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Non-Typical Solutions

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Everything posted by Non-Typical Solutions

  1. Non-Typical Solutions

    Rancher Showdown

    No wonder on CNN.....that is an easy one. Ringer, did you check out the story I posted on the New Mexico ranch???? Katy bar the door cause here they come.......
  2. Non-Typical Solutions

    Rancher Showdown

    I agree ringer which is why the Bundy militia should make sure they are organized enough to make sure kids and women aren't out there in the line of fire. If the BLM raids their homes and kids and women get killed then that is on the BLM.....if we march them out to the front line with us then it is on us. Don't get me wrong.....my wife wouldn't stay behind......... This whole thing has made me want to read up on that Waco deal again.....I didn't pay much attention to that when it happened but now I am wondering.........
  3. Non-Typical Solutions

    Rancher Showdown

    Facts would be nice.....at this point after reading and listening who really knows what the truth is about it all. It is easy to jump on the Bundy train because most of us are fed up with big government......but there are a lot of great peopleout there that serve us every day by strapping on a bullet vest. We need great people in those agencies to help make decisions so we don't end up in the mess we are in. I would prefer that if we are going to arm ourselves in protest we would leave the little kids behind.......that is scary stuff
  4. Non-Typical Solutions

    Antler Hunters Targeted

    On the radio today Extreme fire danger warning. High winds dry conditions. Then, Antler Hunters remember fires only in designated areas!!! I guess it just kinda struck me wrong, I hunt, fish, camp and occasionally go look for a shed. No matter what I am out there doing camping in designated areas and taking care of my fire is top of the list.
  5. Non-Typical Solutions

    Who needs an elk tag when you've got this?

    Congrats Shane......looks like a successful season.......
  6. Non-Typical Solutions

    CWD and Deer Farms

    I buy a few elk antlers here and there, build a few things with them........nothing really serious. My neighbor who knows I go look for antlers now and then brought me this article that was published in USA Today. There is a lot of information, I couldn't get all of the videos to play. Obviously written kind of one sided but WOW, I had no clue this was such a money game.....well at least according to the article. The initial article is what was published in USA Today, at the bottom of the link are 4 more chapters to the "study". I thought it was particularly interesting considering the recent bans on baiting and the supposed concern for CWD. Also interesting that both sides have their claims as to how CWD is transmitted or if it really even exists. Again, long read...... http://www.indystar.com/longform/news/investigations/2014/03/27/buck-fever-intro/6865031/
  7. Non-Typical Solutions

    Who knows where I am?

    Funny story, my father in law who was at one time an avid wood cutter for family and friends.....pulls me aside just this last Sunday and shows me this HUGE TREE with one of his boys on a horse next to it. So when I see this picture it is like......dang I have seen that tree somewhere.....cool pic
  8. Non-Typical Solutions

    I cheated, ha ha

    That is awesome use of resources .........great job......so which paddle is the best for ping pong anyway.......flat smooth rubber, dimpled rubber....sandpaper??? As per physics.......
  9. Non-Typical Solutions

    Poaching a lion - updated with pics

    Cool discussion....I learned a lot about cats and hunters......kinda scary to know that if it is written as law there are those who willingly would disregard the law. We might not agree with the laws but that is a battle we take up with those in position that can change the laws.
  10. Non-Typical Solutions

    Anyone remember this?

    Yellow Front....I bought my prom suit at yellow front......and I got paid for babysitting with .22 shells.....great gig.....
  11. Non-Typical Solutions

    This is Bull!

    Worked for me but I am hoping for a recount.......they need to shut it down and draw again.......no tags for this house........now I am mad that they posted results cause the hope is gone........good luck to those of you that got a tag whether you found out early or late........
  12. Non-Typical Solutions

    First BIG antler

    So I had to make a mad dash up to Salt Lake last weekend. As we are driving along I jokingly told my wife to keep her eyes peeled for any one antlered elk. I assured her I would stop and go find the dropped side if we were so lucky. Didn't really see any game on the way up, but then on the way home we are flying along and my wife says, "You better turn around, I think I saw something." So I get turned around and pull over where she said to stop and sure enough, several bulls......inside a high fence.....with bales of hay inside the fence...... Gate was posted no trespassing but I had to take a picture just for fun......great job of spotting by my wife and all it did was make me want to get out and pound the hills....... So, it is our first BIG antler of the year but we left it where it was
  13. Non-Typical Solutions

    Startin hit list for August already!

    Bucks did a good job posing for pictures....nice pics for sure.
  14. Non-Typical Solutions

    Grand Canyon Mulie

    When my wife and I taught in Ash Fork we took the youth soccer teams up to the Grand Canyon village to play. We always had to clear the field of deer and elk. After playing, we would go take the kids to see the little ditch to the north. Cool picture for sure and that car does add some nostalgia....even though it was way before my time.
  15. Non-Typical Solutions

    Anyone know these 3 hunters

    Lots of info always gleaned from those two(Bill and Tony)......great info on the quail and good luck finding the hunters
  16. Non-Typical Solutions

    first big brown sheds of the year

    GPS coordinates nice looking pair you got there......
  17. Non-Typical Solutions

    Retirement gift ideas

    Time with you and his family.........that is what he wants.......
  18. Non-Typical Solutions

    Hunting Buddy Heater

    +10 on this heater.....I bought several others before getting this one for Christmas......great heater. I have that other heater too that shooter is talking about, take her on all my camping trips, way better than the hunting buddy heater......
  19. Non-Typical Solutions

    Curtis Cauthen Memorial Shoot

    Tommy Cauthen 928-607-0188 he lives there just north of Ash Fork.
  20. Non-Typical Solutions

    Redneck Road Rage

    Is there no concern that the lady driving is the same person trying to film this guy???? Or am I wrong about the camera man on this one......
  21. Non-Typical Solutions

    I'm looking for a new career if you know anyone hiring.

    Best of luck on your job search......2 years notice put in this past week for me.....so there will be a wood shop teacher opening here in Snowflake...I am getting out of education professionally, I will retire and go work somewhere else til I can't work anymore........
  22. Non-Typical Solutions

    A LITTLE good news "UPDATE"

    This picture just blows my mind, a whopping 3.6 pounds was scheduled to go home Fri. 21st but is headed home today. Looks to me like some adjustments still need to be made to that car seat:) :) Happy days for Maren and family.
  23. Non-Typical Solutions

    Swiss Family Robinson

    I didn't want to hijack Pine Donkey's thread on what is wrong with America....so I started another thread that is kinda the same but different. I was watching the old Swiss Family Robinson movie, which was released in 1960, same year I was born. The family reaches land without any provisions, because their provisions are still on the wrecked ship. The husband, all excited to go get provisions immediately wants to go back and get provisions. The wife, she stops him and says , "NO", we must give thanks for our lives first...not a direct quote......and then they all drop to their knees and give thanks. The way we have treated our Maker and the laws he has given us.......we will reap what we have sown. What we have today has very little resemblance to the God fearing beliefs that founded this country.
  24. Non-Typical Solutions

    I'm gonna be a daddy

    Hang on to that little one....they grow fast.....
  25. Non-Typical Solutions

    Photo Radar

    And people wonder why going to the valley scares the heal out of me