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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    way to go big papi

    I remember my first grader sitting around the dinner table one evening after school. Getting a report from all the boys on their school day. My first grader when asked how his day at school went he said: I learned the F word today. My wife and I look at each other a little bit worried about the topic of discussion that was about to hit the dinner table. I said, Oh really, can you spell it for us?? F...........U.......... I glance again at my wife.....really worried now....... ......................N....... FUN..... Whew.......... I appreciate the kid friendly site ...
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Mossberg 500 20 Gauge

    No background check??? Just kidding....bad joke.....
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    You can run but you can't hide!!!

    And like DB said, we can't scream contitutional rights on behalf of guns on one hand and not in the right to a fair trial. Nobody wants to see it get swept under the carpet like the Bengazi incident has to this point and I feel like that has become the norm when this kind of stuff happens....... After a fair trial....then the rope.....
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Question of the Day

    I am still just amazed that with all those people there was enough video footage to come up with those two.......makes me wonder who is watching, cameras everywhere...................
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Next Obsession

    Yep, I want to see this guy too, hard horn......
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    modified background check

    Flake said it was going to far to require a background check on grandpa giving a gun to his grandson or the exchange of a gun from one friend to another......to much of an invasion of privacy.....
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Letter to US Senator positive deadly poison

    Who else would do something like that....everybody else loves the guys.....over seas and in this US of A.... Hillary? Ha! Now that is funny..........
  8. Non-Typical Solutions


    I have a pressure cooker that is not registered.......
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Letter to US Senator positive deadly poison

    Who else would do something like that....everybody else loves the guys.....over seas and in this US of A....
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    sheds so far more pics added

    The pictures with the kids are the ones that are fun......puts a time frame on the hunt and shows off a great antler and some good looking kids.....nice........
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    I am offended yes.......somebody out there bow hunting while I am here at work....you dang right I am ofended......give me 3 more years working for the man and I might be able to put one of those stickers on my rig......
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Old buck dropped already?

    http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/39697-fresh-picsnice-buck/ Check out ready2hunt's cam pics......and the date there......I think that buck already dropped one side....maybe when you are old and poor you start dropping early huh???
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    I would be PO'd as well.......hang in there and don't get yourself in a jam over it.....
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Remington, Government Subsidized

    You did a better job of sayin what I was trying to say.....
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Remington, Government Subsidized

    I bet there are very few out there that don't benefit from some sort of subsidize in one form or another. You do this and the govt. will pay you this much.......it is what causes alot of the increases in taxes etc, to cover such govt. activity. I was told that the NRA was the happiest they have been in years with Obama in power NRA membership has spiked like no other time in history, gun sales and ammo sales the same......so then you have to wonder.......................
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    27 sheds for the day!

    Lots of work there, but beats any day of work......nice haul...
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    sheds so far more pics added

    My thought exaclty.....nice finds and cool pics
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    2nd time around

    Not to shabby for 2nd round I would say.....nice job. Boy those bulls sure do put it back on fast don't they.....
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    I know what migra is. Just didn't know what megre was.... : ) Now you are making fun of my bad spanish.......
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    I remember hoeing weeds in the cotton field as a kid and hearing the guys working next to me holler.....megre.......and then the disappearing act as they headed for the mesquites. Things were alot different then, those guys would come and work for 3 months, be gone for a month, come back for 3 months. Dad paid dentist, doctor and housing for them plus the wages they earned and took back home with them. Good hard workers...honest...........
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Bombing at Boston Marathon

    Daily changing our America as we knew it......hope they catch the sorry scumbags whoever they might be and prayers out for those suffering.......
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    Archery Coues Video

    NIce video.....great looking buck....don't think those gals were ready huh???
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Lion and Baby

    Another cool video that Raghorn shared with us yesterday......
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fresh Pics...Nice buck

    I think he dropped the right side and that left side should be somewhere close.....go find those antlers.....nice buck
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    Interesting topic, I am not a big fan of alot of the slogans etc that now appear on tee shirts at JC Penney, stickers on trucks, Viagra commercials on TV or the radio now days .....things that degenerate society and the things my kids are exposed to. We had a truck in town a while back that followed the piss on ford or whatever.....instead it said piss on megre. I was very offended by the sticker, felt like if they hated the megre so bad they should go somewhere else. I told my wife I was gonna go bash the window in and leave them a note telling them to leave if they didn't like it here. She brought me back to reality like she always does and I didn't do anything........ If I go confront the driver it probably turns into a domestic dispute that gets ugly........ If I see it driving down the road it puts me in a fit of rage............. And then I just try to tolerate it.........