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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    More Junior Turkey Success!

    Great job Skyler....way to knockem down.......fun times right there....
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Antler Crafts

    Thanks Amanda, and thanks for letting me show some of them.....
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Old Sheds

    Yeah, its a spike and it was my first find. Critter...i'm working on it First is one to hang onto for sure.....and them little ones are the toughest. Gotta stumble over them. Good luck with the one you are working on........I got a couple of those myself.....
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Antler Crafts

    A couple of new ones I tried: For your graduating senior who loves antlers.... Christmas tree ornament Or hang on a door knob or mirror on your truck Or a night light Or maybe you are an eagles fan Or just a plain elk antler on an elk base
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Do you like a good challenge???

    Good soapbox and good info, thanks..........
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Old Sheds

    Is that a single spike there or just a tip?? Cool finds....can't wait to go out again....two weeks and counting....
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    nice bear

    This is what happens to Tommy when he doesn't have enough to keep him busy........out sneaking up as close as he can get to a bear....Tommy, you OK out there??? Just checkin on ya. How did the turkey hunt go???
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Pet Pig Video

    Cool video......all is well that ends well............
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    shed hunting..

    My thoughts exactly.............congrats on the finds..........oh I just decided to go out walking around today and look what I found.....out in the back yard.........not too far from the house........envy, envy........any vacant lots for sale close by???
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Crappie Bonanza San Carlos

    Man that Heron dude really needs some table manners.....awesome video and pray I have something extra in my boat if I were to ever catch something like that catfish...........thanks for sharing your trip Brian............
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Do you like a good challenge???

    I accept the challenge: I have been in touch with G$F and am waiting for assessment/assignment for our adopt a tank project. This program according to G$F is really not established in the White Mountain area but they are willing to get us set up whether it is monitoring and maintaining several trick tanks or something of that nature. We are also waiting for approval by the BSA for my 14 year old to use a wildlife conservation project as his eagle project. Steps have been taken to be a part of the solution instead of a bystander. Thanks for the challenge donnie and thanks for your and many others efforts.
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Coues sheds

    OK, now you sent me into depression.....nice buck though!!!
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Here Kitty Kitty

    Yeah, real cute when you open that door up, then playtime is OVER......cute clip
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Little Tucson girl needs help.

    Junk like this makes you realize what really is important.......best of luck and prayers out to the family and friends....and most of all that precious little 6 year old......
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Coues sheds

    Sittin here wondering the exact same thing.....I get to go out in two weeks, hoping they have started dropping........
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Blind Etiquette

    The one time we left a blind out for about three weeks in a very remote area. Little to no human traffic what so ever...........the bears took care of our blind for us. Ripped it up, broke poles, it was pretty much no good by the time they got done with it............I will give them a pass for we really were intruding on their stomping grounds but flat out taking somebody elses blind.............that ain't cool. We have pics of so many bears, they have tormented our cameras, then our blind.......onery crittters....... Good luck on your hunt.......
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    San Juan River, New Mexico 2012

    TJ, I am going to have to sensor this thread from my 14 year olds viewing, if he sees what you guys did up there fly fishing he is for sure going to be asking if we can go do that too.........that looks like a great trip. He saved up money, bought his own fly pole, fly reel and buys flies every time we go anywhere they can be found. We will be out fishing for bass and he insists on me letting him practice his fly casting......the little 14' boat rocking back and forth as he whips line past my ear....... Someday maybe we can get together so he can actually learn what the heck is going on with that fly fishing..............thanks for sharing your pictures and story.......
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Laws and Faqs

    Good point and hopefully will be reflected in the administrated level of the law..........
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Laws and Faqs

