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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    We Lost one of the good ones

    Prayers for the family and that is a great loss to our state.......he fought hard for his county and this stat.
  2. Sounds like my bother in law...................
  3. Pretty common for the politicians to insert foot in mouth........usually shows true colors as opposed to scripted PC speeches. I'm OK if Romney gets it that half of this country is riding on the working half................and I hope he gets elected despite him speaking the truth about that matter.
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    LV Football Trip

    You look like you might have been a whopping 120 pounds there, on a run around the right end..................
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    LV Football Trip

    Tony, that story belongs in the Vintage Photo area That is awesome and thanks for posting it.....that was a long time ago.........good ol days......
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Non Typical bucks! (pic heavy)

    I like Non-typical......cool pics good luck finding them when you have a tag in your hands......
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Obama - there he goes again

    And boy does she ever have our bag......I mean back..............
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cardboard Target

    Hey....that is a good idea.....I will do some deciphering.........not familiar with A.T. but I bet I can find out about foam packing blocks from tractor trailer places. thanks..............
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    WOW What is it???

    My wife says she saw it, said it looked like a plane but then it started circling. Raghorn said it was visible from Mesa. Freakiest thing I think I have ever seen. What is it?
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Pencil Holder

    Some of my latest attempts to make something out of antler. Pretty fun stuff to work with and durable as heck.
  11. Non-Typical Solutions


    I always wonder why "Celebrities" are so left wing. The only way I would pay $40K to see Obama, would be to watch him jump off a cliff.! Snap.......think about the kids you went to school with who were "celebrity" material........my brother played guitar for Kenny Chesney for about 2 years back before Kenny hit it big. My brother is a free spirit....you know what I mean.......free thinker............musician.......break the rules, non compliant......peace, love and a product of the 60's. He is by no means a celebrity, about as far left as I you can get and still keep the family name. But even he can put two and two together and see that the big O is killing this country.
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Pencil Holder

    I bet that will look pretty cool.......post up a picture when you get it done.....I always like to see new ideas and how they look.
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cardboard Target

    Hope you find a biggun to stick an arrow in......get us a report......
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cardboard Target

    I am actually looking for a back drop for the.....wild arrow............Cole wants to shoot in the back yard and we looked into buying straw bales but dang, that is 4o-50 bucks just for the backstop..... Thanks Bonecollector....where you located at?? Not really looking for handouts, we got him a nice 3-D whitetail deer for his birthday so it's not like he doesn't have something to shoot at. But if I were to cross your neck of the woods I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to pick up another target to shoot at.......
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cardboard Target

    My son actually built one using dog food bags and did the exact same thing except we had saved a bunch of bags and that was what he stuffed inside. It works really pretty dang good as you say. We have had trouble getting arrows out but not too bad. He was pretty proud of himself for making a target......thanks.......
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Dear G and F: Some food for thought.....

    I bet you do get alot of stories for sure. My wife teaches 5th grade. One day a student who rarely turns in her work came up to the desk and said. "I don't have my homework and I don't have my book, they both burned in a fire last night." My wife reluctant to jump to any conclusions dismissed the issue as just another story only later to find out in fact the girls house had burned to the ground that night. Stuff happens, thanks for your response.
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cardboard Target

    Headed in before the october hunt to check cams. Hopefully the bears haven't eaten my camera. I am excited to see if he shows up again, plus I want to try and find this years antlers from him. I am worried that I have looked at this buck so much on film that I am going to blow it if I actually get to see him with a gun in my hand...........
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Obama - there he goes again

    I was listening to radio about how Obama was doing a fund raiser in Nevada......who donates money to that guy?? Crazy stuff for sure.....I don't get it........
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Dear G and F: Some food for thought.....

    So Brian, In this case as give above are you saying that this elderly gentleman went through some sort of special process or maybe that was the way he applied for the tag. Crossbow elk tag???
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cardboard Target

    This is the best I can give you at this time......I have hunted him for 3 years now, and I am by no means a great hunter but he has frustrated me to death. One of my friends found two years worth of his sheds.........man that makes me mad. I have a tag again this year and will be in there trying to catch up with this guy.
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Obama - there he goes again

    Ugh................that guy is tearing down ...................
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    WOW What is it???

    Dang, I thought maybe I had too much root beer last night..........makes sense to me though. I told my son, maybe Egypt decided to send a missle over.............. I spent two years in Norway and never got far enough north to see the northern lights.........but that deal this morning was flat out eerie looking...........
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    2012 Hunting Video Trailer

    Cool video.....gets ya wanting to get out there and check it out in person. Awesome clip of the bull and buck in the same view.......
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Let's not forget....11 years ago today

    And then, we get reminded that it ain't over with stunts like what happened yesterday at several US embassy's in the middle east. Time to stop shipping Ameican money to these countries. I am pretty sure it is not just coincidence that this happened on 9/11
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    U of A Football

    That is exactly what I said...............keep your fingers crossed they dont stumble this weekend