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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Wow 2013

    Chirp chirp..............
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Locked Up Bucks........ pictures added

    That just makes me wanna puke.......great find.....more pics........
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hunter and the Hunted

    Some of you may have seen this before but it is pretty awesome footage. http://www.youtube.com/embed/nA3LtXnNIto?feature=player_embedded
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Obama needs to watch this!

    Great video and story and there are many in our political realm that could take a step back and remember what this country is really about......
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    The "Shed Buck", more pics and finally the story!

    So it really can happen......sheds in hand and then actually take the buck......that is encouraging. Awesome buck there too........congrats
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nerf Gun Suspension

    The statement of the little girl - ""health and safety were threatened." sound as if it were a coached statement!! Almost the exact same statement was used against me three years ago when I called the MCS to report an attemeted theft of my dog.... The lesbian that tried to steal my dog out of my jeep used it "health and safety were threatened." and claimed I had brandished a silver snubnose revolver .... The only gun I owned/carried was a blued 1911 longslide as I had traded the snubnose a month before the incedent! We had mutual aquaintence's at the scene and they must have told her of the revolver I previously owned!! LEO's use this term "health and safety were threatened." when questioning potential victims! A blantant words in the mouth coaching technique!!! There are plenty pf liberalA$$ LEO's and other government officials out there that do not support the second amendment and are looking to get law abiding folks into trouble! I was wondering the same thing. How does a 6 year old get it out that their "health and safety were threatened".....unless they just live life in fear of every thing out there that moves...................I have also experienced the same sort of accusation in my family where accusations were made of "brandishing" a pistol. And DB is right on, it is a fear indoctornation aimed at one thing...... I know what you mean when people falsely accuse us of brandishing a firearm. I got in a traffic altercation some years back. I merged into a lane and had the right of way and some guy took offense that I got there first. He started blowing his horn, flipping me off, and yelling at me. Being the hothead that I am, I jumped out of my truck at the stoplight and was ready to rumble, but he wouldn't get out of his car. The guy wrote down my license plate and called the cops and said I stuck a gun in his face. Next day I get a call from a detective at my place of business??, and said a complaint was filed against me, and he asked my side of the story. Told him I do carry a gun in my truck, but would never draw down in that kind of situation. I politely told the officer the whole story, and also told him if the guy would have got out of his car, I would have kicked his sorry butt into the middle of next week. The detective laughed about it, and told me to be careful, and to have a nice day. The guy in the other car was a classic example of the lying POS's in this country. We weren't so lucky.....the officer took the lady's complaint over our word.........long story and we drew the short stick...
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nerf Gun Suspension

    The statement of the little girl - ""health and safety were threatened." sound as if it were a coached statement!! Almost the exact same statement was used against me three years ago when I called the MCS to report an attemeted theft of my dog.... The lesbian that tried to steal my dog out of my jeep used it "health and safety were threatened." and claimed I had brandished a silver snubnose revolver .... The only gun I owned/carried was a blued 1911 longslide as I had traded the snubnose a month before the incedent! We had mutual aquaintence's at the scene and they must have told her of the revolver I previously owned!! LEO's use this term "health and safety were threatened." when questioning potential victims! A blantant words in the mouth coaching technique!!! There are plenty pf liberalA$$ LEO's and other government officials out there that do not support the second amendment and are looking to get law abiding folks into trouble! I was wondering the same thing. How does a 6 year old get it out that their "health and safety were threatened".....unless they just live life in fear of every thing out there that moves...................I have also experienced the same sort of accusation in my family where accusations were made of "brandishing" a pistol. And DB is right on, it is a fear indoctornation aimed at one thing......
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nerf Gun Suspension

    It is amazing the things that want us to talk about and the things they don't want us to talk about......
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nerf Gun Suspension

    and now you have a drone circling your school. I was worried about that ...................
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Moultrie 45 or 65

    Anybody used these and can give me any glaring differences in preference or better quality??? thanks........
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Nerf Gun Suspension

    In my classroom shop I have on display two gun stocks that my son made while attending gunsmithing school, a sketch of the gun he made for me, elk antlers and deer antlers hanging on the walls, a dead cow skull, a fishing pole, and we say the pledge and our wrestling team has a word of prayer before competition...........and I have some of the best kids in the world come and go through my classroom every year and they do just fine.......
  12. Non-Typical Solutions


    Next thing you know they will only allow milk in the pint jug.....cause the milk and cookies I eat are causing me to be overweight. Not real happy with this control issue......
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Over Scoring

    I can't even imagine stopping to think about score..........pick up my jaw and squeeze the trigger....
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bar stool economics

    Seems pretty simple don't it.......and they make it so complicated........
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Feeding the Frenzy - Story update

    It has been years since I pulled a string on a bow so do not have the confidence in an early archery hunt, but we have been getting my son cole lined up with a good bow and he has gottenn pretty dang good with it....well at least shooting at a target. He is going to hunt turkey this spring with his bow and maybe we can get in on this buck early hunt in august. The hunts we have been in there it was the October hunt. Rain, snow and lack of toughness have caused me to have really bad luck trying to find this guy, hopefully we can at least see him before he meets up with bad health. We have many pictures of this buck at night time as well in two different locations that are in the same general area. Going in to check trail cams here in a couple of weeks, maybe we have more pictures of him......can't wait.
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Giving a Coyote a Haircut

    Cool video....thanks for sharin it with us.....
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cupcakes n Soldiers

    http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/school-confiscates-cupcakes-decorated-with-toy-soldiers.html I work for a school district and this kind of stuff always makes me shake my head. We make some bone headed decisions sometimes and it makes the educational system look just.............dumb. One of the reasons we as a nation have become weak is because we get offended by everything and we don't toughen up and take things for what they were intended. Too much boo hoo politically correct bull hockey..........
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Feeding the Frenzy - Story update

    There was about a half mile triangle as the crow flies, both anters being slightly higher in elevation than my trail cam. The green plot on the trail cam pictures is a small seep in an area that is normally very dry but that seep seems to be consistently there. It was funny the day my buddy walked through the door with those antlers. He knew we had that deer on trail cam and he was excited to show them to me, but I would never ask him to give them up. Antlers like those don't just grow on trees and are trophies in their own right.
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Feeding the Frenzy - Story update

    Boy ain't that the truth......not sure I can stay his buddy with him pulling those off the mountain on me like that.....property infringement or something like that?? I actually was pretty excited to see them even though they are not my finds
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Introducing the newest cwt member

    That is an amazing thing, hold on tight for as long as you can cause they grow up fast. What a blessed kid to be born into loving family. Congrats to you for the addition to your family.........be sure and tell him the story about the blown antler off your deer so he doesn't hear it from a stranger.........
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cupcakes n Soldiers

    I did see that on fox news......it was funny to hear the kid explain how he was eating the poptart to look like a mountain or something......so we just crushed his imagination right???? Crazy stuff........... Plus the story of the kid who took down another student who pulled out a gun........he got suspended for participating in a life threatning situation.......dumb dumb.......
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Eric Holder Response

    This was the letter sent to Rand Paul over the question of drones being used on US soil. Really??????????????
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    tunacan is GTG!

    Same here...........
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Did I ever tell you how much I hate....

    Kicking and screaming right along beside you on this one......his last response to calling his heckler in AZ a jerk, "it's all fun and games"....... Fun and games for you Mr. McCain, but not for those of us out in the trenches........you need to retire.....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions


    Makes you wonder how a set that big got passed up...........that is what makes antler huntin so dang much fun......