    While trying to get info on another thread I decided to check out the FAQ's on the G$F website. I came across an interesting read. Under the section labeled: Hunting Frequently Asked Questions Can I carry a gun during an archery hunt? Over the last few years, especially along the border with Mexico, personal protection and safety has become an issue especially for archery hunters. Commission rule R12-4-318-C2 states that and individual participating in an “archery-only” season shall not use or possess any other weapon during these seasons. With the increase in border issues the department is allowing individuals participating in “archery-only” seasons statewide to carry a non-hunting handgun that is carried for personal protection and safety. A non-hunting handgun is defined as a handgun; with a barrel length of 6 inches or less that does not have a scope or any type of electronic site. Please keep in mind that non-hunting handguns are an unlawful method of take while participating in an “archery-only” season and any individual attempting to take wildlife (i.e. big game, predators, non game animals and small game) during an “archery-only” season with a non-hunting handgun is in violation of A.R.S.§ 17-309(A)(14), “Take wildlife by an unlawful method.” In January 2009, Commission Rule R12-4-318 was proposed by the Commission to be amended to include carrying of non-hunting handguns for personal protection and safety for “archery-only” and “muzzleloader-only” seasons. Unfortunately the Governor has placed a temporary moratorium on all rulemaking and until the amendments are approved by the Governor, the law will remain unchanged. Therefore the Department is allowing for hunters to carry non-hunting handguns for the reasons listed above until the proposed rule change has been approved Yet, under the FAQ's labeled: Laws and Regulations Frequently Asked Questions Can I carry a gun during an archery hunt? No. Commission Rule R12-4-318-C2 states that an individual participating in an “archery only” season shall use and possess only a bow and arrow as prescribed in R12-4-304, and shall not use or possess any other weapon, including a crossbow or any other bow having devices attached to hold the bow in a drawn position, except as authorized by R12-4-216. Just interesting difference in the two "FAQ's
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    That might have been me. The forest Service guy said it was illegal to put up tree stands, cameras, or bait (feed any animal) on "wilderness land" http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=26902&st=0&p=266050&fromsearch=1entry266050 Below is a copy paste from the story As I’m breaking camp, a Forest Service truck pulls up. The guy stops in the middle of the road, jumps out and is writing down my plate number. Still in a high from a great buck, I yell out my plate number and invite him into what is left of my camp. He said that he heard I shot a nice buck. I tell him of my morning. He asks if I had any salt out and I said no. He tells me of a spot not too far away that was salted, and had a camera. He tells me that it is on Wilderness land and it is illegal to place anything on the ground or in a tree. He tells me that he is going to sneak in there tonight and take the camera and leave the guy a ticket, and that its going to cost the owner of the camera $300 to get it back; because that’s how much the ticket is. Now I’m thinking… He just told me it was illegal to hang anything from a tree on Wilderness Land; but HE is going to “hang” the guy a ticket from a tree on Wilderness Land… I got tired of him and just turned my back with a see ya later and finished breaking my camp. This guy had NO people skills, was very short, and was very monotone… Could be the same story but it seems like the story I am thinking of, somebody posted a picture of a great looking buck on here......only to get a knock at the door by authorities asking questions about his camera, baiting etc. The person swore off posting anymore pictures on the internet........can't remember the whole story but it was kinda scary.....
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    I think I remember that thread and I think you are right about it being trail cam section. Almost sounds like both departments are kinda passing the buck on this one......back and forth back and forth.....
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    My inside source who is a Federal Law Enforcement for the FS says he hasn't heard of any such law, but he promised to do some research on the subject for me. I don't like fogginess when it comes to this type of stuff, I want to know where it says.....
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    OK so here is the G$F version as you correctly stated, thanks for the info on that: http://www.azgfd.gov/faq/Hunting.shtml Can I hunt with an attractant or bait for big game? Yes, except for bear. The Arizona Game and Fish Department does not allow you to use any substance to attract bears. Different federal land agencies, such as the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may have restrictions against the use of salt or other bait as an attractant for wildlife. If hunting these lands, contact those land management agencies to verify the legalities of attractants. Now, where do we read it in the Forest Service laws?
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    81.....can you post that link directly to the AZGF site where you are reading that, I always just get in a fight with their website....thanks.....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bobcat with a bow

    I probably couldn't spot and stalk my own house cat........that is awesome....congrats on the cat.