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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Let's not forget....11 years ago today

    I watched through that replay of a day this morning......and oh how bave those people were who went into harms way to save others. Gave me that same gut feeling of how blessed we are and yet how much we have allowed to slip away from the days of my youth when life was so much simpler.....I wish my kids could grow up in the more simple life as I did. God Bless America and the families of these fallen heros.
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hunting Technology. How much is enough?

    I know without my GPS.....I would still be lost somewhere in Unit 27........could have been the best thing to ever happen to me......
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    The MOST wonderful time of the year

    How about that U of A football team.......radio picked them to lose by 40..................go CATS!!
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    .270 factory ammo

    Good info, thanks for sharing..................
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    My 1st Bow Kill Video/ Gut Pile

    Nice job......looks like you had a blast...............
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fuse Quiver

    Did you sell this quiver???
  7. Non-Typical Solutions


    Maybe pictures too.................man good luck Bill that really bites..............
  8. Non-Typical Solutions


    I agree Adam, something to look into for sure. But look at that list of guns......not replaceable :angry:
  9. Non-Typical Solutions


    Yep....that sums it up.............hang'em high!!!!
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Positive Game and Fish encounter

    Great story.....now where are those prarie dogs??? Congrats on the goat.......pics????
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    side-tracked while scouting for elk

    That looks like a railroad job to me.............always fun to pick up a bonus antler or two........congrats
  12. Non-Typical Solutions


    No problem at all azpackhorse, I know you since you became a member of this awesome site. You can pick on me it does not bother me. We are in the same boat and I agree with your points of view.....you know, and even if we disagree there is nothing wrong with that, some times is ok to disagree. That's what it makes this website so rich, the diversity of view points. Ok now to your question, what I said was "and to some of them I am more american than them" and I repeat, "some". It is a joke I played on a friend of mine, his name is Ruben, he happens to be a U. S. Custom agent. He was born in Mexico but became a Naturalized U. S. Citizen. Also let me tell you that by the Grace of God I was born in San Diego California so I am a U. S. of America Citizen. So one day after several years without seeing Ruben I saw him at one Port of Entry. He then started to bomb me with lots of questions, why I did this, why that, for how long, etc. Who was the first president of the U. S. who is the current presindent of the U. S. Then I started laughing I said come on Rube shut up, I'm probably more american than you...at least I was born here in the U. S. and you were not! Than I guess he could not resist anymore and also started to laug really hard So there you have it...that's why I said what I said and I hope no one missunderstand what I said......this is a Great Country and it is My Country. So we are in the same boat my friend, and in order to get out of this murky water we need to row in the same direction. This topic has been discussed here more that a dozen times and we get no where; some times even divides the members of this awesome site. We can work together and do our part but I feel that is not up to me and you to fixed...why? Cause behind the illegal immigration there are some people, some companies and even parts of the goverment that illegals means BIG $$$$ to them. Again....this topic is very extensive and we can be here for the whole year talking about it and it we will never end. azpackhorse...come on...dont take it personally with Chef, he's doing is responsability, he's a moderator and we have to respect that, besides...he's also in the same boat we are....if the boat sinks...we go down with him too Take care and God bless. Ernesto C Great story Ernesto. I transposed numbers on a hunt application a few years back. Ended up with a 36B tag. Didn't know a thing about the unit so I did some heaven forbid E-Scouting. I found this great site and have met many friends since then. This is the only site I visit on a daily basis. It is great and keeps me informed about alot more than just hunting coues hunting. I have become more politically inolved because this site brings up so many great topics that I was clueless about both G$F, State and National Government. I think it is our job as citizens of this great country to spread the word, get involved and to have discussions about political issues. If we just sit and don't do anything then we have no one to blame but ourselves. I read things on this website, hear about it on the news 5 days later and my wife says......how did you know about that???? I really appreciate that this hunting website also has the political section, I have learned alot from many of you. It is ok to disagree.......I have many times had to re-evaluate how I look at things because of points of view others have expressed. Carry on Ernesto, sounds like you have a good approach to life................
  13. http://www.therightscoop.com/jesse-jackson-big-government-is-how-we-know-we-are-godly/ Listen to this one and tell me you ever heard this from your religious leader, I don't care what God you believe in.
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Left wants God OUT

    http://www.scpr.org/...-has-his-math-/ This is exactly what happens when the teleprompter doesn't follow the beliefs of the majority lefts.
  15. Non-Typical Solutions


    Can we start a list from the upper level of government that fall into that catagory!!! That is hilarious DB.............
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Sharing the Wealth

    I had to laugh listening to Clinton....can't keep my pants zipped.............home run hitter for the Dems............makes me puke...........
  17. Non-Typical Solutions


    Kinda interesting, I was offended by the crayon box because it seemed like somebody was making fun of the fact that our government is trying to do something about the illegal immigration issues in our state and country. What do you recommend for the illegal immigration problem diehard? Just continue to turn our head and pretend it doesn't exist. Either you have the documentation on hand that takes care of the issue if you get detained or pulled over or you don't. Pain in the butt it probably is. Are you saying that you don't want to restrict the flow of illegals into this country??
  18. Non-Typical Solutions


    Not sure, but I am white and I have had to show identification every time I have been pulled over by a cop, pulled over by G$F, every time I have gone in to vote..........I don't undertand the problem. Maybe I should start throwing a fit every time somebody asks me for some ID.....puzzling..........
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Ulmer Edge

    Anybody try this broadhead out yet??? After visiting with Rusty I have tried to get ahold of some of these to give them a try but they are always sold out....just wondering if anybody has gotten their hands on them yet.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Coconino County Hunters

    If I had a deer tag, and a wood permit..........and was out gettin wood.............and I seen a deer...........bang..............two for one deal Course the only time I see shootable deer is outa season and when I don't have a gun...........or a tag.....
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Sharing the Wealth

    I know a gal, she has not had a job for the last 20 years, been living off of government programs. Her gravy train broke down a few months back and she has now had to go get a job. Her latest post on Facebook..............This working stuff is for the birds.....it really sucks........... No kidding......duh........makes me sick...........
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Check your tie downs

    Glad you made it out of that mess in one piece..........coulda been nasty.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Question from a Kid

    I was driving my son out to set him up in an area we have seen deer before. Course he is always full of questions. Here is his question for today. Dad, what if a deer comes in that already has an arrow in it? I thought for a minute not really knowing exactly what to tell him. Then I said, make sure you can't see anybody in the area then go ahead and shoot him. So then he says, What if the person that shot it is tracking it? I said, well then you would probably have to come to some sort of an agreement. The other hunter put the first arrow in the deer and was honestly in pursuit of trying to recover the deer, so in my mind would get first option on tagging the deer. What do you think about it??
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    WTB boy scout merit badge booklets

    Tommy, Just google it........you can find anything you want for merit badges...........it is great...........
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    1961 Willys Jeep

    Congrats on the sale...........