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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Conditions for employment at the DOJ

    What is probably even more productive is what I see happening on TV and in magazines. Many stories have started showing up about things like a married couple that after 25 years decided that the wife wanted to be lesbian and the husband decided he was really born a girl and now the two live together. Honestly, I don't have a problem, it is their life, but it is getting pushed into our faces and our kids faces and that will cook the frog in the pot.........
  2. Non-Typical Solutions


    Now that is funny.....go to the corner Snap for your timeout........
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Scary Combination

    I never had Mrs. Dunagan as a teacher, my brothers did, they would probably attest to her memory no knock on her, she was a great lady. I left that area in 81, my dad wouldn't let me work at the pig farm. How about that tree farmer that has moved in down there??? They really have cleaned that place up where my dad's pig farm was, it looks really good. I hope they can make a good go of it there. Man, I really hijacked this thread, sorry. I always enjoy the visit with you Ben. Hope you found that new grandson doing well and congrats
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Great horned Owl with a problem

    Beautiful backdrop on that last pic.......cool looking little ones..
  5. Non-Typical Solutions


    Thanks for coming by Stray Horse and getting that blanket, donation of $10.00 to Coles wrestling camp much appreciated. Somebody make an offer on the saddle and bridle, the blanket is gone.
  6. Non-Typical Solutions


    Small youth type saddle, used but in good condition, located in snowflake, asking $150.00 for all of it. Trying to fund a wrestling camp again this summer. Also listed on craigslist.
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    The defination of a "Premium Hunt"

    Now, the next question is : How do you define a "serious hunter?" By age, money, bonus points, or whatever?
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    Backyard Water

    I tell ya, we just don't give critters enough credit for their ability to adapt and survive....cool pics
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Scary Combination

    The Gray Ranch, now one of several contiguous properties collectively called the Diamond A Ranches, was sold to the Animas Foundation, a private operating foundation that was created to acquire the Gray from TNC and manage it as a working ranch while protecting all of its unique ecological features. TNC retains a conservation easement on the property and the ranch is monitored at regular intervals to demonstrate that the foundation's management is adhering to the terms of the easement. The Gray consisted of about 322,000 acres, approximately 260,000 of which are private land. Most of the state trust and BLM lands are landlocked by private lands and the ranch is not open to the public. The Animas Foundation is a creation of the Hadley family. Ted Turner is not involved, although he did look hard at buying the Gray before the Hadleys became involved. We used to hunt what used to be the Slover ranch and I was just a kid but I don't remember having to access that through the Gray ranch. The Slovers would let us sleep there at their ranch as long as we didn't shoot any of the wifes pet deer that hung out close by which we respected of course. A bunch of the kids I grew up with came from homes down in that area, I wish I would have paid more attention to exactly what that area consisted of at that time as far as private property. Is Hatchet mountain accessible these days or is it locked off? There is an interesting book written by one of the old school teachers there Dunagan maybe??? I can't remember, it talks about how people were given the opportunity to squat that land for ownership but it was such a tough area, most of them living in tents to stick it out. I am not familiar with the Hadley family. Isn't that one of the areas that they re-introduces one of the prarie dog species??? Black tail or something like that??
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Scary Combination

    Ben, What was the group that took over the Grey ranch down there where you are at???? Am I mixing up conservancy programs.....Ted Turner....???
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    Teenager Health Insurance

    I am wondering if anybody has any great ideas for kid insurance. The policy we have for our kid just jumped 20 bucks a month, maybe it is a good deal, I don't know, I get frustrated with insurance. $5000.00 deductible, went from $54 a month to $74 a month. Major medical is all it is. BlueCross/ BlueShield Any insurance gurus out there????
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    Father/Son Outings

    Nothing wrong with a little caffeine.................
  13. Non-Typical Solutions


    Honestly I'll give you the blanket, just don't have room to store it any more and Grandpa sold all his horses......you come and get it.....
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Father/Son Outings

    Thank you TJ I appreciate the professional manner you handled the matter. Flying off the handle is the easy way and you taught a group of people that part of the stewardship of being blessed with the beautiful outdoors we have is taking care of it. I appreciate your time and next time, get in touch with me and don't sit on it for two weeks.........great job on your part.
  15. Non-Typical Solutions


    We want pics, we want pics...............congratulations and good luck getting that family started, it can be a pretty awesome thing.....
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    Father/Son Outings

    TJ, No need to sit on something like this, the people responsible need to be contacted and educated. I have been on many fathers and sons outings and indeed it is intended to be a time for both bonding and reflection upon the early years of the church. I have never been around one of these where guns were used or even talked about being used as that really has nothing to do with the intent of the weekend. Having said that each ward has the liberty to choose how that is organized. Most of the time it is a great meal on Friday evening with stories around a big fire, with a full out breakfast in the morning. Upon occasion I have taken my boys fishing as I am really not a huge fan of mass camping, mainly because I get out in the woods to get away from the masses. You will rarely get anybody to answer the phone at the church during meeting time. I will try and track down a number and give this bunch a call. Not a very good example at all of what we stand for or teach. Thanks for caring about our forest.
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    AZGFD Public Meeting On License/Tag Fees

    Thanks for the report.....
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    New Tax Loophole

    Use this next time you have issues with the IRS.... http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-top-irs-official-pleads-5th-amendment-20130522,0,5853268.story
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    New Tax Loophole

    I really don't care whose watch it was on, it is criminal and responsible parties need to be dealt with.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Why No Enforcement???

    If they stopped them then they would have to ask questions....and we know where that would lead us!!!
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    Why No Enforcement???

    That is a wreck waitin to happen......stay clear..........
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    My 2012 Mulie

    Heck of a story, one for the photo album record books and pretty dang nice buck to boot. You will love those photos and memories forever. Welcome to the best hunting site around.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Is it too Late

    This happened to me in Unit 10 many years ago, I finally hung them in a tree with plans to go back and get them and then never did......I am sure somebody since then was the lucky finder......that is cool.
  24. Non-Typical Solutions


    I have watched enough and I know it is on our minds but God bless those folks in the path of that deadly tornado......and the loss of little ones you have suffered.....I can't even imagine.......
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Fracking Pros and Cons

    I have tried to read up on this fracking business but it seems that everything is completely one side or the other. Anybody out there have any really good reading on this? Does it really do the damage the anti-fracking people claim?