spent nearly all their paycheck here and send just a little bit back to mexico the state is loosing money, its going out of the country. Not all illegals are paid under the table cash, usually just the ones off the corners. I pay my workers a check from my payroll company and they take all taxes, SS, Medicare, workmens comp etc. Allot of the time they use fake SS numbers but the state is still getting there money.They work hard, and send allot of their profits back home to feed there family. Your right some money is being sent to mexico and probably allot but my point is, who wants to do this job. Still no takers. I will add to my job post. Need 30 Landscapers must be legal US citizens and must be willing to work in 120 plus degree tempatures 8 - 10 hours a day 5 days a week. $500.00 Hiring Bonus If you work for me and get drawn for a hunt you get to take off the whole hunt PAID. Still have 30 openings. You can start tomorrow. I understand what you are saying, but are they gonna let me in to the D-backs game without a ticket??? They issued 25 or 6 new citizens their papers yesterday to be legal in the US. This happened down in Phoenix. They interviewed a lady said she had been working 10 years to get the paperwork taken care of. Guess what she said when she was done?? Sure am gald to be here, it was worth the wait and now I can be a part of this dream and contribute to this great country. Imagine come in legally, and contribute and benefit...... Then just down the street in Phoenix they busted a drop house with 70 illegals, one of them small enough to be carried in the arms of an adult. Coues Slayer, we all have our ax to grind, but there are proper avenues for this to happen legally. My dad had the same problem in Southern New Mexico running a pig farm, nobody wants to shovel sh!t. They helped hard working illegals get their papers so they didn't have to hide in the feed silos when Megre (sp) showed up.
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got my Boat

    I have thought about that, but I think I can take care of my mountain lakes with my trolling motor and have a little more umph for Roosevelt type stuff, will have to see......you got a 10hp you want to trade??? No. Unfortunately I don't own a boat. A guy I know was in the same situation and he made a trade with a guy on craigslist. He fishes the lakes alot that have the H.P limit, so it was beneficial for the trade. I think I am going to give this a try and see if it works out, I would like the larger motor for the bigger lakes, thanks
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    Calls for boycotting Arizona and its businesses because of its new anti-illegal-immigration law have begun to spread, even to the Arizona Diamondbacks organization. Here is a rundown of the three issues, along with Diamondbacks CEO Derrick Hall's response: 1. Citing contributions made by Diamondbacks owner Ken Kendrick to Republican candidates, one seemingly grassroots organization is calling for a boycott of the Diamondbacks. Hall calls it "misdirected," saying that Kendrick is against the new immigration law and has made numerous sizeable donations over the years to Hispanic causes. "We have a lot of support from Hispanic leaders who work closely with us and know what we do for the community," Hall said. "We employ so many Latinos. We have so many Hispanic fans, players. I just think it's a misdirected target." He said the organization wants the Diamondbacks to come out against the law, but the club won't do that because, Hall says, it never takes stands. "The organization doesn't take political positions," Hall said. "We represent all of our employees, all of our fans, all of our owners, who all have different political affiliations. It would be unfair and unjust for us to even take a position because it can't be reflective upon everybody's views. "So as an organization, not an individual, we just don't do that. Ken has and I also have huge concerns with the possibility of our fans, players or employees being questioned at any time for documentation. Anything that would disrupt their work and/or the fan experience is a concern." 2. Knowing the history of the MLK holiday controversy and how it cost Arizona a chance at conventions and a Super Bowl, people are wondering if this might cause MLB to take away the 2011 All-Star Game. Hall said he hasn't heard anything to make him think that might happen, but he has some concerns about the possibility. "I'm concerned because we worked so hard to get it," he said. "We'd hate to see it go away if too much pressure is put on MLB, but the planning is well into motion and I think it would be difficult to back off at this point for 2011. My hope is that it won't impact it in any way." 3. People are using the Diamondbacks as a way to voice their opposition to Arizona's law, organizing protests around their road games. So lets see, I show up to a D-backs game and I have no ticket.....hummmm they go ahead and let me in anyway????? NO that would be ILLEGAL???? But wait I know, the reason the didn't let me and my pleading family into the game is because the profiled me???? I am just looking for a better way to spend my Sunday afternoon!!!! I did hear a stat the other night, 28% of all baseball players in the major leagues are latino.....
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Thanks CouesWhitetail

