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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cast and blast...err, fling!

    Wouldn't be my first time. I used to do casts & blasts all the time when I lived in CO. Never caught a lot, hardly ever shot anything, but was always a good time. Even managed to mix in some predator hunting a few times, and that was quite fun. My thoughts for this are more along the line of hunting till I get a bird, and then fish whatever days are left. Of course, if I don't have a turkey by the end of the season, I could always extend my vacation to make sure I get in some quality fishing time-you know, to keep my sanity in good health and all..... What's the snow like in 1/27 right now? We hit a small patch of snow deep up in a draw on the north side of south mountain there at Alpine two weeks ago, very little out there but we were mostly in 27....
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Richards Sporting Goods

    Exactly my point again....I am thin skinned but for someone to present identification for a voting booth or because they got pulled over for speeding, now that is just not American, that is profiling and all other sorts of politically incorrect behavior.
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Richards Sporting Goods

    Exactly my point.....I get asked all the time to show verification that I am a citizen so why is it such a big deal for voter ID.......what is good for one should be good for the other................ Really it just caught me off guard......it also shows that gun registration will not stop crazies from getting guns....my wife has bought all my guns and I am the one who shoots them, uses them etc...........well I guess they really aren't my guns, they are hers........legally.....
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Beef with the Border Patrol

    You can go 80 miles an hour on I-10, then turn off at Road Forks, NM and head south on 80......go 56 mph and you will get pulled over. There is a pullout about 3 miles south, always BP and DPS or Sheriff there visiting side by side. Couple weeks ago I was letting my 15 year old permit holder drive and they had decided to throw up a "registration and license" check. Made Cole sweat....nothing to sweat about but it was funny to watch him squirm in the seat. No dogs, but they had a semi pulled over and some guy was opening up his tool box in the back of his truck SONORA plates. It is just a "show" of enforcement, no real intention of slowing things down......I don't blame the men and women on the ground pounding the dirt.....just the pencil pushers that have never really visited the area......
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Broken elk antler

    Headache for sure....
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    tagged out

    Awesome pics......great looking kids....
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Any turkey success on 2nd hunt???

    Nice pics......tough hunt.......
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Cast and blast...err, fling!

    Easy hop between 1 and 27.........either one you can find fishing or turkey.....problem is......soon as you put the pole in your hand that Tom will step out and you will be scrambling for the bow.......sounds like a fun time good luck....
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Poor Mans Display

    This is Coles turkey from two years ago, just barely getting around to putting these together. Course he gets to add another beard after we get it cured.....
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Arizona school in the hot seat

    Jeff Foxworthy kinda put Redneck on the map as far as most of us really laughing about the redneck things we do.........it is funny how tolerance is........
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Arizona school in the hot seat

    That is kinda funny.....people need to relax a little......
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    George Jones

    Sorry guys had to post it......no matter what you say about this guy...this song is a great one.....
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Snake Huntin

    Found this picture the other day, brought back many memories of my younger years. My dad was working the Fielder Hill ranch in southern New Mexico. Had some cattle, raised some milo maize and killed rattlesnakes. Caliche clay God forbidden, malapai rock, rattlesnake infested land. He was insistant on keeping his ditches weed free to try and make it less attractive to rattlers. This particular snake was my Dad's all time prize snake, to put it in Dad's words, "The biggest rattlesnake I ever want to see." I am 4 years old in the picture. The truck in the back was the first truck I ever got to drive, stick shift. I was 8 years old, my Dad put the truck in 1st gear and told me to drive to the end of the pasture, turn the key off, and get out and open up the gate for the cows we were moving. Ah, the good ol days I wish I coulda raised my kids on the Fielder Hill ranch..........
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    You might be a Redneck......if

    That ain't redneck that is IDIOT.....
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    George Jones

    Off topic but not really.....just got done reading a write up on Willie Nelson... Willie came home late one night drunk and passed out on the bed. His wife sewed him up in the top sheet, beat him with a broom and drove off with the kids.......... There is definitely alot of trouble for those who spend time in the limelight..................Willie turned 80 on the 30th of April......old fart....
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Son's 2013 turkey

    Dang..big spurs...nice job........congratulations....
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Stolen rifle!

  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Open Weekend Luck

    Cole and I drew general hunt 27 turkey and had a chance to get out opening weekend. Cole killed a tom two years ago with a shotgun and had comitted to taking one with his bow this year. I had my doubts as I am not that great at calling those buggers in. We missed opening morning but got out first day evening. We thought we had put a tom to bed Friday evening up on top of a ridge close to a water tank. We thought we had it all planned out for the next morning. Got in there early next morning set up a couple of homemade decoys, did an occasional cluck.......nothing. Nothing all morning long. Decided to go check an area where we have seen mid day turkeys in the past.........nothing..... Cole asks me......so what do you do when they won't come in to the call??? He got spoiled two years ago on the early youth hunt where we had toms going crazy and he killed. Not really knowing how to answer that question I told Cole, you get out there and just start slow walking, really slow. Cluck every once in a while to see if something will answer. We had lots of sign, good water and good feed. I knew there were turkey in there, they just were not talking. We dropped Cole off, arranged a meeting spot to meet up about a mile away, my wife and I were going to do the same thing from a different direction. I was not in any hurry, we got Daisy roped off between two trees, food and water, she hates being left behind. We start up the ridge when all the sudden I see movement up ahead, I get my wife to crouch down with me. I glass ahead, dang, two coyotes headed our way through the thick trees. I dig out a coyote call and start squawking.......I am not going to pass up the opportunity to call one in especially with Daisy tied up behind me. Sat about 10 minutes....no coyote but all sudden I hear a loud yelp to the south of us......what the heck was that??? Wait a little longer..............DAD..........What??? DAD, is there a lost kid out there??? We stand up and I start glassing below.........DAD again........Dang there is a lost kid down there.....wait......I think it is Cole..............Yep it is Cole........and that dang kid has a bird hanging over his back...........WHAT THE HECK.....are you kidding me???? Impossible.......... This dang kid caught this tom sleeping I swear, shot him at 20 yards bird down. Every time I leave him alone he comes up big. I asked Cole how it happened......I was just walking along real slow....clucking like you said, came around a bush and there he was.......put the range finder on him and took the shot.
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Question of the Day

    If you are sitting in lock down mode during this manhunt.......do you now wish you had a gun of some sort for personal protection????
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Open Weekend Luck

    We didn't quite make it that far, ended up a little north of where you said, thanks for all the help though....
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Tip of the day

    Definitely gives you something to ponder about.......as long as stuff ain't coming back up.......all is good........
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    The Horseshoe Turkey

    You might have something there......I would like to touch that little shoe as well...........
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Can someone explain this?

    Post says northern AZ bonus??? Don't know about that hunt???
  24. Non-Typical Solutions


    Great clip.......
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    George Jones

    Had never seen that one......cool twist on lyrics.....