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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Anyone fish the White Mountains this weekend?

    We fished a windy Nelson Lake Saturday evening, caught about 10 fish in an hour trolling peacock ladys and brown woolyworms. Watched a bunch on the bank catching alot of fish on the far side across the dam. The adults stayed pretty busy keeping the kids reeling them in, I had more fun watching them than I did catching fish myself. Good luck, let me know how your trip goes, headed back up there in a week we hope.
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    A sad loss

    Makes you feel really helpless when stuff gets stolen like that, best of luck to you guys recovering your loss. Tweekers or not scum is bottom line.............
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Quite a few sheds

    Nice antlers and a nice hunting partner there....that makes it double fun.
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    BIG BOY!!! "2 more pics added"

    Nice looking buck for sure, good luck finding him come fall. Congrats on getting your wife out there with you, I think I got my wife hooked last year, that is fun stuff.
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Shed Antler Hunting Article

    Should put that article up in the pinned section of the shed hunting, very good info there....
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Stupid, stinkin', coyotes

    The gradual indocternation of our society with regards to racism, politically correct, not hurting anybodys feelings, warm fuzzy feel good about everything, everybody gets a participation ribbon and what can I get for nothing has contributed to the current border situation. The current fire going on down in Southern AZ/NM is a result of illegal activity. As said before, get in line go through the process and come join this great country in contributing instead of becoming a leech to society.
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    No luck shed hunting...

    Few years back coming out of Globe headed north missed my opportunity to nail one of those suckers in my father in laws truck. Late at night, saw a flash come out of no where, dodged real hard to miss it and then realized I shoulda dodged harder to hit it......I don't think the lion population is hurtin..
  8. Non-Typical Solutions


    SPEECHLESS Alan, thanks for sharing your collection.
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    DLC Covert II

    That is funny, I had my foxpro and couldn't get it to work all day long christmas day, was really bummed out, especiall when I discovered I needed 4 more batteries on the other side of the battery assembly man did my family give me a ribbing for that one. Good luck on the trail cam, wish I had an answer for you on that one.
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got him...

    Thanks for contributing to the cause, kinda makes you a part of the team right???
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fire at Greer Lodges

    My first experiences to the white mountains were cabins rented in greer from the Wiltbanks. 1963 as a three year old we have pictures of trout hanging on a willow stringer caught on the little colorado. Sad to see the lodge burn to the ground, hope they can rebuild it. Great memories from that area through the years.
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got him...

    I agree.....
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got him...

    This is what we expected of course........ http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-qaeda-warning-20110507,0,5585613.story
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    The Green Thing

    I like it!!!! That is a good one.
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Unit 27 Turkey Adventure!

    My wiser oldest brother always told me that you had to have something happen to make the hunt/trip/vacation memorable and you certainly did that. Way to hang in there and if that fiance hung in there with you on that adventure she is for sure a keeper. Congrats on the great adventure.
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    First annual Arizona Antler Fest Saturday May 14th

    Sounds like a great chance to see some of the best horn there is in the country. I have only heard of the barn so I will be there if I am not in LA.....brother what kind of a choice is that.....LA....Ellsworth collection. I probably need my head examined. Good luck on the fest......
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Got him...

    May we give tribute and respect the lives of those spent on this scum of the earth as well as to those who continue to fight against his followers. Mell of a hess was that the Ace of hearts???? Anybody hear any kind of explaination as to the burial at sea??? I didn't get to hear too much but that sounded kinda odd. I would have strapped him onto some heat seeking missle and shot that sucker off......
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZ Camping spots

    Brentwood up by buffalo crossing is a church campground don't know if they charge, there is water. Contact the Duncan stake they would know...
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    The Science Behind Antlers

    The thing that facinates me is the non-typical growth that consistently patterns the same year after year. It is almost as if there is an invisible pattern up there that the antler has to follow.....and it does...... Do you suppose the difference in those samples is just time???
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Just A Thought.....

    Great opportunity to thank Amanda for keeping this site pretty dang clean. I ventured over to another site and didn't spend much time there because of the language. I'll let my kid read this site and not worry about that. Thanks Amanda
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    The Challenge

    Awesome footage and hats off to the big boy for holding off the theives....thanks Tony...
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hunting Coues on Horseback

    And don't let pictures or maps decieve you, that hard to get to parts of 27 are hard to get to for a reason. Up and down and rough......
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hunting Coues on Horseback

    27..............Gods Country
  24. Non-Typical Solutions


    We really struck out on this youth turkey hunt in the past. Felt like a complete flop in the dad department. We were able to get in on some action Saturday morning. We set up calling right off the bat after hearing a tom but could not seem to pull him in so we got up and headed in a direction to try and catch up with him. We walk about 10 yards only to scatter a couple of hens flying down the ridge. After several sets of calling with no real gain in positioning we decided to bust tail and try to get ahead of the gobble gobble and set up. Fortunately this time we were able to get Cole is position. I set up above Cole to call, put him behind a big Ponderosa pine. As we called we could tell that the tom was coming closer. Cole would turn and look at me raising his thumbs up. The first time I saw the tom I thought Cole could not see him cause of the big pine tree so I am whistling at him trying to get his attention. He assures me he can see the tom So I started watching Cole more than the turkey, I see him pull up his gun slowly and then I see him jerk, you know they way you jerk when you don't have a round in the chamber. I was proud of him though, he calmly chambered a shell in and set up again for the shot. BOOM he jumps up, bird down, bird down. All the sudden I see him pull up again BOOM. He shoots again. (Lost a bird two years ago that he peppered.) He says, "Dad, he was acting just like that one that got away so I made sure this time he didn't!!!) We were able to call this tom up from the bottom of the draw and Cole made the shot. What a great time! Antler find of the hunt. Driving down a dead end dirt road, almost dark, I decide to turn around, look in my rear view mirror left side and low and behold this little horn is lying right next to the road. If I woulda kept driving I would have never seen the horn. First ever road find antler.