    A few years back when I did a transpose on my deer apps. I ended up with a 36B tag. Knowing nothing about the unit I googled coues deer hunting and came across CouesWhitetail.com. I began e-scouting immediately. Traded some info on Unit 10 for some help on 36B and have continued since then paying close attention to this site and have enjoyed it thoroughly. I have honestly been helped by someone every time I have asked for help. Short of GPS coordinates things like Jeremy picking up doors in Payson, Amanda loaning me a parking spot in Globe, Game Hauler and others helping with loads for our new 7mm-08, Casey finding guns for me, Outdoor writer helping me understand wording on simple gun laws just to mention a few examples. Unbelieveable help from all over this state. Thanks for the generous help to a complete stranger. The one thing that this site has helped me with this most is getting me off my butt and becoming more aware of what is going on in our state and nation politically. On this political discussion site Red Rabbit posted quick links to important politicians, thanks. Very helpful and I must say I have written more letters to governors and senators in the last two years than I did in the 48 years previous. So, while gleaning great information on hunting, fishing and other great outdoor activities I have learned an enormous amount about my home state and this great country. While I don't necessarily agree with all views I think it is great we can come on here and voice our opinions. Thanks Amanda to your great site CouesWhitetail.com Jeff
  16. Non-Typical Solutions


    Sorry up to my arse in saddles up here. Looks like a nice rig though....
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    Great response to a tough situation. We always hear that it would cost us more for a head of lettuce, but maybe that is still cheaper than what we are paying now. Snap gave good expenses on the program we are currently paying for......
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got my Boat

    I have thought about that, but I think I can take care of my mountain lakes with my trolling motor and have a little more umph for Roosevelt type stuff, will have to see......you got a 10hp you want to trade???
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Thanks CouesWhitetail

    How could I forget that??? Thanks Casey.......
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Proved the existence of a mythical beast!

    Now that is a uni que find..........nice
  21. Non-Typical Solutions


    No problem Snap;, that is alot of info......alls I am asking for is just one answer from Jaime, but I guess he had more important poems to look up or something,
  22. Non-Typical Solutions


    ELFRIDA, Ariz. -- Sixty-seven illegal immigrants were found crammed inside a U-Haul truck near Elfrida, Ariz. about 20 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border after deputies spotted it driving erratically. Cochise County sheriff's spokeswoman Carol Capas said Friday that deputies pulled the U-Haul over Thursday evening, and the driver and front passenger ran out of the vehicle into the desert. The two, believed to be smugglers, got away. Meanwhile, deputies found 67 illegal immigrants in the back of the 26-foot truck. Capas said the truck appeared to have been loaded in the last seven hours and that it was "cramped." She could not speak to the conditions inside the truck and says the immigrants were turned over to the Border Patrol. Border Patrol spokesman Mario Escalante did not immediately know where the immigrants were from, where they were headed or what the conditions in the truck were, although he says none had to be taken to the hospital. They weren't pulled over because of race but erractic driving. Kind of like the Oklahoma City bombing McVeigh was stopped by Oklahoma State Trooper Charlie Hanger for driving without a license plate and arrested for unlawfully carrying a weapon. He wasn't profiled, he was driving without a license plate. Imagine what a dumb mistake, blow up a federal building and drive without a license plate...... Hope this helps you understand how the process is supposed to work.......
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Birthday Bones

    My boys took me out for a birthday party in the hills this weekend. I turned 50 and just had to prove I could still keep up with them. Which I didn't but I still had a heck of a blast. First finds of the day.......two matching sets, one from last year and one from this year. This right here really gets ya focused when you bump into serious stuff right off the bat. My 12 year old trying to prove to big brother he can hang. We calculated about 25 lbs of horn plus pack. Two miles back to camp. What we felt was the find of the day. Cole and I made it back to camp with our pile. The other two mules made it back to camp with the other pile. This next pic I tried to show the palmation on the one set the boys found, but it just doesn't do it justice. One heck of a birthday party, thanks to willie, joe and cole for letting me tag along.
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    sb 1070

    Yesterday at the protesting session Wilcox....yep our Wilcox said the Brewer would go down in history along with Ev Mecham if she signed this bill..................
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    sb 1070

    Kind of like cactus said....pretty sad that we are having to pass a bill to enforce a law that is already in place. Congrats to Brewer for having a spine, now watch out for the mud slinging to really begin and probably some lead as well unfortunately. One thing we didn't get covered Jaime, that one reason why it is OK to be here illegally???