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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Round 2

    I only got to listen on the radio................had the air compressor running sometimes so I missed some of the things talked about. Really curios as to Romneys answer on assault weapons.............did the anti gun people and gun people really come together on a plan?? I wish he woulda buried Bama on the terrorist issue and Bama going to Vegas the day of...........talk about playing politics. I loved the spat about Math.......don't really know what to believe either way, but I know for sure I don't trust the current leader in chief. I did a comparison with my shop class today....regarding the moderator.............its like going to a Raiders home game and picking the refs out of the bleachers...........the ones wearing all the black and silver....................and not expecting a ref job..........
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    ***Elk antler fireplace set*** very nice

    You got maybe a 10# antler, plus a 3# and then maybe a 2#, plus the hardware....no idea of weight..........shipping and handling is gonna run at least $50 bucks............that set is worth what is being asked or more....................
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Please listen to this, very funny.

    Maybe we can hope and pray that was staged....................would not surprise me one bit....................if it were not............
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Found a lost hunter this weekend.

    All it takes is one wrong ridge and you can be way off in minutes. My most frustrating lost time was in the middle of some stinkin cedars on a flat up in unit 4B. Going around in circles, when we saw the same group of antelope my son said, "Dad, are you lost?" We always pack a day pack with things that might come in handy if you get stuck out there over night. Being prepared for that stuff is critical and I have had to use mine more than once........ GPS can be a strange thing as well........walking the way the arrow is pointing can be decieving and cause lots of grief......walking the way the crow flies can be alot of up and down as opposed to rimming around........... All that stuff takes practice............you can't just see it on TV and expect it to happen out there........... Be safe..........two weeks away from putting it all in the pack and going looking for a buck..........yahoooooooooooo
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Unit 27 Info.

    You have to know your trees..........as in.....which one to sit under. No doubt about that, funny thing is, one year hunting elk in there I was on mule pickin my way up a ridge. Kept bumping about 8 WT deer, they wouldn't leave, just kept pissin me off. They know when it is elk season and when it is deer season.
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    my sons 1st buck

    Heck of a job Trace!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told Trace I bet his dad had one roped and tied to a tree for him............ What about that shot???? Good job hooked for life if he wasn't already...........
  7. Non-Typical Solutions


    Was kind of interesting how Obama was all about getting the career politicians out of DC and Biden went into office when Ryan was 3 years old.................Bidens perfmance was very unprofessional and that is exactly what our country is getting run like........everybody thinks its funny.............
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    My heart aches and my blood is boiling!

    Time and time again we send our troops over seas and don't give them the firepower and tools necessary to take care of business..............you are right, frustrating. Sorry for the lost of a friend............
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mule Deer pics

    Very nice......
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Help and advice

    Disconnect on society on what it takes to care for an animal....that is just cruel stuff there....good call
  11. Non-Typical Solutions


    But the sky is blue!!! Gotta love it....hang in there...........your vote counts.....
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Well said..........
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fly Fishing Silver Creek

    I better not show those pics to my son, he will quit football......he loves that place
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Wow guess I missed out on that opportunity Are you saying you were against trapping too which is now pretty much gone?? I mean that is pretty cheap, setting up a critter like that. Shoulda caught those coyotes with our bare hands!!! You are right though, if I were a good hunter I would never need really anything like bait to kill a silly coues. I don't hunt over bait, but I just don't like people taking things away from that opportunity without a substantial reason.......you hunt your real way and let others hunt in their less manly way........as long as it is legal!!! If I get caught shooting a deer over a ranchers salt block am I going to get ticketed?? Or a natural lick??? Lots to consider besides just being manly.........
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Trick or Treat

    I got a serious kick out of this one.............. I really don't have a beef with a democrat.......but it is their president currently running this country amuck.................
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Gasoline Prices

    Watched a clip on a gas station today, I think they said in Michigan. They offered $1.84 gas to the first 150 customers, line was so big and people waited so long they bumped it up to 200. They were celebrating cause $1.84 was the price of gas when Obama took office. Celebrating as in, trying to get the attention of the President and his great economic accomplishments over the last 4 years.......... Our gas jumped 12 cents a gallon over night last night.....I always wonder what hurricane has hit again..........
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    So if we did spread multiple piles of feed.......all over the place, less opportunity for the deer to congregate???? Interesting info thanks for sharing that with us.
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Gasoline Prices

  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    After 6 posts I am sure the feeling is farily mutual.............we buy beef, well, at least me and the mouse in my pocket. I think most have stated that if there was substanial information, data, etc regarding this measure here in the state of Az they would listen to the proposal. From your post it is more of a "have it your way." approach.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Knowing where your going opening day?

    I know exactly where I am going to go, problem is the buck in my avatar does not seem to cooperate Looking for another chance to cross his path. I blame time spent out there during the hunt for my inability to catch up with this guy.........but like everything else it is just an excuse....he is better than me at sneaking around in that thick stuff........... Can't wait........counting the days.........
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Elite QB's

    That is funny for sure........wonder where Kolb and that other X qb playing for the raiders are????
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Straight Shot quote: They are not taking away hunting this idea is not the first step to do so............ But what if????? Granted might not be the first step.......but it is something that can legally be done now, and can be taken away.......so it is a step.......of taking away...........
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    And lets face it without mandatory reporting harvest numbers are not really there to use as statistics in the first place.....................
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Another Border agent killed

    Maybe you could share your expert credentials...........there actually are a few of these guys who are fairly expert in the area.....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    One thing is for certain................you can go ahead and draw the line today......but the shifting sands will change where the line is drawn next time.............not a fear tactic.....................just as others have mentioned...............a reality...............