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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Congresswoman Giffords shot

    Good read, I don't buy into the idea that the Republicans or Tea Party are soley responsible for what happened in Tucson. Our government in general has left alot of people in a bad fix. People have lost jobs, retirements, pensions and as mentioned earlier, loved ones over seas fighting somebody elses war on somebody elses land. At this point I am not sure if this KOOK suffered from any of those, like you said, Can't fix crazy......
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    The look...

  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    NM Lion

    Nice job with the pics........
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Humbly request help...

    Do some research and look for wintering grounds, where the elk hang out during the time when antlers start falling.........plus there is probably some migrating that occurs during that process. Elevation can be misleading. Antler hot spots are like favorite fishing and hunting holes, nobody wants to air them out over the world wide web but if you look where the elk are you shall surely find anlters. Good luck in your search..........
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Congresswoman Giffords shot

    Told my wife the exact same thing this morning.......well said.........
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Congresswoman Giffords shot

    They had a model skull on Fox News this morning showing the entry hole and exit hole. Brian from Fox News said he didn't realize that the exit hole would be the bigger blowout hole instead of the nice perfect hole. Somebody needs to take Brian on a hunt and teach him a little about entry and exit wounds. Miracle that lady is still alive.....bless all of them.........
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Coues shed and lion kill

    Beats a day at work any day....nice finds......
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Congrats to huntingfool

    That is awesome...congrats........
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    OH MY...

    Not bad, not bad at all, probably green score right at 200 cents...........but when you take it to the grocery store it will have some ground shrinkage and only get you about 100 gross worth of produce.............
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    New Years Eve tomcat.

    That is an awesome way to bring in the new year. Living down in southern New Mexico as a kid, my New Years day activities involved a trip up into the hills thinking I would call in a lion. After seeing the size of those critters now I am wondering what I was thinking. Nice job.........
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Some pics from my cam

    Em R DUCKS Nice picks...........
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    San Carlos Part 1

    Great story, thanks for taking the time to post it and the pics, and congrats on a great buck. Looks colder that double LL out there...........
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Sometimes Mother Nature smiles on you

    Awesome story, good to see others having some fun with their hunts. It ain't always about the kill although that does put a smile on when it gets to happen too. Keep up the hard work, it will pay off and check out the warranty on that chair, maybe you can get a refund Better luck next time.....
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got my first Lion pics

    I think there are alot more cats out there than we want to believe, and having a threesome running around is certainly no comfort. One place we hunt it is not uncommon to find cat tracks in the trail headed back into camp after a day of hunting. Just make me wonder who was really doing the hunting. Nice pics........
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Shedding some light on the COUES bone pile

    Having attempted some "antler" furniture items myself, all I can say is that is some serious craftsmanship there. Like or dislike, that takes some talent. Guess I am gonna have to mosy on up the road a bit and take a peek at some of that. Thanks for sharing the pics, that is truly some Non-Typical work there
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    San Carlos Rez Coues!!

    Damnation........push some of those bad boys over the line Nice very nice
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Canadian Pike

    That looks like some nice fishing there.......
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trail cam Revenge

    After months of putting up with these pesky bears, trying different strap systems and lock boxes we were able to get in on one of them. We were amazed at the speed they have, incredible animals. Bear with an attitude. We had three seperate seeps that we set up cams on for deer. Bears had usually hit our camera within the first 24 hours of checking cams, replacing batteries etc. It never failed, we always had at least one of our cams laying on the ground taking pictures of the sky. Joe on the right took this bear with his .270 at about 100 yards running away from him. Cole in the middle saw two bears on our trip but was shaking too bad to get a shot off. Garrett on the left was our trusty guide who kept us from getting lost. We were actually on our deer hunt but after seeing so many pictures of bears on our cams decided to make sure we had tags for just in case and it paid off for us. What a great hunt we had, no deer, but still just a fun time. It is spooky being out in the forest knowing that bears and lions are keeping an eye on you. But man what a great priviledge it is to be out there kicking around the in the hills. My wife picked up the elk shed during one of our ventures.
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trail cam Revenge

    We got the skull back on this bear and I did an "unofficial" measure on him. Total 18 1/4 adding the length and the width. Not a monster by any means, but not too dang bad.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Snow up North

    Sitting in Sandy Utah tonight for a wedding tomorrow.....predicting 24" of snow here.....hope we get to have the wedding....it is coming down hard. Know that is of little help for your unit, but hey it is the camp fire section right?? Good luck on your hunt!!!
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    A couple of shed hunts

    Pretty nice trash you guys picked up........can't wait to get out there again and see what ya left behind......nice job.
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Outta here

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, rub it in.......jealous as heck of you for taking the full ten days in monster mulie country. Lets hear the stories when you get back.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    "Medical" pot

    The slippery slope just got slipperier(sp) Watching the news last night Joe made another sweep picking up 17 employees using SSN's that did not belong to them. The company claimed they were "committed" to hiring legal workers. Joe said it right, "These people are using your SSN's and that is serious business" As for the pot legality, just look where our neigbor to the west is with that stuff and you can see the future of our state I fear.
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    November 6 Bear

    WOW dang nice bear, and I guess that answers the question about whether a bear can climb a tree or not right?? Cool pic of the treed bear.
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    property pics

    interesting - thats the area i've been tellin most escouters to check out - along the pipeline above stone lake - nobody has to my knowledge - but we almost always see elk in the general area lol nope i'm 14 n/w of ashfork ! I'm tellin you, there have been alot of nice critters taken on the pipeline......used to make me mad to come back to camp only to find out a big buck or big bull had been taken by a road hunter on the pipeline. If I thought I could drill a well and have water I would love acreage out there, but then that would bring the houses and the people. Good luck out there with your property and trail cam adventures.