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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    I am in the middle of three online classes and I have to read a bunch of "educational blogging".......none of it as interesting as that thread sounds like. Course these days things seem a little testy on here and very little going on with the actual hunting and fishing........
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Free bows

    That is awesome Pine Donkey....
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    Dang...where have i been....I hate it when I miss a barn burner.....
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Curtis Cauthen Memorial

    Great opportunity to get out of the house and have a great time for a good cause.
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Curtis Cauthen Memorial

    Bumping this up, thanks DILL!!!
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Ok Lark... one more time... I did not design the bill, I knew of the concept as it was stated, I did not drop the bill and I never saw it before January 5th. I have expressed multiple times that the conservation groups who attend the AZSFWC meetings were briefed as was I on the bill. I am not on the board of the AZSFW. I still support the concept of the bill 300 tags for raffle, 50 for auction. I realize that it was not presented to the community as a whole and I will not comment on that but take it to the people who did. I am simply trying to inform and sort out the fiction that some of you were creating. That fiction was 1) The outfitters and guides were in on this... False 2) That there is no emergency... I explained that by having that term applied, it simply meant that if the bill had been approved, it would not have to wait for 90 days after sine die before anyone could get moving on it. 3) That the conservation groups are making millions on it False... all the current money goes to the department and the host group pays all expenses for the privilege of auctioning the tag 4) That no one knew about the bill. False. There were a few commissioners who were briefed on the concept as was I. All the members of the AZSFWC were given the same information. 5) I am trying to respond and have been accused of being numerous things, yet when I interject a little humor I am condescending. I have not labeled anyone a snake, a crooked politician, slimy etc... I apologize if you thought I was being condescending. I was frustrated at the fact that even though I have answered to the best of my abilities, I keep getting the same questions. I will be passing on all the thoughts and attitudes on Tuesday, as will Amanda. To focus on one of your false claims, reference #4 That no one knew about the bill. False. There were a few comissioners who were briefed on the concept as was I. Key terms being few and briefed and then the choice to not include any of the hunting population and run it through on emergency status. BPJ I have respect for fighting for a good cause, this doesn't seem to be one of them. And of all the complaints about it on this board you still seem to support the idea of using a bunch of big game tags that some of us still dream about. Antelope for example, dam they don't just give those things away.....wait, unless it is at a high dollar auction right? You want us to take a step back and try to see all the good.....maybe you need to take a step back and look from the prospective of a dad trying to raise kids and hoping to get a big game tag just through the lottery draw and hoping he can afford to just pay for the tags, license, bullets, gas, food and time off work to get those kids a lifetime hunting experience. But you are still ok with giving a few tags away to the highest bidder? My dad raised pigs and he said it smelled like money.........thats all this bill sounds like to me......stinky money.
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Koury Brothers Drop GIANTS!

    Koury boys....you guys got it done, those are some lifetime dream bucks, congrats....
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Not backdoored huh??? Wasn't even on the AZGF agenda prior too said vote yesterday?? "Chairman Woodhouse also made it clear during the meeting that neither the Arizona Game and Fish Commission nor the department were involved in the crafting of the bill, and this item has never been on a commission agenda."
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Bonus, My questions must have been just sensless so go ahead and just answer the question posed by Lark in the first sentence of this post??
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Unit 27

