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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Surprise building in Quartzsite area

    From what I understand.....Unit 10....now has wind energy......as does 3A.......it may seem like not a big deal at first then you see how they clamp down on access etc..............not good for hunting....
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Surprise building in Quartzsite area

    Couple of random pics off google.
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    An unexpected Javelina Hunt Surprise by Gut Pile

    Really.......really..........that is awesome......nice job baiting there by the way.....
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    nov/dec pics

    Isn't that skunk couple just the cutest!!! Nice pics......
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    I'm new to the forum

    Big mistake signing up on this site.......it will get you in trouble for not doing your chores at home, surfing while at work and cause you anxiety from all the fun hunts other people get to go on and the animals they see.............welcome to the site...........
  6. The parcel is about 30 or so minutes northwest of Ashfork. You sound familiar with the area - you take seven ranch road north out of Ashfork and it turns into forest road 142; which will take you right into Westwood ranches shortly after you cross under the BNSF. Once you are on the ranch, its about 10 minutes to my parcel. Mount Floyd & Round Mountain are part of the Westwood Ranch - It is beautiful beyond words.... I so love this area - but have no choice in the matter of selling the property. Thank you for the water info - much appreciated; I didn't know. Have only camped up there a few times. Have seen unbelievable amount of elk up there ! I actually was pretty bent out of shape when I heard all that area started getting parceled up.......right in the heart of some great hunting country. Absolutely a beautiful place to own 40 acres.......and there are some monster bucks and bulls out there....
  7. How far north of Ash Fork is that property?? Most people out there have to haul water and have a cistern set up of some sort. Water via well is next to impossible, they have a well in Ash Fork but it is at an unbelievable depth if I remember correct. We hauled water and it is just a way of life that you get accustomed too. I would love to retire on 40 in that area some day and I would haul water too.....close access to some of the best AZ has to offer in wildlife.....good luck on your sale, wish I had 30K I could spend on something like that.
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Back in early 80's with my pops

    Cool pic and that does look like a Waylon sticker......love the old photos.....
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    My 2013 "Fighter" Buck

    Congrats on a great lookin buck.....
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    67 Buick Skylark

    Ha.....he wouldn't know how to handle such a car.......and it has seen its better days. I shouldn't have let it sit for 20 years but just didn't have the funding to fix it up.......
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    ruger 1911

    Set up a target 25' away. Point the gun at the bullseye with a firm two handed grip and taking your time see how close you can come to the center without using the sights. Do this for a couple of boxes of ammo to get used to the gun so pointing becomes a natural thing. The gun will be accurate enough right out of the box and after you are comfortable with it you can always try to shoot itty bitty groups if that's your thing. I will give that a try....thanks......
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    ruger 1911

    Got one for Christmas from my great wife who always gets me good guns. I am not a pistol shooter and have put about 100 rounds through it. Definitely need some coaching on shooting pistol, but it is a sweet looking gun..............
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fiscal Cliff

    Obama quote: "I just want things to be fair for everyone".....as I stand behind a lady in line paying with food stamps and no hablo...........
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Curtis Cauthen Memorial

    As far as I know it is open to anyone.......call Tommy if you are worried about something. Jeff
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Feinstein proposal

    That is hilarious.....and oh so true......
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Curtis Cauthen Memorial

  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Culture change

    Your words reminded me of 50 years ago at my grandpa Paces house. Hex barrell 30-30, which I now own, was always in the corner of the kitchen right next to the back door. In my own house growing up, in the closet, next to the back door there was always a 20 gauge shotgun and a lever action 243. There was always a rifle in the ranch truck. These guns were there for a purpose, usually to take care of varmints that came in to pester livestock. We all grew up knowing how to use them and what damage they would do to an animal. We respected the use of the weapon. Today, that is so removed from our society, great words Coach. I feel sorry for my kids that they have to grow up in such a restricted atmosphere.
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Curtis Cauthen Memorial

    Home base is there in Ash Fork, I will get details about check in etc.
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Sharing the Wealth

    Any of you catch any of the DNC speeches?? One thing that they kept pounding was how sharing the wealth was "patriotic"? What I want to know is what is patriotic about being a lazy arse and living off government welfare programs? Quote from Booker who earlier slammed the president by speaking out in favor of free enterprise and then had to walk it back the next day. Raising taxes on the rich is not class action warfare, it's patriotic................. I ain't rich, but that is not what I call patriotic............sorry..................
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    The world has gone crazy

    As I was working at school today, Jr. High, this kept running through my head. It is a tough responsibility and would require some serious teacher training. Here is one thing I have argued with my administration for years. Lockdown......we close and lock the doors and go into the most protective part of our room. No windows so a "sniper" can't shoot kids through the windows. I always felt like we were putting ourselves in a fish barrel just waiting to be killed. Or, bomb threat, we march students out onto the football field.......wide open to be mowed down. There are so many ways a sick and demented person can just make a mess of things I have to agree with DB.......somebody will find some way to prove their point, make a name for themselves.........what ever the reason. Prayers for those families who have been hurt by this senseless act. Scriptures say "If ye do this to the least of one of these little children, you would rather a milstone be hung around your neck and plunged to the depths of the seas."............
  21. May the pot smokers and college bound illegals go ahead and migrate to the sanctuaries provided....................I am completely dumb founded over the whole evening of events......................
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Replacement for nativity scenes

    I noticed for the first time at the Maverik store yesterday......card swipe for debit/credit and card swipe for......food stamps...........ugh...........makes me wonder why I work................
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hunt Act... This is important

    Good info Jamaro......thanks for sharing that....
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Took out my 10 year old sister Thanksgiving morning and...

    That is just awesome.......nice job you guys
  25. Non-Typical Solutions


    That loss we will all be paying for and hurting from for a long time.......................