    Got ready to leave Thursday morning and my 14 year old reminded me we needed to call the bear report for 27 before we left. Unit 27 CLOSED??? Are you kidding me??? Been waiting all year to go out deer/bear hunt combo and they female harvest of 11 has already been met?? How the heck did that happen? Did they lower the harvest limit after the fire??? Anybody have any insight on that?? Boy did that bum me out.
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    There are not many things that I read on a daily basis, but this site is one of them. I would not have known anything about this were it not for this site, I appreciate the information that is brought up here. Healthy discussion is important to try and resolve issues for sure. One thing that always worries me is reading information that comes from one side or the other. If you want to buy a Ford, talk to somebody that owns one but don't necessarily believe what Ford will tell you about their vehicle. How credible is the information and what lies behind or what isn't being said. Faith in anything politically motivated has disappeared from our society and rightfully so. Money seems to rule and usually has a string attached of some sort.
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Bonus, one more I forgot, what is going to be the determining factor to as whether a kid qualifies for a free hunting or fishing liscense?
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Bonuspoint couple of what I think are legit questions: Has the "qualifying Organization" already been determined? I mean, if I had an organization that "qualified" could they become the "underwiter" for this program? What plans would this organization have that could possible reliquish the death grip some have on access to public lands that hasn't already been pesued? What guarantees do we have that it won't be run like the Utah Fiasco??
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Jay, I have alot of respect for the slow approach, find the facts, get to the bottom of the bill and weigh the pros and cons. Problem is when you get thrown a fastball how much time do you really have to analyze? The fact that this bill got put on a fast track with little to no warning to those whom it will affect throws a great big caution light upm maybe even a flashing red light. Why not slow the process down and give those affected time to digest the information? Maybe even give some input on what they would like to see? Two people on this site who are pretty well versed Tony and Bill seem to be pretty keen on the dos and don'ts and they seem skeptical as have others who frequent this site. I agree, lets take the time to find the facts, but what kind of time do we have??? Respectfully, Jeff
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    It always worries me when I have a document in front of me that requires a lawyer to interpret! Didn't the state clean out the game and fish funds a few years back??? What would keep them from getting their hands on the 20 million generated for wildlife in this case? Come on lawers, what are the pros and cons, to the average AZ hunter??
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Find the deer pic

    Oh my gosh....all these years and I missed that opportunity to teach you about the ducks?? I ain't gonna wait for lark on this one. Them are ducks Them are not Oh yes they are See them wings? Well I'll be! Them are ducks
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Economic impact of mining on forum members

    I sure wish I could get some of those scraps for my yard, that stuff is expensive. When I went to buy some, everything I could afford looked like scrap to me. That is very true.....
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Economic impact of mining on forum members

    OK maybe my ignorance shining through.....all the crap left behind that they couldn't or wouldn't use??? Most of us could make a really nice patio out of what they leave behind but when you are in the middle of the good stuff the scraps that get left behind are still pretty nice slabs. While teaching there in Ash Fork for 5 years, I got alot of pretty nice Flagstone and railroad ties from some of the locals who had connections. Made for some really nice landscaping materials. I apologize for misuse of the term tailings hope I didn't offend any of you miners that are directly impacted by mining and know what you are talking about
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Economic impact of mining on forum members

    A little off subject but I know that mining of Flagstone in Unit 10 really put a hurt on one of my favorite hunting spots, made the roads more user friendly thus more hunters, pushed rocks and trees all over the place. But there are still some big mulies in there and they have found the water(rain,snow,etc) that now gets trapped in the tailings from this mining. Sometimes that can be good and sometimes that can be bad.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Find the deer pic

    I love this game......great way to practice my spotting skills at home......or work I could only find the two doe but RagHorn needs to invest in a better camera if he is gonna put us through the misery......I have a really nice camera adapter that somebody gave me a few years back I will trade you for your range finder again And for those who are wondering, one of my altime favorites..... M R ducks M R not O S A R C M wangs? L I B! M R ducks
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Last day buck

    Be sure and tell your daughter thanks for the game, as fate would have it you killed two birds with one stone and came out on top all the way around. Nice buck for sure, congrats
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Economic impact of mining on forum members

    Bill, I thought the same as well, mining has been a big part of this state for a long time and while I might think that there is no impact on my job I would not jump too fast to that conclusion.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Interesting Brain Game

    I may not be normal.....but nobody is...so I'd like to say fore I'm through........RED HAMMER
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    True Story: Very Interesting

    Heck of a story and find there congratulations
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Congrats to BR Yellow Jackets

    Lets face it, if you played football at all for Blue Ridge during the last 20 plus years you probably got to hold up the gold ball at least once if not more. They have flat out dominated in football. A very respected coaching staff and kudos also to the kids through the years that were willing to committ to a program and make it successfull.